Council Minutes 04/08/1963 I ,n c.c cr: --- ........ 0:::: Q:l I I 6 :~) Regular Monthly' Meeting of the Ammon City Cotmci.l April B, 1963 Meeting called to order at 7:45 P.M. by- Mayor Reed Molen. Prayer by Councilman Jarrell Long. Present were Mayor Reed Molen, Councilmen: Harold Loveland, DeVon Hanmer, and Darrell Long; Attorney Joe Anderson; City Clerk Dermont E. Ricks. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. DLscussion was held on road and water line into McCowin Park. The park roads will be graded and a water line run from the Hillview well on Targee Street. DLscussion was held on the new City office building. A public meeting is to be set up for Monday night, April 15, at B:OO P.M. Attorney Joe Anderson to assist in advertising and be at the meeting. Councilman made a motion a 6 in. water line be installed from Avocet on 'l'argee Street to the McCowin Park wi. th a fire hydrant installed at the end of the line. Seconded by Councilman Harold Loveland. Motion carried. laVern Williams has authorization to order the pipe supplies. George Wehmann and James Van Ness representing the Lion's Club met to discuss water for the Hillsdale Park before seeding, and running a pipeline fran the 17th ~treet well. They asked for 400 to 500 pounds of ccmmercial fertilizer for the ball park in Hillview. The Lion's Club has $900.00 to use for developing the McCowin Park. They want to use the pu-k for carnival in August for ADmon Centennial I8y. At every forty feet the City is to run water lines out of the pump house on 17th Street. DLscussion "WaS held on gas exenption cost for City gas which brought out that the City cannot sell gas eXEmpt from Federal tax to city employees ldthout making a report and paying the tax. The City of Anmon has been notified that the A.E.C. has a good fire truck which ldll be up for bid. Councilman Harold Loveland, Roland Rcrnrell, Darrell Long and DerJOOnt Ricks, City Clerk, with the help of James Van Ness will inspect and place a bid on the truck. ~~e Bailey is to be exEmpt from. ~ng water bill until January 1, 1965 because 01 over p&1Dlents in the past. The watering schedule is to be published in the paper the same as last year for sprinkling lawns. All houses having even numbers ldll water on even ~ of the month, all houses with uneven numbers ldll water on uneven days with the exception of the 31st of each month. Councilman Harold Loveland made a motion that those with delinquent water bills of more than $10.00 have water turned off. They then must pay the bill in full, plus a $5.00 service charge and a $10.00 deposit before it ldll be turned on again. Seconded by Councilman Roland Rcrnrell. Motion carried. Councilman Darrell Long read the monthly report for Marshall Richard Agar. Marshall Richard Ager discussed 'With the City Council having Jack Ellingford as Deputy Marshall. Councilman DeVon Hammer made a motion that the City appoint Jack mingford for Deputy at $50.00 per month. Seconded by Councilman Ih.rrell Long and motion carried. Following a brief report by City Clerk Dermont Be Ricks discussion was held concerning James F. croston and his junk: yard. It was felt that Croston wuld not cb any cleaning up unless he was forced to, and Dermont Be Ricks, City Judge, was advised to do whatever he felt necessary to get the yard cleaned up.