Council Minutes 01/11/1965
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Regular Monthly Meeting of Ammon City Counci 1
January I I, 1965
Meeting cal led to order at 7:50 P.M. by Mayor Reed Molen
Prayer by Counci Iman Keith Brown
Those Jresent were Mayor Reed Molen, Counci Imen Harold Loveland,
Keith Brown, Don Mi Iler; City Attorney Joe Anderson, City Engineer,
Donald Ellsworth, Maintenance Man, LaVern Wi I I iams, and City Clerk,
Dermont Ricks.
Don Ellsworth discussed with the City Counci I the City water
system. He recommended that 4" water mains be discontinued in the
water system because of the friction loss. The 6" mains wi I I carry
2i times the water a 4" I ine wi I I. A 4' I ine is not recognized by
the rating bureau for fire ~rotection and does not have the ca~acity
for sUJJlying fire hydrants. Mayor Molen asked Don Ellsworth to
make a study of the City water system and re':)ort .back to the City
Counc i I .
Lewis Ross, County Civi I Defense Director, met with the
City Counci I r fi I led out a claim and asked for a $250.00 annual
donation from the City to the Civi I Defense Jrogram. He also
Jresented a ty~ed Mutual Aid Agreement for the City's signiture.
Counci Iman Don Mi I ler made a motion the City acce':)t and sign the
Mutual Aid Agreement, seconded by Harold Loveland and motion
Mr. A. W. Bateman advised the City that he has sold his
house and lot on Samuel Street to Dick Weimer. He also stated
he would live u':) to his agreement to black too the south half of
Samuel Street in the s~ring of 1965 as soon as the weather wil I
Jermit. This ~ertains to the South half of-Samuel Street adjacent
to his JroJerty. He wi I I mai I a letter to the City verifying th is.
Ray Ferguson re~resented A. W. Brunt. He met with the
City Counci I to discuss the construction of the new shopping
center, which was started without the approval of the Planning
Board or the City Counci I and also without ':)urchasing a bui Iding
Jermit, which is in fiolation of the City Bui Iding Ordinance.
Mr. Ferguson was told that the City ~ tolerated this careless
ignoring of the City Ordinances long enough and if they do not
comJly in the future the can exoect to be brought into Court and
fined. In examining the bui Iding ':)Ians it was found there are
11,000 square feet of floor s~ace, figuring at a cost of $10.00
Jer square feet this would estimate the cost of construction at
$110,000.00. Mr. Brunt had re~orted a cost of $60,000 to base
the cost of the bui Iding ':)ermit and has ~aid $122.00 on a bui Iding
Jermit. He wi I I be required to oay another $100.00 before the
Jermit is issued, Jlus other requirements as fol lows: That Mr.
Brunt be required to fi Ie a olat of dedicated right-of-ways and
easements with Im':Jrovement and development drawings of streets,
sidewalks, and curbs. That the right-of-way of 17th Street
be dedicated to conform to the right-of-way as dedicated in the
Hi I Iview Addition east of Sand Creek Bridge. Mr. Brunt wi I I be
al lowed ten days to com':Jly or construction on the ':)resent bui Iding
wi I I be stoJ':)ed. These ':Jlans wi I I be subject to the aJ~roval of
the City Counci I.