Council Minutes 06/10/1963
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Regular Monthly'Meeting of the City of Ammon
June 10, 1963
Meeting called to order by Mayor Reed Molen.
Prayer by Councilman Harold Loveland.
Present: Mayor Reed Molen; Councilmen Roland Ranre1l, Harold Loveland, Iarrell
Long and George Wehmannj City Clerk Dermmt E. ~cks.
Rex Budge, Chairman of the Zoning and Plamdng Board presented a new
colored zoning map being prepared by the Board. He also presented to the
City Council a propOsed zoning for the' entire City of Ammon. '!he City Council
approved all proposals with the exceptions of the McCOldn Park, sugg~ting it
be zoned R3, and the City property west of Sand Creek and south of 17th street,
to be zoned light business.
Councilman Iarrell Long made a motion the City accept the Planning Board's
proposal for- the zoning of the City property' including the small parcel of land
on the- east end of Targee street and south along the boundary line of t.he McCowin
Park. Seconded by Councilman Harold Loveland and motion carried. -
LaVern Wi.l';;:uryS -was told to have a load of crushed gravel stock pued at
the Country warehouse yard to be used by the City when needed. -
Brent ~."t(, Bonneville County Deputy Sheriff, talked with the. City
Council about t','iO "Ir8y radios for the City Ma.rsballs' cars. He gave several
advantages of the radios and also said the County Sheriff's Office ~d be
ldlling to C()()}>erate and work with the City of Ammon Pelice force. He quoted
the price of $335.00 per unit installed and ready for service. The radios
vere approved- by the City Council.
Councilman George Wehmann reported that the :East corner of Ammon. Road
and'Sunnyside Road will be squared up and the stop sign moved to a new and
more conV'Ellien't location.
Di.scussion "Ir8S held concerning hiring Mr. L. A. 'latum to audit the City
books at a rate of $6.00 per hour and not to exceed $600.00 per year for the
year of 1963. Councilman Harold Loveland made a motion to this effect, seconded
1:u Councilman Iarrell Long. Motion carried.
Discussion was held concerning Walter Windniller and his trailer house,
which is non conforming to City l:1nlding Code. He is to be contacted.
Councilman I8.rre1.1 IDng was asked to make arrangements to have the grass
cut on the McCowin Park property.
Discussed attending Idaho Municipal League ConVEntion at McCall. Three
plamled to attend, Mayor Reed Molen, Councilman Harold Loveland and City Clerk
Dermont E. Ricks, and their wives. -
Claims approved and signed.
Meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M.
Approved by' .