Council Minutes 03/11/1963
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Regular Monthly Meeting of the Ammon City Council
March il, 1963
. Called to order by Councilman Roland Romrell at 7 :45 p.m.
Prayer by Dermont E. Ricks, Clerk.
Present: Councilmen Roland Raurell, Harold Loveland, DeVon Hammer, Im-rell
Long; Attorney W. Joe Anderson; Dick Ager, City Marshall.
Mayor Reed Molen excused because of illness in his f'amily.
Richard Ager reported on the Hillview school parking problem. Council-
man DeVon Hammer made a Motion that signa be placed at the corner of' Teton
and Avocet and at Midway. Also between Hillam and Western on 24th street
stating there would be no loading or unloading of' children between signs
during school hours. Seconded by Councilman Harold Loveland. It was sug--
gested the roaclway' at the East end of Targee Street be opened up and graded
into the McCowin Park.
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Mr. Karl Gobel of the State Engineering and Rating Bureau of Boise,
Idaho, met with the Council and made a report on his survey of' the City
water system and tire protection equipnent. He said the City should have
larger mains and more fire hydrants - one for every 120,000 square feet.
He suggested that all water mains should not be smaller than 6 inch line.
H'e reported the Hillview addition had plenty of and water pressure
but the older part of Ammon needs SCllle improvement (larger mains, more
hydrants and etc.).
'!he differEllce between being rated and unrated will save the .people
of' Ammon from 10 to 20 % on tire insurance premiums. If the City had
its own fire equipnent with 100 % donated or volunteer firemen another
10 or 2($ would be saved on fire insurance.
Richard Ager, City Marshall, was asked to investigate the price and
advantages of a two-way radio for his car.
Attorney Joe Anderson was asked to read Ordinance #59 calling f'or a
bond election, which he did. Af'ter some discussion Councilman Darrell Long
made a motion that the City adopt the Ordinance, seconded by Councilman
Harold Loveland. Motion carried.
Counci:JJnan DeVon HaDme:r made a motion the City Marshall's waRes be
raised from $175.00 to $200.00 per month. Seconded by Harold Loveland
and motion carried.
A special meeting 1B8 set for March 25 at 7 :30 p.~.
Monthly bills approved and signed.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
AN ORDINANCE ordering the purchase, erection, construction and
furnishing of public building and buildLng site for the use of
a municipal corporation of' the City of Ammon; estimating the
costs thereof, directing subject to the approval of the quali-
fied electors of said City who are taxpayers that bonds of said
city in the amount of $30,000.00 be issued to pay the costs
thereof; calling an election for the purpose of subnitting to
the qualified electors of said city who are taxpayers the pro-
position of the issuance of' such bonds and providing for the
issuance of such bonds in the event they are voted at such