Council Minutes 11/08/1965 1, ') fJ'v zhI . Regular City Council meeting held November 8, 1965 Heeting called to order by Mayor Reed Moldn at 8:00 p.m. Those present were: 11ayor Reed Molen; Councilmen--Harold Loveland; Keith Brown; George 1rfehmatID; and Don Hiller. Also the ne"l elected officers were present: Mayor-elect Melvin Richardson; Councilmen-'elect--Roy Southwick and Leo Heel'. Items of business discussed. Councilman George Hehmann made a motion that the City pay 50%, of the wholesale purchase price of new tires for Officers Agel' and Ellingfords Cars, which would amoultt"~. to ~~85.00 for Officer Agel' and $90.00 for Officer Ellingford. 1-10tion seconded by I Councilman Don Miller-motion carried. ' Mayor Reed Molen advised the Council that the Idaho Municipal League is sponsoring a new liability insurance policy for Police officers at a reduced premi1J1l1 rate of ~n3. 50--suggested we notify the League we are interested. Councilman George Wehmann made a motion that the city clerk notify the Idaho Municipal League that we are interested in the new insurance plan and would appreciate more information when it is available. Seconded by Councilman Keith Brown-motion carrie Hayor 1-101en requested the City budget for the year 1965 be completed for the eleven months and made available for a December 6, 1965 meeting "men the 1966 budget will be discussed. ~tr. A. W. Brunt and his problffins were discussed. City Clerk was to inform him by letter that the banks on Sand Creek were built for flood protection and not to be molested. Councilman George Wehmann asked LaVern 'Williams to check on a house being built by Mr. Brunt in the Hilldale addition--as to location on the lot. Discussed road and parking improvements in the Hillview Elementary School Area. Councilman Harold Loveland made a motion that the City follow through Idth the original agreement with the school and also pay their share of the extra expense involved. Dermont E. Ricks, City Clerk, was asked to make a brief explanation of the ne", Worknlans l1etirement System which he did. Council man Harold Loveland made a mClltion that the city adopt the New Horlanans l1etirement System. Seconded by Councilman Don 1-uller--motion carried. Employees are to notify the City Councilor Clerk if they approve. Dermont E. Ricks was ask to cumtact Mr. Jcrlmson of the Utah Power and Light Co. about street light service and moving some light poles in the cit;'tT limits. Oouncilman George \lfehmann ask that street signs be checked and installed. IVfayor Reed Molen said Don Hoopes wants the City to accept street improvement for Georgia Lane in PoneljAcres. This was rejected by the City Council until such time that he completes the gravel road running south from the east end of Georgia Lane to Geneva Dr. as pre argreement. The City Clerk is to notify Mr. Hoopes by letter. Mr. Hoopes is to be notified also that all water valves are to be placed in side walk right away-if no side v,alk they are to be installed in a 2 feet square slab of cemffint with a screw on cap for protection. Councilman Keith Brown made a motion that the city support a ball program for younger boys and approve of $200.00 to help support the program. Seconded by Council- man George Wel~ann-motion carried. C01.fficilman Keith Brown made a motion that the one way street running north from II teton on the ""Test side of McColr/in Park be named 1.101en Dr. in honor of I-layor Reed , Holen.' Seconded by Councilman George lrfehrnann-motion carried. \ Councilman Don Miller made a motion that the city furnish city ,-later ,dthout charge for the skating rinks during the vanter of 1965-1966. Seconded by Councilman Keith Brown-motion carried. Councilman George Wehma,nn discussed. the petition being circulated requesting the city make a study of a sewer system l' or the City of Annnon. Attorney Joe Anderson stated it cost the City of Sheilily approx. 4~11,000.00 for a sewer system study. Attorney Joe Anderson also reported the Roland T. ~omrell account is settled and brought up to date.