Council Minutes 10/14/1963
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Regular Monthly Meeting held by Ammon City Council
October 14, 1963
Meeting called to order by Mayor Reed Molen.
Prayer by Councilman Harold Loveland.
Present: Mayor Reed Molen; Councilmen Roland Romrell, Harold Loveland,
Darrell Long, George Wehmann; Attorney Joe Anderson; Chairman of the
Planning Board Rex Budge: LaVern Williams, and City Clerk Dermont E. Ricks.
Claims were approved and signed.
Rex Budge presented a new zoning map of the City of A~mon. The map
was approved by the City Council.
The Council was informed by Attorney Anderson that a public hearing
must be held before an ordinance ~s drawn up. He is to set a date for the
hearing and advertise it.
The map sent the City by Dan Hoopes of BrookfiledLane was rejected
as it was not complete.
Mayor Molen stated the Brookfield Lane Road and Bridge has not been
accepted by the City and would not be until it meets with cert~in speci-
-JMel Richardson, Gene Burger and Mr. Higby met with the Council to
discuss repairs to the bridge. They were told that this was Mr. Hoopes
responsibility. Attorney Anderson was asked to write Dan Hoopes a
letter asking him to meet the City Council and discuss the plotting of
the property#n~6~uuary.
Attorney Joe Anderson stated Mr. Clarence Hope wants to rent all the
building where the office is to the City for a certain length of time. The
City does not want to obligate itself at the present time.
Dick Ager, City Marshall, asked the City to consider passing an ordi-
nance making negligent driving citations legal in the City of A~mo~. Councilman
George Wehmann make a motion that Attorney Joe Anderson take steps to do any-
thingilecessary for the City to make negligent driving legal on charges filed.
Motion seconded by Councilman Romrell and it carried.
Water problems and delinquent water bills discussed. Water is to be
turned off from all vacant houses. Those moving in to pay a $10.00 deposit
bef ore wat er is t lJrned on.
Councilman George Wehmann reported on having a street sweeper for
Idaho Falls. Charges would be $12.50 per hour, including traveling time.
City Clerk Dermont E. Ricks was asked to read the financial reports for
the month of September 1963. Cash balance low.
It is the desire of the City Council to cut down expenses and live
within the budget.
Discussed monthly charges on water and garbage for rented apaprtments
including rented apartments in the homes. Councilman Wehmann made a motion
that $4.00 per month be charged for apaprtments, $3.00 for water and $1.00
for garbage. \10tion was seconded by Councilman Romrel1 and it carried.
laVern Williams suggested that all four pump houses have a gas heater
installed before winter comes. He was asked to get estimates on the cost
of BTU 50,000 heaters.
The coming City election was discussed.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:05 p.m.
Recorded by Dermont E. Ricks, City Clerk