Council Minutes 03/08/1965
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Bank Balance $17,349.41
Regular Monthly Meeting of Ammon City Counci I
March 8, 1965
Meeting cal led to order by Mayor Reed Molen at 7:50 P.M. Those
present were Mayor Molen, Counci Imen Harold Loveland, Keith Brown,
George Wehmann, and Don Mi I ler; City Engineer Don Ellsworth, Mr.
Earl C. Reynolds, Attorney Joe Anderson, Auditor Lloyd Tatum,
Maintenance Man LaVern Wi 1 I iams, City Clerk Dermont E. Ricks.
Prayer give by Counci Iman Keith Brown.
Mr. Reynolds talked on the necessity of a water system study.
David Benton and Don Ellsworth discussed easements for the
Groberg property.
. ..
Counci Iman non Mi I ler made a motion the City Counci I accept
the Grobert plat after a lot I ine be drawn 315 feet south of 17th
Street as a dividing I ine between Commercial and RI Zoning. Seconded
by Counci Iman Harold Loveland and Motion Carried.
Mr. Pete Holbrook appl ied for the job as care taker for the
parks in Hi Ilview addition, including the McCowin Park. Mayor
Molen suggested Counci Imen Keith Brown and George Wehmann work out
a deal with Mr. Holbrook and report back to the City Counci I.
Bi I I Brunt and the City Counci I had a long discussion from
9:30 to I I :30. Mr. Brunt has made some good promises which we
hope he remembers. Mayor Molen told Mr. Brunt that before starting
a project he is to bring his plans and present them to the City
Counci I for approval. From now on he is not ever to start a
project without meeting this requirement or he wi I I be in very
serious trouble as the City wi I I yo the I imit to enforce it.
Mayor Molen stated to Mr. Brunt, :Vou have got to abide by the law.
Let th is be the last time." rJul"G- /,J d 7~.:!.- rii!'?~~ "",/;k
After some discussion Counci Iman Keith Brown made a 'motion
the City Counci I approve the plat layout ofJthe Horace Smith
propert as it was approved by the Planning Board. Seconded by
Counci Iman Harold Loveland. Mayor Molen asked that flood water
rights on irrigation water be transferred or sold before the
property is divided into blocks and lots. David Benton promised
this would be taken care of on the Groberg property. Counci Iman
George Wehmann made a motion the six inch water main for the
Grobert,property be instal led along the North end of the McCowin
Park running East frmm the existing I ine to the center of Midway
Avenue. Seconded by Counci Iman Keith Brown and Motion Carried.
The City wi I I stand the cost for this with the exception of $1,000.00
which wi I I be paid by Groberg Company.
In the form of a Motion by Counci Iman George Wehmannj
of Ammon bears the blance of the cost of the 6 inch water
the Groberg property, with Mr. Groberg paying $1,080.00.
by Counc i I man Ke i th Brown and Mot i on Carr i ed.
the City
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Councilman Keith Brown made a motion the Planning Board be contacted
as to their advisement on curbs and gutters for the Groberg property.
Seconded by Councilman Harold Loveland.
The Counci I discussed the remodel ing of the City Counci I Room.
Ord i nance No. 67, Annex i ng of Poney Acres, D i vi's i o'n # I, was
passed bf the City Counci I.
Claims were approved and signed. Meeting adjourned at 2:50 A.M.
City Clerk