Council Minutes 09/04/1962 4 -~. . J. City of Ammon Regular Meeting of the City Council Tuesday, September 4, 1962 Mayor Reed Molen called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. Prayer by Councilman Roland Romrell. M1nutes of meeting held August 7th were read. I Those present: Mayor Reed Molen, Councilmen: Roland Romrell, DeVon Hammer, Darrell Long, Harold Loveland. Attorney Boyd Thomas, LaVern Williams, Dermont E. Ricks, City Clerk. an c..o C": - - - ..... c:c Rex Budge Chairman of the City Planning Board met with the City Council and presented the proposed plot plan for the Arnold '-ladsworth property to be sold by lots and blocks ~dth a dedecated gravel road. There was some discussion on the kind of road,it was decided by the Council that they wi)uld accept the plan with the understanding that Mr. ltladworth build a road with regulation base of sand and grayel which would meet the County snecifications (5 inches sand, 5 inches pit run gravel, 2 inches crushed gravel). This si to be guaranteed by bonds. Ordinance # 5g was read by Councilman Darrell Long. This pertaining to the annexing of the property known as the Councilman Ri)land Romrell made a motion the City accept the ordinance as read wavering the last two (2) readings. Councilma Darrel Long seconded the motii)n. The motion earried. The City Clerk was instructed to record and publish the ordinance. I ORDINANCE NO. 5g AN ORDINANCE AN}.TEXING CERTAIN LANDS TO THE CITY OF AMMON: DESCRIBING SAID LANDS AND DECLARING SA~ffi A PART OF THE CITY OF tJ~lON, BOfIINF.VII,U: COlTNTY, IDAHO. vlliEREAS, the lands hereinafter described are contiguous and adjacent to the City of Ammon and subject to annexation to the said 6ity of Ammon under and pursuant to the provisions of Section 50-303, Idaho Code, and WHEREAS, it anpears to the Councim of said City that said lands should be annexed to, and become part of the City 9f Ammon, Bonneville County, Idaho, NmT, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF M-illON, BO!\.TNEVILLE C()iNTY, IDAHO, as follows: Section 1. That the following described lands situated in Bonneville County, Idaho, to-wit: The 1r.Jest go rods of the Southwest Quarter (SW!) of the Northwest Quarter (N1~~) of Section 26, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, excepting therefrom the following: commencing at the West Quarter corner of said Seetion 26, thence East 40 rods; thence North 40 rods; thence West 40 rods; thence South 40 rods to the point of beginning. shall be, and the same hereby are annexed to the City of Ammon, and I shall be, and hereby are declared to be, a part of the city of ammon, Honneville 60unty, Idaho. Section 2. That this orddinance shall be in full force and effect from the date of its passage, approval, and due publication and filihg of a certified copy with the County Recorder of Bonneville County, Idaho, as required by law. MSSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AMMON this 4th day of September, 1962. /s/ Reed Molen Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Dermont E. Ricks Clerk