Council Minutes 04/04/1961 1.(.) CD ~ '""r'-"1 ......... ;::Q 00 ) i l..J I B $8!~ Regular Meet.ing of Board held April 4, 1961 Neet.ing \-m.s opened by Roland T. nonu~ell. Board l1embers present 1.,ere Farrell Bell; Roland T. Romrell; Reed Molen; Walter Best; and Darrell Long. Aothers present Vlere: Rex Budge; LaVern Williams; Body Thomas; Lynn Sanders; Ed Clark; Vfallace Vladsworth. I I ) Boyd Thomas read ordinance No. 50 designating t.he wards in t.he Village of Ammon for the election "-Thich will be held April 25, 1961. A mot.ion WflS made by Roland T. Homrell to accept ordinance 1149 as read. Motion was seconded by Farrell Bell and passed by the board. The first hvo readings on ordinance #50 were waived by the board. Mr. John Delamore was present to discuss the possibilities of bringing in vJater to a 120 acre flat located north of Peterson Park, east of the Ammon noad. Curb and gutter improvements were also discussed for same property. The board advised ]\11'. Delamore to submitt dra"Tings to the board for further consideration. There Addition. the Blushy across the H# to act the board. was an open meeting for possible objections to the zoning of the B1ushy There was considerable discussion. It was suggested a :30 feet strip of Addition along 17th Street be zoned R. #1 to protect residents living street. VJalter Best made a motion that the Dlushy Addition be zoned as a buffer. The motion was seconded by Eoland HOllU~ell and passed by The board agreed to assest Hr. Il1fallace VJadsworth in obtaining contractor to pave the street on Headow Lane. Hr. Jensen c-ras presnet to discuss t.he possibilities of contracting street sweepifL<'; for the streets in t.he Village. The b02rd is definitely interested. Hr. Lloyd Benton presented the plot plans for Division #2:3, IIil1sdCJle Addition for board approval. The Board approved the plat plans subject to certain conclistions being met by A. H. Brunt and Associates. Building permit.s must be paid for, sump pump must be enlarged.. and a list of restrictive covenants on Division #1,2,J,'in Hillsdale Division. Elmer HoJ.lllgren wanted the boards opEllon on sl-'rinkler systel1l of school. An autonmtic turn on vras suggested to use the night time for sprindling, on school property. There Has discussion on opening Western Avenue. The board aa,n:'ea. there coJas no possibilities of opening Hestern Ave. A vfclllniay lias discu.ssed fr;m ~'.Jestern Avenue to school. The subject clas tabled for further discussion. FcHTel1 Bell made a motion that the Villiage of fumnon contribute ip50.00 to helt, fix up the ba seball backstops in the Village. The motion Has secbnded by D;]1'1'el1 ' Long. The motion was passed by the board. Walter Best made a motion that the board give George Vlehnw.nn permission to Jr.o ahead 011 baseball diamond in village parle. Hostion vms seconded b;y 1"<'11'1'811 Bell' and passes by the board. 1tJcllter Best nwde a motion that the village purchase swings for the park to be install.ed by June 1, 1961; motio:n seconded by Darrell Long and passed b:" board. A motion vms made by Farrell Bell to accept ordinance 1151 anne:;dng .the Arnold v'li:ldsworth property ~1l1d to waive the first bm readings. Hotion VlClS seconded by H,llter Best and passed by the board. Ordinance 1151 was :3ublIlitted to the z,oning COlImL1.tt.ee for considercJ tion