Council Minutes 07/08/1963 I fn c.c ~ - - CC co I I f) ~:) Regular Mont~ Meeting of the Ammon City Council July S, 1963 Meeting Called to order by Mayor Reed Molen at S:15 p.m. Prayer by Councilman Harold Loveland. Present: Mayor Reed Molen; Councilmen Roland Ranrell, Harold Loveland, Iarrell Long and George Wehmann; Attorney Joe Anderson and City Clerk Dermont E. Ricks. Walter Windmiller met with the City Council to discuss the loca:t;ion and purchase permit for his new trailer house. He agreed to move his trailer house back the required distance which is 25 feet f'ran the front property line. He also paid $10.00 for a building permit., Mr. and Mrs. Reed Banles, living in Peterson Park Addition, were present to discuss damage done to their property by livestock and an electric rence belonging t.o sterling Cannon. After they- explained their problEm a Motion was nade by Cotmriilm::m Harold Loveland that Attorney Joe Anderson investigate and report back to the City Council as to what can be done to keep Sterling Cannon and his livestock under control. Mr. Irvin Hill fran Tandy & Wood e2q)lained the coverage of a liabill ty policy purchased frem the General Insurance Canpany and sold by Tandy & Wood. The policy is strictly liability for City Employees only. The old Ammon well back of the Ammon school house has been contaminated for over a year and is out of service. It cannot be tested because the water level has dropped and is breaking suction every two minutes. Mr. Andrew of the Andrew Well Drilling Canpany was asked to meed wi. th the City Council and advise them as to what would be the best and cheapest procedure to get the well back in service. He suggested the well be sealed ldth- cement and drilled deeper. The seal.:ing would elim;TI:lIte the contamination and the depth would supply more water. Mr. Andrew was asked to give the City an estimate on the cost. Mrs. Edna Woolf Edwards and Alvin Hall met with the cityeouncil concern- ing water for her lawn and garden. Their ditch had been :ti.Ied, and therefore, the Edwards' and Boyd Schwieder property were given special permission to sprinkle every day of the month if necessary, with the exception or the 31st. The City agreed to pay Kef th Kopp for mowing, watering and taking care of the Hillview Park and he ldll be reimbursed by the Lion's Club. Discussion was held concerning delinquent .ter bills. The City Clerk was advised that bills must be paid or water service will be discontinued. The question was asked mether the property within the City be held lia};>le for delinquent water bills. Attorney Joe Anderson eDJDined the water revenue ordinance and stated he could find nothing in the ordinance stating that property could be held liable and by' law be forced to pay. But the user can be held liable and by law be forced to pay. . The forthcaning election for the new City office building date was set for Tues&q, August'1.3, 1963, to be held in the Hillview Elementary School on Teton street. Polls to open at 9:00 a.m. and close at 7:00 p.~. The City Clerk was asked to make all preparations - contact the school~ lUre judges, have l:8llots printed, arrange for booths and ballot boxes. City Attorney Joe Anderson to take care of the legal business. Cotmcilman WehJIan to be responsible for advertising. Mr. Ed Hahn, Chairman of the Citizens Canmi. ttee is to be contacted and asked to have band bills printed and taken to each heme in the City, that they be better informed as to the necessity of the building. Patrons felt they were not tu.lJ.y informed before the first election held in April, 1963. Meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. Ordinance 6O-A which was read by Attorney Joe Anderson during this meeti1g is shawn on following page.;