Council Minutes 07/12/1965
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Regular City Council Hecting held July 12, 1965
Meeting celled to order by Mayor Reed Molen at 8:15 p.m. Those present were: Mayor
Reed Molen; Councilmen-Harold Loveland; Keith Brown; Don Miller; George ~'lehmann;
also City Engineer Dona.ld Ellsworth. Minutes of meeting held June 14, 1965 Nere
read and approved.
LaVern it.Jilliams was told to move all the City tools and equipment to the New
city Bu;lding as soon as possible. Also to find someone to cut and harvest the
hay on HcCo"rin Park.
Discussed selling an on premise beer licence. Dermont E. Ricks was asked to
contact the City of Idaho Fells for price. Idaho Falls charges $100.00 per year.
Councilman Keith Brown asked that something be done about the speed and noise
of motor bikes's. Officer Jack Ellingford was asked to put the pressure and issue
citations for speeders and those distrubing the peace.
Councilman Keith Brown was asked to investigate the possibility of a City park
in the Petersen Park area and report next meeting.
Councilman Harold Loveland discussed the opening of the Romrell lane and he
suggested this be done right away. - The fences meed to be moved and an irrigation
ditch built.
Roland T. Romrell presented a modified contract on the City Building making a
change in the legal discription of the property. He a.lso asked the. City to sign an
agreement deeding to him 10 feet on the west side of Romrell land, the full length
of his property "Thich could not be done until Mr. Romrell bought 10 fcr,t of land
on the eDst side to replace it. He agreed to contact Roy Southvrick and Elzel Sommers
and close the deal as soon as possible.
LaVern Williams, maintance man, reported they have finished. laying the water
line along the north side of HcCowin Park, and will be ready to start laying a 6 inch
main on 26th Street running east and west between Hidw;:,y and Central Avenue Monday
July 19, 1965. Also 2 six inch line north from 26th Street to the Ammon Well.
Claims were approved and signed.
Meeting adjourned 2t 10:45 p.m.
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