07112012 P&ZMinutes CITY OF AMMON PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION JULY 11, 2012 AGENDA: CITY OF AMMON PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION July 11, 2012 2135 South Ammon Road – 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Scott Wessel PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Cindy Donovan MINUTES: April 16, May 2, and June 6, 2012 VARIANCE HEARING: 2012-014 – VARIANCE – Ryan Kirkham – 2395 Fieldstone Circle PUBLIC HEARINGS: 2012-011 – Planning and Zoning – Title 10 Proposed Amendments 2012-012 - Conditional Use Request – Lighthouse Montessori School – 1635 Curlew – School 2012-013 - Conditional Use Request – Hawks Development – Preliminary Proposal for Planned Unit Development ACTION ITEMS: 1. Recommendation on additional public hearings. DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1. General REPORTS: 1. City Council Actions 2. City of Idaho Falls Planning and Zoning Actions – Cindy Donovan 3. Bonneville County Planning and Zoning Actions – Tom Hunsaker Call for Adjournment: MINUTES CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Scott Wessel at 7:00 p.m. in the City Building located at 2135 South Ammon Road, Ammon, Idaho. Cindy Donovan led the Pledge of Allegiance. Members Present: Scott Wessel, Chairman Cindy Donovan Tom Hunsaker Rick Butler Robert Taylor Kurt Roland Steve Richards City Officials Present: Ron Folsom, Planning Director Lance Bates, Engineer Gay Leming, Deputy Clerk Members Absent: Greg Maeser Quinn Simmons Cindy Donovan moved to amend the agenda for Public Hearing 2012-012 – Conditional Use Request to amend the address to 1675 curlew Drive. Commissioner Kurt Roland seconded the motion. All in favor – the motion passed. Ron stated that the address was published correctly it was only on the agenda that it needed to be corrected. MINUTES: April 16, May 2, and June 6, 2012: Commissioner Tom Hunsaker moved to accept the minutes of May 2, 2012, as presented. Commissioner Robert Taylor seconded the motion. All in favor – the motion passed. Commissioner Steve Richards moved to accept the minutes for June 6,2012, as presented. Commissioner Robert Taylor seconded the motion. All in favor – the motion passed. The minutes of April 16, 2012 were rescheduled for approval the following month. 14 Planning and Zoning Minutes 7-11-2012 Page of VARIANCE HEARING: 2012-014 – VARIANCE – Ryan Kirkham – 2395 Fieldstone Circle: The variance request was withdrawn by staff. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 2012-011 – Planning and Zoning – Title 10 Proposed Amendments: Ron explains the changes to the following sections in Title 10. Sections 10-1-5, 10-9-5(D) and (E), 10-29-15(F), and 10-29-18 were added. Section 10-28-8 was removed. Sections 10-28-7, 10-29-6, 10-29-7, 10-29-8, 10-29-9, 10-29-10, and 10-29-11, were revised. Commissioner Tom Hunsaker moved to recommend the City Council approve the suggested changes to Title Ten as noted. Commissioner Cindy Donovan seconded the motion. All in favor – the motioned passed. 2012-012 - Conditional Use Request – Lighthouse Montessori School – 1675 Curlew – School: Lori Roth, 4343 Amber Drive said the Lighthouse Montessori has been in existence for seven years, and had been at the Curlew location five years ago for two years. Lori explained that the school will teach approximately 85 children, which is the same as the previous year. They also provide daycare before and after school for the students that are enrolled and their siblings. Lori said they do not have a busing system, but the parents drop off and picking up their children, and some carpool. Lori said the school will generate a traffic load between 25 and 30 cars around 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p. m. The building is completely empty right now and the school will occupy about one third of the building. Leah Schneider, the administrator of the school, 7419 South 25th East, Idaho Falls, said there was no way the school could stay where it is currently located because the landlord raised the rent, and feels this was the next best option. They don’t wish to expand beyond the current range from preschool through 6th grade until they own their own facility. Testimony: David McGrath, 3335 Taylorview Lane said he is opposing this location because he received conflicting information on office building use versus school use. David asked if the location is a professional plaza, or is this zoned as a school. He would like to know how long the CUP (Conditional Use Permit) would be in place, and if the building would then revert back to a professional plaza when the CUP expires. David said there is not enough square footage at the rear of the building, and there is no fire suppression in this building. David asked if the children would be using the upstairs portion of the building, and he also does not believe that it is handicap accessible. David also states that there is not enough room for a fence. Lori Roth, 4343 Amber Lane explained that there is already a fence installed at the location and there will be no additional fence added. Lori said each classroom door opens out into the fenced area, and there will be no use of the upstairs because it is not accessible for disabled children. The building had ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) access, but lacks an automatic opening door. Lori said she will assign recess times for the fenced area, and they will have an empty classroom available in case of bad weather. Lori said there is no fire suppression in this building, however it met the code seven years ago and the building use has not changed. Lori said there are fire extinguishers throughout the building, and the location is in a general commercial zone and they will comply with parking and traffic requirements. Commissioner Steve Richards moved to recommend to the City Council that they issue a CUP to operate the Light House Montessori School at 1675 Curlew as described in the lease between the Montessori School and the landlord, and that the term of the CUP will be for three years and the play area at that location will be fenced. Commissioner Kurt Roland seconded the motion. All in favor – the motion passed. 2012-013 - Conditional Use Request – Hawks Development – Preliminary Proposal for Planned Unit Development: Ron explained the property is located across from the original Hawks Landing site. Lance explained the requirements for the width of the streets and the sidewalks. In the request they are asking for narrow roads and narrow sidewalks and this will not be acceptable. The City requires a landscape strip to help with snow removal. When snow is plowed onto the sidewalk it is up to the home owner to remove it themselves. With a landscape strip the snow can be placed there instead of on the sidewalk. Jeff Hawkes, 6484 East Sunnyside gave handouts because his flash drive would not load. Jeff said he does not really propose a preliminary plat by August, but would like to come to some agreements that will work for both parties so he can close on this property. He is trying to make the 135 acres to the north of Hawks Landing work so they can develop this piece of ground. 24 Planning and Zoning Minutes 7-11-2012 Page of Tom would like to know if on the south end if the public roads, if they shouldn’t be wider because they look more like alleys than roads. Jerry Ward, 2187 S Ptarmigan Way said he is building a house in Hawks Landing, and he is very impressed with this development Tory Whitehead, 2883 Fieldstream, Idaho Falls said his family owns property to the north and to the east of this property, and would like to know about where they stub the roads, would they be required to be stub to the property line or would they stop before his property which he would not like. Tory doesn’t want to see his property cut off so he can’t do anything with his land. Lynn Chadwick, 2190 South Rimrock said he has concerns but is not entirely opposed. He feels that this is the wrong place for a PUD (Planned Unit Development). The land use around this PUD is in one to five acre lots. He wonders if at least ½ acre lots in this development would work better. Lynn feels from current attempts by people trying to get from Foothill Road to Sunnyside, that Rimrock will become a minor arterial road instead of being a local street, and he feels that Foothills Road would be the better choice for the through road. Jeff Hawkes said he does not believe that Rimrock will become an arterial road, because the density will not change much and this property is already zoned RP which allows two homes per acre. Rick said that he thinks they need sidewalks and wider streets. He has no problem with the PUD, but they need to clean it up. He does like the idea of Foothill Road going through. Tom Hunsaker moved to recommend to City Council to approve the 2012-013 – Conditional Use Request – Hawks Landing Development for the PUD on this property, but that it will need a second Public Hearing in order to obtain all the information for a preliminary plat. Commissioner Robert Taylor seconded the motion. All in favor – the motion passed. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Recommendation on additional public hearings: Commissioner Steve Richards moved to recommend no additional hearing be required for public hearing 2012-012 Conditional User Request, Lighthouse Montessori School. Commissioner Rick Butler seconded the motion. All in favor – the motion passed. Commissioner Tom Hunsaker moved to recommend a second public hearing be held before the Planning and Zoning Commission for public hearing 2012-013 Conditional Use Request, Hawks Development, Preliminary Proposal for Planned Unit Development due to a lack of information. Commissioner Cindy Donovan seconded the motion. All in favor – the motion passed. Commissioner Steve Richards moved to recommend no additional hearing be required for public hearing 2012-11 Planning and Zoning, Title Ten Proposed Amendments. Commissioner Robert Taylor seconded the motion. All in favor – the motion passed. DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1. General: Ron Folsom would like to knowwhether a kennel license would be required for a dog grooming facility. The consensus was Ammon ordinance does not require it. REPORTS: 1. City Council Actions - Ron explained what happen in the Council meetings for the month of June. 2.City of Idaho Falls Planning and Zoning Actions – Cindy Donovan said she had nothing to report. 3.Bonneville County Planning and Zoning Actions – Tom Hunsaker reported the County had no meeting in June. Call for Adjournment: Commissioner Rick Butler moved to adjourn. Commissioner Tom Hunsaker seconded the motion. All in favor – the motion passed. 34 Planning and Zoning Minutes 7-11-2012 Page of The meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m. ___________________________________________ Scott Wessel, Chairman __________________________________________ Ron Folsom, City Clerk 44 Planning and Zoning Minutes 7-11-2012 Page of