Council Minutes 09/11/1962 4. Q c. ., City of Annnon Special meetin of City Council September 11, 1962. Mayor Reed Molen called the meeting to order 7:45 p.m. Prayer by Councilman Darrell Long. I Present: Mayor Reed Molen: Councilmen: Roland Romrell, Harold Loveland, DeVon Hammer, and Darrell Long. Also present: LaVern Williams, Dale Buttars, and Dermont E. Ricks, Clerk. Bill Bflunt and Dave Benton met with the Council to discuss a new City office building near the Saving Center Store on 17th Street. Nothing definate was decided either to rent or buy. ~ ~ Ct: ....... - 0: =0 Mr. Brlmt was asked what he intended to do about the drain pump he promised to install on Teton and Bittern. He wanted the City to share the expense of buyi.ng the nump. He was informed that it was his obligation, some discussion. Mr. Brunt said he would pay $1500.00 to the City and they install the pump and relieve him of all responsibility of it. Councilman Roland Romrell aade a motion the City accept this offer from Mr. Brunt. Seconded by Councilman DeVon Harrmer. Motion carried. The new pump is to be installed as soon as Councilman Harold Loveland collects the money then Mr. Johnson is to notified to go ahead. The A'~<<d into the McCowin Park from Avocet drive was discussed. Mr. Brunt agreed when the City was ready he would give the deed for the property. Mr. Brunt was informed that he must get building permits before any new bu~ldings are built which he hasn't done in the past. He agreed to do so. I Arnold vladsworth Addition #1 was discussed. Councilman Harold Loveland nade a motion the City accept the plot as drawn up by Mr. Dave Benton along with the agreement which was signed by the property owners. Each agreeing to pay his share of not more than $2.00 per foot to buk1d a road base (32 f""et wide with 5 inch sand, 5 inch gravel, ane 2 inch crushed gravel) as far south from 27th Street as there is any construction. Building permits will be issued with the understanding that the const.ruc1rl.on will be stopped whenever agreement is not lived up to. Seconded by Councilman Darrell Long. Motion carried. Discussion on improving buildings and landscaping around the City well. Councilman Harold Loveland was given responbilbity of making arrangements for improvements. Councilman Roland Rornrell asked laVern vVilliams to repair the valve on Hillview well. Discussed building City Office with rest rooms, assembly hall, and kitchen which could also serve for the new McCowin Park. Councilman Harold Loveland made a motion the City obtain an architect and have him draw up a plan for a new City Building. Seconded by Councilman Darrell Long, Motion carried. I The City Council decided to register all bicycles and stamp a number on them. The fr'e of .50 each because of so many being stolen without identification. Meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m. Minutes recorded by City Clerk, Dermont E. Ricks. %)-;/jX