Council Minutes 12/05/1961 I a.,r., c..o C"': ...... ...- 0: co I I 15 City of Anmon Regular Meeting December 5, 1961 7:30p.m. Meeting called to order by Mayor Reed Molen. Long. Prayer by Councilman Darrell Member of the Council present: Mayor Reed Molen, Councilmen DeVon Hammer, Darrell Long, Harold Loveland, and Roland Romre11. Other present: LaVern Williams, Neil Curtis, George Wayman. Councilman Harold Loveland said that his renters had not received a bill for October. Councilman Roland Romre11 stated that Sterling C~nnon had approached him concerning money alledgedly owed him. CoUncilman Roland Romre1l brought up Civil Defense. Mayor Molen suggested that members of the Council attend Divi1 Defense meetings~ Invitations had been sent to the City ,of Anmon. The question was brought out whether or not the City of Ammon would receive aid from the County for their Civil Defense Program. Councilman Darrell Long proposed something be done about the tail lights on the garbage truck, which are not well protected. The truck bed can also stand painting. All the mail boxes were to be moved excepl:.the one at the City of Ammoh, reported Councilman Darrell Long. This will be taken care of by laVern Williams. Councilman Darrell Long also brought up the problem of the ice skating rinks. LaVern \'/i11iams was complimented for cleaning out the plugged water drains. N". the eulvert is backing up agai.n just. below. It was suggested that a tape be rtm through and left penuanently to clean out plug-ups as they accure. Councilman Darrell Long noticed the gun barre11 is off the big gun in the City Park. Councilman DeVon Hannner was given the floor. The well meter is inside the #1 well makes it ha~q to read. Councilman Roland Romre11 proposed that Almond Brown be contacted to give an estimate on moving the meter on the outside. Mayor Reed Molen appointed Coumcilman Roland Romre11 to contact Almond Brown. It was brought to the attention of the Council that the areas about the pump house are cluttered and unsightly. It was suggested they be cleaned out. Ma.yor Reed Molen said, that Mrs. Smith and Dermont Ricks had submitted applications for employment as City Clerk. A motion was made by Councilman Roland Romre11 that Dermont Ricks be put in as City Clerk. The motion was seconded by Councilman DeVon Hammer and passed by the Council. The wage scale wax left undeterminded. Councilman DeVon Hammer presented his plan for the proposed City Park. McCowin wants $1,000.00 per acre for the proposed park acreage. There are 10 acres available. There was a discussion on the extension of Midway Ave. to approximat1ey Selway . Street and dedication of property between Groberg and McCowin for this road right-way. Councilman ~oland Romre11 will check with Groberg on this property. Mayor Reed Molen suggested that the Council check on the streets and take action the first of 1962. Councilman DeVon Hammer made a motion that Mr. McCowin's property be purchased for cash, pennding approval for dedication of road on the Gro~erg and McCowin property as a right-way; for a purchase price of $1,000.00 per acre for 10 acres. Payment to be made up on receipt of title insurance. Councilman Darrell Long seconded the motion and it was approved by the Council. ;.cIoIIIIlII