Council Minutes 04/12/1965 111 The Counci I discussed putting a chain I ink fence along the North end of the Hill view Ba II Park. Counc i I man Ke i th Brown made a mot ion the City pay 60% of the cost of the fence, with the property owner on the other side of the bal I park to pay 40%, and instal I a good chain I ink fence. Seconded by Counci Iman Harold Loveland~ I Counci Iman Keith Brown made a motion the City buy a gun to be used to assist in catching dogs in the City of Ammon. Seconded by Councilman Harold Loveland. Meeting adjourned at 10: 15 P.M. Approved o/'-~/ /2.- /v~J ~ City Cle . an ~ Ct: ........ ....... :0 co Regular City Counci 1 Meeting held Apri I 12, 1965. / Meeting cal led to order by Mayor Reed Molen at 8:00 P.M. Prayer by Counci Iman Don Mi I ler. Minutes of meetings held February 8, and March 22, 1965 were read and ~pproved. I City Engineer Don Ellsworth made a report on street repairs. The City Counci I decided to advertise for bids for seal coati-ng, to be pub I i shed Apr i I 25 and May 2 and 9th, 1965. Mayor Reed Molen read a petition requesting the opening of the alleyway between Sunnyside Road and 26th Street, signed by six property owners. After a lengthy discussion about the road and the d itch win i ch is a prob I em, it was tab I ed unt il next meet i ng. Glen Southwick came in to complain about too many horses in Ammon. Officer Richard Ager asked the City for permission to buy two new sirens for the pol ice cars, at a cost of $167.00 per unit. Counci Iman Harold Loveland made a motion the City purchase two new sirens at a cost of $167.00 each. Seconded by Counci Iman Don Mi I ler and Motion Carried. Counci Iman Keith Brown made a motion Councilman Harold Loveland be authorized to go ahead and make arrangements with Ervin Hi I I of Tandy & Wood Company for insurance on the City Bui Iding. Seconded by Counc i Iman Doh Mi I ler and Motion carried. I Bui Iding a dog pound in the South East corner of the City Bui Iding was approved by the City Counci I. Counci Iman Harold Loveland made a motion the City proceed with finishing the room in the corner of the City Bui Iding for a dog storage room and accept Bi I I Dutson's bid of $250.00. Seconded by Councilman Keith Brown and Motion carried. A report on the budget for the first quarter of 1965 was pre-' pared by Auditor Lloyd Tatum and presented to the City Counci I. Claims were approved and signed. Meeting adjouraed at 11:00. Those present at meeting were Mayor Molen, Harold Loveland, Keith Brown and Don Mi I ler. Geo. Wehmann excused (out of town). Approved o/'r,'1 ;;26 -~ S- q~