Council Minutes 07/03/2003 CITY OF AMMON CITY COUNCIL MINUTES THURSDAY, JULY 3,2003 The meeting was called to order by Mayor C. Bruce Ard at 7:35 p.rn. in the City Building, 2135 South Ammon Road, Ammon, Idaho, with the following City Officials present: Mayor C. Bruce Ard Councilmember Karen Y. Anderson Councilmember W. Lee Bean Councilmember Leslie Folsom Councilmember Randy Waite Attorney Scott Hall City Administrator Bruce Rose Public Works Director David Wadsworth Planning & Zoning Chairman Tom Hunsaker City ClerktTreasurer Diane Gempler The following City Officials were absent: Engineer Bill Manwill Councilmember Bean led the Pledl!e of AIlel!iance to the Flal! and Councilmember Waite offered a prayer. MINUTES: Councilmember Folsom motioned to approve the minutes of the June 5, 2003, and June 19,2003 City Council Meetings as corrected. Councilmember Waite seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Folsom - Yes; Waite - Yes; Bean - Yes; Anderson - Yes. The motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA: City ClerktTreasurer Diane Gempler reported that a negative Sherif's report had been received regarding the individual applying for a Bartenders' Permit listed on the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Folsom motioned to approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of the Bartenders' Permit. Councilmember Anderson seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Folsom - Yes; Anderson - Yes; Waite - Yes; Bean - Yes. The motion carried. ACTION ITEMS: Sewer Line and Lift Station Engineering Contract: City Administrator Bruce Rose reported on the negotiations with Forsgren and Associates and presented Forsgren's revised proposal to the Council with the Committee's recommendation that the Council accept the proposal. Items under "construction management" in the initial proposal that can be handled by City Staff were removed and, design costs were also cut during negotiations bringing the engineering services portion down to 14.3% from the previously proposed 35%. City Administrator Bruce Rose reported that City Engineer Bill Manwill felt that this was reasonable in comparison with other recent "small" projects he has been involved with. Councilmember Bean inquired whether the 10% for reimbursable is included as a lump sum figure or if it is incurred costs only. City Administrator Bruce Rose and Public Works Director David Wadsworth responded that it is their understanding that the reimbursable expenses are not fixed. Councilmember Bean also inquired whether items listed under reimbursable expenses are customary or necessary billed expenses. City Attorney Scott Hall recommended a change in the language regarding reimbursable expenses to make it consistent with preceding statements in the proposed contract as compensation that shall be negotiated. Forsegren will be asked to make the change prior to the Mayor signing the agreement. City Attorney Scott Hall has reviewed the contract and approves of it's form and content. Councilmember Anderson motioned to approve the Sewer Line and Lift Station Engineering Contract with language change as noted by City Attorney Scott Hall. Councilmember Bean seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Anderson - Yes; Bean - Yes; Folsom - Yes; Waite - Yes. The motion carried. Planning and Zoning Report: City Administrator Bruce Rose reported that two public hearings had been held 07/03/2003 Council Minutes - I before the Planning and Zoning Commission on July 1, 2003. The first hearing was a Variance request to allow a drive-way to be accessed from a collector street. It was determined by Planning and Zoning that the request does not require a variance, rather the request is for an exception to policy. Those Planning and Zoning members who review the final site-plan for the residence will disregard the policy of no drive-ways on a collector street in this instance. The second Public Hearing was an Annexation with Initial R-l Zoning for the Rockwel1/Tawzer property on the East side of the Woodland Hills Addition toward Crowley Road with a North boundary of Township Road. There were no comments from the public regarding the proposed annexation. Planning and Zoning voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Annexation and Initial R-l Zoning to the Council. The Council requested to meet with the developer at a work session so the Annexation Agreement can be negotiated before the Annexation and Initial R-l Zoning is presented as an Action Item at the July 17, 2003 Council Meeting. City Administrator Bruce Rose reported that the Final Plats for Centennial Ranch #14 and #15 were presented to Planning and Zoning. Planning and Zoning voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Plats by City Council. The Council requested to review the Plats and proposed Development Agreements at a work session prior to the Plats being presented as Action Items at the July 17, 2003, Council Meeting. Planning and Zoning discussed proposed revisions to the Comprehensive Plan. The last issue discussed by Planning and Zoning was setback requirements for the lot owned by the Killian's at the comer of Wanda and Circle S. It was determined that the Killian's could choose to designate the side yards of their property as the borders abutting their neighbor's properties as their lot fronts two streets. A variance regarding the setbacks will not be required for the addition planned by the Killian's. SITE PLAN REVIEWS: Dean Mortimer Service Station: City Administrator Bruce Rose presented a slide show of the property along 17th Street at the South-East comer of the K-Mart property and the site-plan presented to Planning and Zoning. Planning and Zoning voted Seven (7) to One (1) to recommend approval of the site-plan as presented. Mr. Mortimer has only indicated that it would be an automotive repair facility. Casey Dennert of Benton Engineering stated that he has no additional information regarding the planned business than what has already been presented to Planning and Zoning and by Mr. Rose. Planning and Zoning Chairman Tom Hunsaker reported that the Landscaping is in excess of that required. An allowance of less landscaping in the south-west comer of the site plan was given due to the additional landscaping where it is not required. The Parking is more than sufficient assuming the 1250 square foot portion of the building is the only portion used by customers. The Council discussed the need for additional information regarding the type of automotive repair facility being planned for the site. The Council requests that Mr. Mortimer be invited to attend a work session to clarify the type of facility being planned and answer questions regarding fencing. The Site-Plan would then be placed on the next Regular Council Meeting Agenda as an action item. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Quail Ridge Well: City Administrator Bruce Rose reported that Mr. McDaniels was unable to attend the meeting. Mr. McDaniels indicated he is closer but still doesn't have all the signatures he needs. Due to the fact that he was not able to be at this meeting, he has requested that the Memorandum of Understanding be placed on the work session agenda next week. City Administrator Bruce Rose reported that Mr. McDaniels, Mr. Griffith, and Public Works Director David Wadsworth and himself had met earlier in the day regarding the Griffith's desire to be connected to the City Services and, the steps necessary for the Griffith's property to be annexed into the City. A letter from the Griffith's requesting City Services prior to annexation was presented to the Council. The Griffith's plan to have the annexation paperwork into City Staff so that a public hearing can be held at Planning and Zoning on August 5, 2003. The Council discussed whether the previous offer of waiving connection fees if the property was annexed at the time of the Quail Ridge annexation was open-ended. The Griffith's request will be placed on the next agenda and the previous offer to waive connection fees will be researched by City Staff. Councilmember Bean motioned to adjourn. Councilmember Anderson seconded. All in favor, motion carried. 07/03/2003 Council Minutes - 2 ~D ~,....-.~. . . d, ayor <~~1:~~~ "Diane B. Gempler, City Clerk/Tr surer 07/03/2003 Council Minutes - 3