Council Minutes 03/30/1964 80 '. .. j' SPECIAL Annn.am City: Council Meeting was he1di at Roland Romre11 f s Shop Bldg. Msrcllm 30, 1964- BTought:, to order at '71:45 P.M. Purpose of Meeting:-: 1- '10 discusS' pro f s; and con ta of the possible acquisition of th~ Ronmel1 bui1dMe:_ It -City: lJiuilding. I II- 10 discusS' the possible acquisition of a garbage truck for use in'the city to permit betteBTand more efficient 'garbagecollectiori. ' III- As: a means of prodUcing the necessary revenue to handle items: I and II, an increase in the water' and garbage feft' of' $1.00 per month! will be pro_ posed' at a public meeting' coming4j13!64. ............ ,-" c.o Ct: - -.. :c Q:l Item 1- The terms of the building as offered are as follows: $3000.00 down payment-- $232>.00 pe r month't for 5yrs-. (~ BUilding size...- 60.8 ft, X lea ft. Land size-- 'r.3' .171 ft X ]60 ft.. I The down payment will be paid from the general fUnd' and the ihcreased water and garbage fee will be partiall$ used: to make- pa:vments. Th. proposal of the building leaves at least two points for negotia- tion. . 1- The city needs an additional 20 ft. on the sout~ end for aceess. z- The payments for at least the first year should be held! to' $200.00 per montllD. Then more' is necessa17 to cratch up with an option for pay-off prior to the 5 yrs. - 3'- The roadwaT along the westt side is not, wide enoug1JlJ and more S1p&ce (/.4.. to 6. ft.) shouldl be' negotiated' for witlr Mrs-. Blatter. 4,- BUilding' occupancyr should not be critic-a1(to the citY') but immedi- ate use' of certain parts S'h'ould 'O-e available; for remodeling or storage. Item II- A garbage truck (presently owened by' Shelle:r) will be available about Jun.. 1st. (Blida will be opene d April 13th) The truck is ecpected to cost $2200.00 and is sufficient, in sin to hand1eo Ammon garbage very nicelyr. If/'.. purchase of this truck is approve4, it would be- don.. on a monthlyr purchase' arrangement, with funds to come from'the proposed' utilities in- crease. Item TII- A public meeting is proposed to be held 4/rJ/64- in the City Mdg to prelrent the proposals of' iteu: J: and II. - , OTHER BUSINESS: Lovelandl "Water main near' Armstrong's corner' needS' to be repaired as soon as- possible. WheeleM 'l"unr off' heaters in pump h8aBes. B'rown : Street accesS' north of' FRI.11 view Behoo1s' needs to bEl graveled as soon as" possible. Meanwhile the one-way street sighs should be ei ther covered 'or not enforced~ - I Adjourned at '=35 P.M. Minutes recorded by; Dermont: E. Ricks, City Clerk