Council Minutes 08/23/1965 I t~ c.t; ':v: ~ - ;:Q c:o I I 1 1 ,"'T Special City Council Meeting held AU~lst 23, 1965. Meetinp; cr'lled to order at 8:25 p.m. by Meyor Molen. Those present were; Prayor Reed Molen; Councilmen--HF'rold Loveland; Keith Brown; Georr;c Hehmann; Don I{iller; and Attorney Joe jenderson. Prayer ~jY COlillcilmF:n H2rold Lovelcmd. Roland T. Hamrell met with City Council to discuss several items of business. 1. To try to come to an 3,,:reement on int erest, insurance, and taxes charged to the City of Ammon for the year 1965. Also to make a settlement on t he leasing of the building to Romre11 during the year 1964-1965. It was 2greed by the City Council e.nd'.:.Roland T. Romrell that City Attorney Joe Anderson and Romrell's attorney get together to solve the problems and bring th" account ue to d8te. 2. Dog pound. Romrell ask that the dog IJOund be moved. 3. Roland T. Romrell conscented to continue on 3S chairmDn of the Dlanning board. 4. Homrell Lane--The fences c::re to be re-o:oved, the road graded UD, ,.lDd the . II ditch placed on the east side in the rlo;ht avmy. Hr. Romrell 1:rill heve the final orrcmr::cnents c's to the locF'tion of the rOE"::1 by September 13, 1965, the next City Council Neeting. Assessed valuation and rnil1 levy ~.ras the subject of a lengthy discussion and the finell decision 1':i'S the r,Iill levy would remain the sr'-c.e c:S 1965 1:Ihic:l is 21 J!1.ills. :Jer::;ont E~ i1ic;-cs 1:125 8sk8d t,) i:=,sue deliouent certific2tefi topro~~ert', ovnlers in ma.p.district til ond 2-to t:lose vrho rre deliouent more them one year. i CounciL,;:n ':F rold Loveland 8:3;': if the City HClUld be ,.riUin,,: to p,'OrticiY)2te in the bleck tO~T:i,n;~ of the 2110.'/ 'ilt'-;r north of 26th Street to t~'lC ,'cll'louse 2d~ oining the church 2nd Gunninghc:m -or 0 "ert7 . The [mSHCT seemed to be nec[,tive. Tho City c:DTovcd of tJurchesin7 t~lpin=-; I:l2chine to be used in tr:::Lng vrter lines. Cleims 1.rcre B~provcd Dnd signed. \'ectinC' ci ourned ot 11:h5 p.m. dJ~~~ ~ fT''I:.:'- -r->nr ,,11' r; L",'tL A' ":tCV:';D_,_~ /3 - /9~ J ""