Council Minutes 10/05/1977 I ~ o w ....... ~ CO I I 't~1 197~ September 21, installed. It was pointed out that Attorney Anderson is making contact with Fred Kvarfordt and Wayne Peterson on the title for Well #5 so that final payment can be made. Mayor Wehmann requested that Council members report to him if they observe the need for street repair within the next week so that this can be taken care of while the weather is still good for patching, and he mentioned that the concrete work which is to be done on sidewalks and curbs and gutters at several locations throughout the City should be completed ri~ht away also. Regarding unfinished business, Councilwoman Dille referred to a vacancy on the Planning and Zoninq Commission, and Mayor Wehmann suggested that something be done by the City for Joseph Wenger in appreciation of all the time and effort he put into assisting the City on the Utah Power & Liqht_ case. Councilman Swensen noted that a bid of around $3,000 has been received from Lynn Reiman for a complete repair of the City Building roof, compared to a $400 bid from another individual to repair only the part that is bad at this time, and it was recommended that Mr. Reiman be given an opportunity to bid on the partial job before making a decision. Re- garding the problem of fences in the easement for access to the 17th St. storm sewer station, Mayor Wehmann reported that a letter is being prepared to send to the property owner regarding this matter. Regarding the continuation of the Public Hearing on Mountain Valley Estates, which was to have been conducted on this date, it was noted that neither the developer or Douglas Hall, who has a special interest, were present. Councilwoman Dille moved to recess said hearing until October 5, 1977. The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; the voting was Dille, yes; Swnsen, yes; Lee, abstained; motion carried. Claims were approved for payment. Councilwoman Dille moved to adjourn; the motion was seconded by Councilman Lee; the meeting was adjourned at ~- 11:00 P.M. /'/~.~~?i/'r./jJ /~~? /~'^/'//?7'<'--1'7 YOR ~~~y r ' CI CLERK CITY OF AMMON October 5, 1977 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council and a Continuation Hearing on Mountain Valley Estates: The following City Officials were Mayor George Wehmann Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Councilman Francis Lee Councilman Russell N. Swensen present: Office Clerk Aleen Jensen Asst. Engineer Robert Butler Attorney W. Joe Anderson Others present were: Rod Blossom, Benton Engineering, and H. Dwight Whittaker--both representing Mountain Valley Estates; Douglas 11all, pro- perty owner adjacent to Mountain Valley Estates; and Roland T. Romrell came in for a few minutes near the end of the regular meeting. The Continuation Hearing was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor George Wehmann. Due to conflict of interest, Councilman Francis Lee exempted himself from the hearinq on MountainVallev Estates. i<od Blossom and H. Dwight Whittaker presented the preliminary plat for the new development. The need to annex a small portion of the railroad right-of-way and a rail- road crossing at Wanda Street, approximately midway between 17th Street and Sunnyside Road, was discussed. The development comes within 300 feet of the Bonneville-Iona Sewer District and Mr. Whittaker pointed out where the sewer line would be. Discussion followed concerning whether or not homes would be required to hook on to the sewer. The County has the re- quirement to hook on to the sewer if the property is within 300 feet. In discussing whether or not a property owner would be forced to hook on, the example of property owners on Sunnyside Road being required to hook on to the Idaho Falls sewer was cited. The reason for this action was not known, -70' f\ :;);. ,"'" October 5, 1977 howev2r, it was the opinion that the Health Department or E.P.A. would have had some influence and, also when bonding for a sewer, everyone is needed to get the bonds paid. If the property included in the Mountain Valley Estates and the property of Douglas Hall which is bordered on three sides by Mountain Valley are annexed, the City of Ammon will have juris- diction. If the properties are not annexed, Bonneville County will have control. Douglas Hall, who was a little late coming in, requested further clarifi- cation of the county requirement if water and sewer was brought to a stub- bing point within 300'. Attorney Anderson explained that there is a County ordinance which states that any location within 300' shall be required to I hook on. In response to the question if the County can seek and force the ordinance, Attorney Anderson determined the "shall" to be mandatory. Mr. Hall further wondered if the City and County were the same as he under- stood the City to be 200' and the County 300'. Also, Mr. Hall asked, if he chose to be annexed to Ammon, could the City grant a waiver of this requirement. The City could not grant a waiver, however, the City could choose not to act upon the matter. Mr. Hall wanted to know if the sewer later came down Crowley Road would he be forced to pay another fee. It was explained that the Bonneville-lona Sewer does nIDt include Crowley Rd. at this time, and it is being built with revenue bondiny. If financing was by L.I.D. the property could be assessed. No one can say whether or not there will be an L.I.D. in the future. No one can predict the form of financing. When sewer service is provided, Mr. Hall would pay a tap fee and incur the cost of the sewer from the stubbing point up to the Hall resident. The County usually is concerned with developing'streets and not sewers, however,fue County did make a L.I.D. for Lawndale. Councilman Russell Swensen read from the Municipal Code of the City of Ammon: 8-4-11 "CONNECTION TO SANITARY SEWER REQUIRED: Every parcel of land or premises within the City, improved for occupancy and occupied or used by any person, or by persons, shall be connected to the public san- I itary sewer if such sewer is within two hundred feet(200') of such land or premises. TheoWler or person in charge of such land shall make, or cause to be made, such connection within ninety (90) days after receiving official notice from the City to so connect. Mayor Wehmann recommended to Mr. Hall that he contact the Bonneville County Assessor's office to get their assistance in computing tax figures for his property. Mr. Hall commented that it appeared that, if he went with the County, he would have to hook on to the sewer and, if he went with the City, he might have a gambling chance. The comment was made that there might be a possibility of hooking one residence on with a 4ft service line. Mayor Wehmann em- phatically explained that no plans would be approved if they included a 4" service line with land sitting there which could within a short time require more. The lines have to be adequate to serve the property. Mayor Wehmann expressed his desire that Mr. Hall understand both views. The Preliminary Plat can be approved without Mr. Hall making a decision. Mayor Wehmann asked that Mr. Hall send the City a letter when he decided which course of action he wanted to take. The Union Pacific Railroad had been contacted and it l~oks like approval is favorable, however, the paper work needs to be completed. Rod Blossom" Development Engineer, asked that since the weather would soon be against the development for this year, could work commence by way of Crowley Road provided the City approved the Plat I until railroad approval was received. Mayor Wehmann advised that no ap- proval for any construction would be given until the railroad approval was given. The Council were in agreement with this. The Preliminary Plat shows 120' lots in Mountain Valley Estates. As proposed new subdivisions are considered~ MaYQr Wehmann exgressed his conCerh about an adequate supply of water~.equal1zing.water c $ts ror water users, and the cost ~o the City for prov1u1ng water I1nes. Th1s year we have been conscious of conserving water and perhaps it would be worthwhile to meter the use of water. Also, large city lots use more water than small ones, yet everyone pays the same amount each month. Large families use considerably more water than the widow. We charge a fee of $300'~to tap into the sewer--why not charge a fee to tap into the water. The City faces quite an overwhelming expense to provide water services with the rapid growth. The Mayor requested that the Council give consideration to I ~ ,~ C) ...-4 co co I I ~/'\l Jl.} October 5, 1977 the water problems and also consider requesting all new subdivisions to install meters. Idaho Falls is doing an indepthstudy on water at the present time and has promised a copy of their study on water meters. Councilman Swensen felt it was worthy to conserve water and equalize the costs, however, with water as hard as Ammon has, he would like proof that the meters would hold up. Some cities charge a flat water fee plus additional for large lots during the summer months. Councilman Swensen noted that this year was a good example--we have had less water to use but the farmers have utilized the water available and have produced good crops. The question was raised regarding the actual pavement width of streets in the proposed development. Engineer Blossom stated that the plans were for 28' of actual pavement. This is the width normally put in un- less there is curb and gutier. The bridge needs to have State of Idaho approval. Engineer Blossom commented that if water is not metered you need to have double sized lines--unmetered systems use twice as much water as metered ones. Councilwoman Dille moved that the City approve the Preliminary Plat for Mountain Valley Estates. Councilman Swensen seconded the motion. Voting was unanimous in favor. The motion carried. The Mayor will advise the developer about the Utlion Pacific's decision, Douglas Hall will let the City know of his decision, and Rod Blossom will prepare the Final Plav. The Continuation Hearing was adjourned. The regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council was called to order at 8:35 P.M. by Mayor George Wehmann. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by Councilman Anderson. The invocation was offered by Councilman Swensen. The minutes of the last meeting were not approved because the.City Clerk Deon Hemingway is on vaction. Designation of Election Judges and Clerks- The l~st of names of those who served on the last City Election in 1975 were reviewed. Councilman Swensen moved that, subject to their approval, the following clerks and judges be appointed for the 1977 Election: Ethel Pickett, Patricia Hay, Beth Lords, Mildred Empey, Almira Richardson, and Myrle Groom with Almira Richardson in charge; Alternates-(1) Vera Lee, (2) Leona Dees, and (3) Louise Hess; Constable - Dermont Ricks. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Dille. Councilman Swensen asked permission of the second to include some altern- ates for Constable in the motion. Councilwoman Dille gave her approval and Alternate Constable choices were (1) Glen Southwick and (2) Doward Kopp. The voting was unanimous in favor. The motion carried. Councilwoman Dille moved that the compensation of election workers be set at $2.30 per hour for the first eight hours and $3.25 per hour for over eight hours. Councilman Swensen seconded the motion. Voting was all in favor. Motion carried. City of Ammon Impact Area- Mayor Wehmann reviewed status of the impact area. Since work was first started to set.up Ammon's impact area, there have been changes. The Mayor recommended that the Council declare significant changes and readvertise. There was some discussion as to whether or not both the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council would have to reconsider. Attorney Anderson was asked to research the proper pro- cedures and advise the Council. Last Friday, September 30, 1977, Mayor Wehmann and Councilwoman Dille met at a Breakfast Meeting at 6:30 A.M. at Bert's with Councilman Gil Karst, Councilman Thomas Campbell, and Mayor Eddie Peterson of Idaho Falls. During the meeting the two cities worked together to define their impact areas. Both Mayor Wehmann and Councilwoman Dille felt that they had a good session together. The law requires that the impact area be established by December 31. Mayor Wehmann pointed out Qn an aerial map recommended area of impact for Ammon as defined at the Breakfast Meeting. The area was defined as follows: North Boundary - t mile North of First Street; Western Boundary- Sand Creek North of 17th Street and Sand Creek South of 17th Street except the boundary would move out furhter West to include the Eastgate Shopping and trailer area; Southern Boundary-Township Road; and Eastern Boundary- 1} miles East of Crowley Road. There was some discussion regarding these 302 October 5, 1977 boundaries, but it was the concensus of opinion of the Council that these were pretty good boundaries. Attorney Anderson pointed out t~c an impact area is something for planning. Councilwoman Dille moved that the Council accept the area of impact as presented and that it be advertised as such. Councilman Swensen seconded the motion. Voting was unanimous in favor. Motion carried. Plastic Water Pi-pe- Mayor Wehmann asked, "Does anyone have any objection to plastic pipe?" Bob Butler, Assistant City Engineer, presented to the Council members copies of specifications for use of plastic pipe for municipal water systems. In preparing these specifications, he had done I some investigation and various cities are using plastic pipe. Bob Butler called attention to the fact that in any non~metalic pipe you can't con- duct electricity through it. Also, because of freezing plastic pipe needs to be buried deeper--six feet minimum. Engineer Butler said that for lo- cation purposes, the drawings of Ammon's water lines are quite accurate. Councilman Swensen wanted to know what he meant by "quite accurate" for example 3'. He explained that on new pipe he meant within 1'. Council- man Lee asked if it was necessary to change an ordinance. It was deter- mined that it was not necessary. Engineer Butler further recommended that Ammon maintain continuity of the system in as area and only approve the use of plastic pipe in defined areas. He recommended that in the new subdivisions North of 17th Street and the one East of the Railroad would be acceptable. The copies of specifications presented were labeled "Draft" because the City Engineer; David Benton, had not had the oppor- tunity to sign them and Bob Butler had modified the American Waterworks specifications to fit Ammon's system specifically so that we would not eliminate manufacturers of plastic materials. There was no objection to use of plasticwater pipe in defined areas. Ammon-IBSD Agreement-Mayor Wehmann stated that he had reviewed the agree- ment and as far as he was able to determine there were only two blanas--% rate and number of years. He asked the Council if they had any other I comments f~om their review of the agreement. Councilman Lee had missed receiving a copy and he was provided one. Mayor Wehmann asked Attorney Anderson to set up a meeting with the Iona-Bonneville Sewer District. Water Meter Boxes in all future Subdivisions- This subject was discussed earlier in the hearing portion of the meeting, but the Mayor again en- couraged the Council to give some careful consideration to requiring meters in new subdivisions. Ammon is facing a possible 100 acre annex- ation in the proposed new Felt-Wait Addition. It will be hard on the City to keep up with the expense of a-good water system. Engineer Butler quoted that a water meter would cost approximately $300 installed. R 11 t d 1"n to encourage the Council to take so.me action on Roland omre s oppe " the problem gratinqover the ditch on Romrell Lane by h1s place. Mayor Wehmann advised that a work order had been given to get this fixed, but so far it had not been done satisfactorily. Romrell stated that he would be willing to work with the City to get the job done, and the Mayor pro- mised to get something done about it. Utah Power and Liqht Case-Mayor Wehmann expressed his pleasure about the outcome of the UP&L request for rate increase before the Public Utilities Commission. The increase granted was for 8.15%. This case drew the str- ongest public comment. On the negative side, Idaho Power is proposing that the setting of rates be taken out of the hands of the Public Utilities Commission and make it a cost of production. Idaho Power and Utah Power are teaming up. Unless there was some objection, Mayor Wehmann proposed taking those who worked on the UP&L case so diligently (partners included) out to dinner. I Low-Head Hydro-Ririe Dam-U.S. Senator Frank Church has urged Mayor Wehmann to pursue Low-Head Hyrdo out of the iUrie Dam. Mayor asked if anyone was against him doing so. No objection was expressed. Office of Consumer Services-Mayor Wehmann made two trips to Boise to urge Governor Evans to apply for an Office of Consumer Services. Idaho did apply I ~ ,~ - 1,.1. >-.... co ~ I I 303 October 5, 1977 and was successful in obtaining funds which should be very beneficial. Mayor Wehmann called attention to Councilwoman Dille that he had received a letter from Sheriff Skinner wanting to know about the law enforcement contract. Planning and Zoning Commission-Mayor Wehmann proposed that Joseph W. Wenger be appointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission to replace Earl McCoy. Mr. Wenger was a diligent worker on the UP&L case. There was some question as to whether or not he met the residency requirement. Councilman Swensen encouraged that the Council not get into a situation like the Bonneville County Commissioners. Attorney Anderson reminded that members of the Planning and Zoning Commission do not make decisions--they make recommen- dations. Councilwoman Dille moved that Joseph W. Wenger be accepted as a member of the City of Ammon Planning and Zoning Commission. Councilman Lee seconded the motion. Voting was unanimous in favor. Motion carried. Coupon Book-The work on the coupon book as a method of billing for water, sewer and garbage services was discontinued until a decision was reached on the UP&L rate increase. Now that the UP&L ,;as been sett led, the Mayor in- structed to get the work completed on the coupon book. Postal rates are supposedly going up. COMMITTEE REPORTS Police and Fire Department-Councilwoman Dille reported that during August, 1977, 55 citations had been issued (35 traffic and 20 parking), 24 hours of radar, for a total of 362.5 hours (11 hours by investigaters). Two dogs and one cat had been picked up. There is a new Animal Control Officer, Lawrence Skinner. Regarding parking in the streets, the streets seem to be clear. The problem of Simpsons at 2045 Dove Drive was discussed. Simpsons have done nothing about cleaning up their premises. Both Councilman Lee and Councilwoman Dille have checked. A number of possible solutions wr~re con- sidered--persuading the neighbors to help clean up; citing Simpsons in on a nusiance charge; appealing to Fred Blair, the owner; getting Harold Argyle, the owner's boss to'lean on Blair; citation of misdemeanor; if Simpsons had any church affliation, to get the church's assistance. Councilman Lee ag- reed to check on LDS Church affliation and to check with Harold Argyle to see if he could offer any help. The best solution seemed to cite Simpsons to appear before the City Council. Councilwoman Dille moved that Attorney Anderson be authorized to draft a letter to Simpsons and Fred Blair, owner, whereas a complaint has been made by the neighbors upon 2045 Dove declaring the unkept premises to be a publicnusiance and cite them to appear before a hearing of the City Council to see if a public nusiance does exist. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lee. With the permission of Councilwoman Dille and Councilman Lee, Attorney Anderson restated the motion. Voting was unanimous in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Wehmann was authorized to send a letter about the junk car on Avocet Drive. Attorney Anderson was instructed to send another letter to Nebekers, 2985 East 17th Street, regarding cleaning up their property, with a copy to go to ,Gene Burch of the Farmers Home Administration. Public Works-Councilman Lee reported that he had been working on the ~ plow problem. If he didn't solve it soon, he might consider selling the snow plow and getting a lighter one. Mayor Wehmann encouraged him not to get too anxious because he was still hoping for a truck from Boise. The fence around Well #5 is done. The trees have been moved at Harris' place. The Engineer needs to work on the easement with Harris. There have been complaints about the City maintenance employees--it is extremely hard to get them to get anything done. Also, there have been complaints of the men on garbage truck yelling at people and having foul mouths. The men need some- one to supervise them. Fiscal Operations-Councilman Swensen gave Engineer Butler a copy of the Ion~ Bonneville Sewer District study work. ,He reported he needed to get the rest of his commitments done--roof repair, trench repatr on Ammon Road, sandbag Le?lacement, and work with LaVern Williams on additional repairs needed for Dodge truck. The Dodge truck has been out of operation for a long time-- Swensen will follow through to get it in for the hoist. j 304 October 5, 1977 Parks and Recreation-Councilman Anderson wanted authorization to attend the Idaho Governor's Conference on Children (Idaho's Greatest Resource--Our Children and Youth) to be held in Sun Valley on October 18, 19, 20, 21, 1977. Major topics of the conference are Community Environment, Public Services, Juvenile Justice, and Home Environment. Mayor Wehmann wondered if Ammon got that involved with youth. Councilwoman Dille suggested that, if anyone went it should be the Parks and Recreation Department. Also, important leg- islation seems to develop from the various conferences. Councilwoman Dille moved that Councilman Anderson go to the Idaho Governors Conference on Child- ren and that he be reimbursed on the rate schedule set up. Councilman Lee seconded the motion. Voting was unanimous in favor. Motion carried. Council- man Swensen reported that the automatic timer on the tennis court lights I doesn't work. The Mayor will check with Keith Brown about the problem. Councilman Anderson reported that it should be about time to take the lights out for the winter. Attorney-Attorney Anderson stated he had Waite waterline agreement is up to them. L.I.D. #5 Bonds and Deon Hemingway, City as she returns. nothing to report. The Felt & Keith Turnbow has signed the Clerk, needs to sign them as soon Enqineer-Robert Butler reported on the items on the Engineer comm :itrnent list. The trees have been removed at Daryl Harris' place, but the easement agreement needs to be completed. The revised preliminary plat of Mountain Valley Estates was taken care of. Nothing has been done on the anticipated proiects of pav- ing Midway and Southwick around McCowin Park early in 1978 or land acquisition and fence for Well #3 in 1978. The operation manual for the pumps at Well #6 is not complete because it has not been possible to get all the necessary information. The draft copy of specifications for use of plastic pipe for municipal water system was distrubuted to Councilmen earlier in this meeting. Engineer Butler thinks we need to drain and clean the water tank and repair the pump at Well #6 soon. He will work it around his schedule so that he can be right there to supervise the operation. The sewer meter equipment is not calibrated. Mayor Wehmann was upset that we couldn't get the sewer meter I equipment in operation after all this long time. He promised Attorney Anderson and Engineer Butler who are involved in the IBSD that nothing of the IBSD was going into Ammon's lines until the sewer meter was working. Councilman Swensen thought we were still holding money back from the sewer project until the sewer meter functioned properly. No money was retained, however, there are letters to document the problem. City Clerk-The bank balance is $16,309.87 and there are claims in the amount of $10,580.29 to be paid. Councilmen approved the claims before and after the meeting. Mayor-Mayor participates in AIC as a Board Member. When he serves in the capacity of Board Member, he charges AIC for the meetings. At this time, Mayor Wehmann has been asked to serve as Chairman of a 30 man Community Development Task Force which will involve three meetings. He asked-for the Councils' approval to serve as Chairman and for the City to pay expenses for the three meetings. Councilman Swensen moved that the Mayor be authroized to attend the AIC Task Force meetings and to serve as Chairman and be re- imbursed by the City for expenses at the rate schedule set up. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Pille. Voting was unanimous in favor. Motion carried. The first meeting is in Boise on Monday, October 17, 1977. The I telephone in the Mayor's home is used a good deal for city business. The Mayor thought it would be advantageous to install a city telephone in his home and to have it listed in the telephone directory under City of Ammon as "Mayor's Residence~' Councilman Lee moved that a telephone be authorized for the Mayor's residence. Councilman Swensen seconded the motion. Voting was unanimous in favor. Motion carried. Attention was called to two phone (extensions) which are in the two back offices of the City Building and are never used. It was suggested that these be removed. Del Bodily, Bonneville County Recorder, has inquired if the City would be interested in a City- County agreement for 1979 election. ,The Council thought the idea not bad but wanted to know what the cost would be. The agreement would be for a combined voter registration. The Mayor expressed the need for uniformity in ~~~~8 Ps~mit fee~. When major new construction occurs plans are s 1: 1:ne~J.. ty of Idaho Falls rn spection Office for' checking. L__ I ~ o en ~ CQ 00 I I 305 October 5, 1977 They set up the permit fees accroding to an amount per square foot (con- forms with the Uniform Building Code). On other construction for remodel~ ing, repairs, sheds, storage buildings, etc. the owner places a valuation, and the cost of permit is based on this valuation. The Mayor recommends ~hat Ammon establish some uniform fees because it is unrealistic that buildings could be built for some of the valuation figures. The dis- cussion on National League of Cities Meeting was tabled until the Mayor knows more information. There have been complaints about water pressure in Petersen Park area and the Mayor asked if anyone could give a reason. The Engineer stated there could be a circulation problem. There will be a traffic meeting tomorrow morning (County Traffic Safety). The County will be responsible for the signs on Ross Street. A representative of Inter- mountain Gas Company and the Mayor conducted a survey of the heatin~ in the Well pumphouses. The gas company refuses to hook up the furnace at Well #1. The other wells are using normal household thermostats to regulate the tem- perature and the lowest setting is 55?, A thermostat is available which can be set at 35~ The gas company recommended we could obtain different ones and set them at 40~ Dick Weimer has been contacted to get Well #1 legal and to change the tllermostats_ When Dermont Ricks sent in his water pay- ment, he commented that the water charge was too much and what about spray- in9 ditches. Marian Perrenoud noted that the City gets a lot of bad checks. She wondered if the City couldn't charge people extra if they wrote an insufficient funds check. The Attorney said no. Councilman Swensen said let the bank assess the charge--just keep the check going back to the bank. There is a problem with Brent Petersen parking a boat and trailer in the street. The street is not posted for no parking but he leaves the boat & trailer parked there indefini tely. The Mayor will investigate vhat can I:E cbne. AttorneY Anderson did a tremendous job on the Utah Power & Light rate in- crease hearing. He has been left unpaid for his service. Mayor Wehmann asked Council approval to pay Attorney Anderson $1,000.00 out of the 1978 monies for his services on Utah Power case. The Council was agreeable and felt that no approval was necessary since it had been budgeted. Unfinished business--the~roof still needs to be fixed. Councilman Lee moved that the meeting be adjourned and Councilman Anderson seconded it. Meeting adjourned 11 -IS P M .///~' U- /L at . .. t../. /;';"'~/'.. / .' ...~ , '~~~ITY-CL:::;C5!dYOR / r"fY/' " CITY OF i\MMON October 19, 1977 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor George Wehmann, with the following City Officials present: Mayor George Wehmann Clerk Deon Hemingway Councilman Francis Lee Asst. Engineer Robert Butler Councilman Russell N. Swensen Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Others present during the meeting were City Councilman Candidate David R. Rowberry, Pack 307 Cub Scouts David Fullmer, Brock Van Orden and Kevin D. West, and their leader W. Reed Fullmer. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by the Cub Scouts; prayer was offered by Councilman Anderson. Minutes of the meeting of October 5, 1977, were approved as prepared. Mayor Wehmann acknowledged the presence of Mr. Rowberry. An rlpplication for a variance submitted by Larry Clark, 1900 Eagle Dr., was;~taken under consideration, and it was noted that the request was to build a separate garage at a location in the backyard which would be ten feet from the back of the house in order to place the structure within one foot of the side property line (the zoning ordinance requires that a separate building in an R-l Zone should be at least 12 feet back from the house before