Council Minutes 09/14/1964
Regular MOn'Wy aeeting of the Ammoa City Council held September 14, 1964.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Reed M::>len at 8: 00 P.M.
Prayer by Councilman Keith Brown.
Those present were Mayor Reed Molen. Councilmen Harold Loveland, Keith
Brown and Don Miller; City Clerk Dermon Ricks.
Ray Jacobs and. OWen Cleverly, representing the Ammon Stake Presidency,
met with the City Council to express their appreciation of all concerned
for the help and support given the Church by the City Police force in helping
direct the traffic at Stake Conference,' Stake Priesthood meetings. f'unerals
and other special occa81011s. They also asked what could be done to solve
the parking problems around the church houee. Councilman George Wehmann
stated. the Hi.llview Ball Park was used one time as an experiment -to give
extra parking space and seemed to be very successful. He suggested that
it continue to be used as a parking area' for special oocassioos, which
suggestion was approved by all.
Mrs. Gwenn Kerr, who lives on Falcon Drive, asked why the City planted
a No Parking sign on her lawn. She didn't approve of it and. asked that it
be removed. She was informed that the City has a five foot easement inside
her side walk and for her to leave the sign where it is.
Leo Clawson asked tor the payment on the garbage truck. He said they
had lived up to their agreement. He was informed the transmission was out
ai&1n. He left. said. he would see them again. Mr. Clawson called back
1& tar saying he had informed their mechanic to stay with the truck until it
is in A-I condition mechanically. Councilroan Harold Loveland stated he felt
the City was obligated to buy the truck.
Gene Wall wants better service for up dirt, weeds and vacant
lots in the City.
Four School District 93 busses have been assessed parking violations.
Their attorney am also Supt. Clark called stating they knew nothing about
it and. 1I'01lld like a little time to see what they could work out. Dermont
Ricks was asked to meet with Mr. Clark and. find. out why they cannot be pushed
otf the streets in Ammon.
Mr. and Mrs. Bld sterling Roberts r,ported they were having trouble
wi th their neighbors shooting arrows into their yard where the children
play. They asked what could be done about it because it is dangerous.
They were informed the City had an ordinance ready to pass which 'would control
fire arms, air guns. bows and arrows and etc. (Ord. #66) Mayor Reed Molen
read Ordinance 166 pertaining to firearms, ete. Councilman Harold 10 veland
made a motion the City accept and pass this ordinance and vai ve the last
two readings. Seconded by councilman Don Miller and motion carried.
MalOr Reed Molen proposed that the City hire Donald Ellsworth as City
Engineer, to be paid on a time basis. Councilman Don Miller made a motion
to this effect, seconded by Councilman Harold Loveland and motion carried.
Donald Ellsworth suggested the City adopt a new construction ordinance or
adopt the Idaho Falls construction ordinance as it now stands.
Roland Romre1l, Chairman of the planning board. discussed the new
Groberg development.
Marvin Anderson asked. for a change in the zoning of his property on
Central Avenue. He was referred to the planning board.
CODnCi.l.m&n Harold Loveland. made a motion the C1 ty of Ammon rent to
Roland T. Romrell the'shop am warehouse part ot the City Building at a
rate of $150.00 per, plus payment of gas service for heat, with
rent to start July 1,U64. Seconded by Councilman Don Miller, motion carried.
Councilman Keith Brown asked that~th. foot bridge on East 26th street
be pulled on the ends and some crushed gravel hauled for the approaching
side walke&.