Council Minutes 05/13/1963
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Regular Monthly Meeting of the Anmon City Council
May 13, 1963
Meeting called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Mayor Reed Molen.
Prayer by' Councilman I8rrel.l Long.
Present: Mayor Reed Molen; CounciJJnen Roland Ranrell, Harold Loveland, Darrell
Long; Attorney Joe Anderson; City Clerk Dermont E. Ricks.
Minutes of meeting held April 8, 1963, were read and approved.
Mr. ~ack RidcD.anoser met wtth the Council asking for a longer sprinkling
time for his large comer lot. Councilman Ranrell made a motion that the City
Marshall be instructed that if a man is tEnding to his water at night, as long
as he is up and has not gone to bed and left it rurming, he may water after
10:00 P.M.
Mr. Jack Boyd of the Intermountain Gas Can~ asked for permission to
run the gas line on Hillam and the west end of 24th Street. Councilman Love-
land made a motion that the City allow the gas company the privilege of digging
a trench for their gas line, with the understanding that as soon as the line is
laid the company will back fill the trench and tap it in and smooth it up with
a thick coat of blacktop. Seconded by Councilman Rom.rell. Motion carried.
The gas company also asked permission to run the gas line as far south as
need be for construction on the Arnold Wadsworth property and permission was
gi. ven by the Council.
Councilman !arrell Long made a motion that George Wehmann be appointed
Councilman to fill the unexpired term of Councilman DeVon Hammer who has moved
aay. Seconded by Councilman Harold Loveland and motion carried. George
Wehmann was S1tOTn in by Dermont E. Ricks, Justice of the Peace.
Rex Budge met with the Council and discussed the duties and responsibilities
of the planning board. He asked permission to have E.K. Iavis as a member. His
lmowledge as a civil engineer would be important and helpful to the Board.
Mr. L. A. Tatum. discussed contracting the auditing of the books. He
offered to do the job at a flat rate of $900.00 per year. The City Council felt
that this was a little too high, but agreed to let him lmow.
Derm.ont E. Ricks is to direct the work of the City under the direction
of the Councilman in charge.
Councilman Roland Ranrell asked if there was MY objection to the Amnnn
Ward building a chapel in the Peterson Park Addition. The City Council gave
its approval.
Maintenance man LaVern Williams was told to repair the leak in the water
line in the north east comer of Peterson Park. Councilman Harold Loveland
said holes in the city streets needed to be repaired and asked LaVern Williams
to get sane black top mix and get them fixed as soon as possible. He also asked
what the intentions of the City Council are about the new city building. It
was the feeling of the Council that the Citizen's Canmittee should create interest
in another bond el.ection.
Councilman Harold Loveland suggested the City hire someone to make a house
to house ~ on a dog survey at the price of 2~ per family. Dermont E. Ricks
was asked to hire someone for the job.
niscussion was held on laying a new _ter nain fran 25th to 26th Street
on Central Avenue. LaVern Williams was asked to order the pipe.
Attorney Joe Anderson was asked to report on the hearing held before
nistrict Judge Henry S. Martin in the case of James S. Croston vs. The City of
Ammon, 'Which questioned the City's authority to sentence him to jail when he
refused to pay his fine. Attorney Anderson r~ed that the procedure of
the City Court is 'Within the law. He suggested the City get a new u~to-da.te
zoning map, and also a new method of record keeping for our Court docket. .