Council Minutes 10/10/1961
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City of Aumon
Special Meeting October 10, 1961
Council members in attendance were Mayor Reed Molen, Councilmen Darrell Long
DeVon Hammer, and Harold Loveland.
others present were Bud Roberts, Boyd Thomas, F. W. Ge1s1eichter, Leo Hoseda,
Don Bartlett, and \va1t Best.
Representatives from the Lions Club were present to discuss skating facilities
for the CityTduring the winter season. The Lions club submitted a request that
the City hire a man to handle maintenance on the skating rinks.
A motion was made by Counilman Darrell Long that the City of Ammon
select and hire a man to maintain two skating rinks in. the City which will
be constructed by the Lions Club. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Harold Loveland and Carried by the Council.
It was commonly agreed upon by the Council that the members of the Park
Commission along with other citizens in the City investigate the avai1iability
and price of property to be used as a possible park site.
Councilman Darrell Long made a motion that a committee be appointed to
investigate the possibility of obtaining property for a park site in or
~djacent to the City of Ammon. The Committee will consist of one member
from the Park Committee, one member from the B1anning Committee, one member
from the citizenship. The member of the committe from the Lions Club
will be Blld Roberts. The motion ~s seconded by Councilman DeVon Hammer
and the motion was passed by the Council.
All members of the Council were agreed to advertize for bids on drilling
a well to exert pressure on the bank and sterling Cannon. The Following
will be put in the Post Register as a news item. "The City Council instructed
the City Clerk to take the necessary steps to obtain bids on a well for
the City of Ammon."
Boyd Thomas was instructed by the City Council to write a letter to
Sterling Cannon advising him of their intentions concerning the
Peterson Park.
A motion was made by Councilman Harold Loveland that the City Clerk's wages
be raised from $120.00 per-month to $150.00 per month. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Darrell Long and the motion was passed by the Council.
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