Council Minutes 09/14/1977 2'lLt September 7, 1977 According to Enqineer Butler, requests for information regarding use of plastic pipe in municipal water systems have been sent to several rdaho Cities, b?t nothing helpful has been received yet. He indicated that the County will go ahead with the work of putting in a gate in the fence at the storm sewer lift station as soon as the gate is furnished by the City, and that the work on the emergency lighting at Well #6 has been completed. Engineer Butler mentioned that a leak problem which allowed water from the irrigation canal to run into the sanitary sewer system through the sewer service line at the residence of, Fred Kvarfordt, 3520 E. 17th Street, was discovered when the work was started on the Iona Bonneville Sewer District line at that location, and !\1r. Kvarfordt has been notified that this will have to be repaired. A report by the City Clerk listed claims to pay in the amount of$7tw138, and a balance in the General Fund checking account of $58,454.89, in- cluding proceeds credited to the General Fund from the sale of L.I.D. #7 bonds of $36,368.44. Also reported was a total of $335.30 due to the City on delinquent accounts as of Aug. 31, 1977. Councilman Swensen asked for the consideration of the Council regarding insurance coverage for the coming fiscal year, and it was decided that the City should stay with the present carrier. As a matter of informa~ tion, it was noted that a building permit was issued last week for five apartment buildings with eight units in each to be constructed on Maiben Avenue. Also noted was the beginning of construction of the Iona Bonne- ville Sewer District trunk lines and the need to study the proposed~ree- ment regarding this new system being connected to the Ammon sewer line. Claims were approved for payment. The me~ting was adjourned at 11:00 P.M. .(;(. //.." J/(n#~: .N///c //<t'Z,' , ( ~ 5U, . -. ~" -..-.~ ty C.fi'Y ERK CITY OF AMMON September 14, 1977 Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7:37 P.M. by Mayor George Wehmann, with the following City Officials present: Mayor George Wehmann Clerk Deon Hemingway Councilman Russell N. Swensen Asst. Attorney Douglas Nelson Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Councilman Francis Lee Others present during the meeting were Robert B. Nixon, developer, David E. Benton, developer's engineer, Franklin N. Smith, developer's attorney, Lee Gagner, 2670 Homestead Ln., Idaho Falls, Mr. & Mrs. R.F. Smith, 2740 E. 17th, Douglas G. Hall, Rt. 7 Box 55 (Crowley Kd.), Boyd Thompson, 3100 Midway Ave., and DeLynn Hansen, 3165 Western Ave. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by Councilman Lee and the invocation was offered by Councilman Swensen. Mayor Wehmann opened the meeting as a public hearing on the development plans for an area in the Monty Howell Addition north of 17th Street and the proposed subdivision called Mountain Valley Estates. He noted that the hearing was properly advertised and notice given as required by law, and announced that there would be no discussion on the proposal for de~ velopment of property south of 17th Street and east of Sand Creek since the developer has temporarily withdrawn this request. It was explained that the specific request for the land in the Monty Howell Addition is to vacate Nikkole Street, to relocate Lori Street, and to obtain approval of development of a Dwelling Group (Planned) in that portion of the sub- division which is pr~ently zoned R2A. The site plan of the proposed con- diminium development known as Pheasant Estates was displayed, and Mr. Nixon I I I I ~ o J) 0--4 CO ;:Q I I Septel1lber 14, ~;.15 described the planned townhouse units and grounds, noting that there should not be too much impact on the schools since the project is inten- ded to appeal to couples and individuals without children. It was also pointed out that this development will be of lesser density as a Dwelling Group (Planned) than what the R2A Zone would allow if developed as an apartment area. After the need for the change in the streets was ex- plained ~nd~; iscussed, Councilman Swensen moved to approve by resolution In res./u'ijOi(r. € . . see ~nsert the vacat~n of N~kkole Street as ro osed and the re- location of Lori Street in the proposed Pheasant Estates as shown on the site plan dated Sept., 1977. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lee; voting was all in favor; motion passed. Regarding the matter of approval on a Dwelling Group (Planned), Attorney Nelson adv~sed that the City Ordinance requires that the City Council be the hearing board and that only one hearing needs to be held, but the Planning and Zoning Commission may review and make a recommendation and has the right to approve the building permits. Mayor Wehmann commented that this clarification was requested since there was some concern about this on the part of the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission, and because of the citizens' group in the County that is making sure that all land use planning matters are handled according to the law. Attor- ney Smith reported that the Pheasant Estates plan was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission at the August 16th meeting, and the recommendation of that group by a 4 to 2 vote was to approve the project subject to the review of the City Council. Reference was made to a decorative wall which was shown on the site drawings, and the developer stated that the height of the wall will be modified to meet the re- strictions in the City Ordinance which were mentioned by Mayor Wehmann. Satisfaction with the plans in general was indicated by the Mayor and Council members. Councilman Lee moved to approve by resolution (see insert) the described parcel of land to be developed as a dwelling Group (Planned) as presented to the Council. The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting Was all in favor; motion carried~ Consideration was given next to the public hearing on the preliminary plat and request for annexation of a parcel of ground on the east side of Ammon identified as Mountain Valley Estates, loca~ed east of the railroad tracks and extending to Crowley Road. It was noted that David Benton was representing the developers, Dwi9ht Whittaker and Neahl Johnson. Street and lot widths and ownership of the canal which is shown on the plat were discussed, and it was indicated that the total area of the proposed subdivision is 36 acres. Special mention was made of the railroad crossi~g and bridge across the canal which would be required, and the need to have letters from the Union Pacific Railroad Company and the State Highway Department regarding these matters before any action can be taken was stressed. Councilman Swensen reviewed in- formation which was presented at the Planning and ZOning Commission meeting which he attended, and noted that the recommendation of the Commission by a 5 to 1 vote was to accept the preliminary plat with the request for annexation and initial zoning of RP with Overlay 6. Regardi~g conflict of interest, Mayor Wehmann explained that David Benton as the City Engineer has the responsibility of' checking plats of new subdivisions, but in this case he is also the engineer for the developer, so under the agreement with the City of Idaho Falls, the Engineering Department of that city has reviewed and made comments on the subdivision drawings which will be incorporated into the final plat. The Mayor made note that he personally feels that anything that benefits the City benefits him also, inasmuch as he has property within 150 feet (in the Barbara Jean Addition), he declared himself as having a conflict of interest as a matter of record. Councilman Lee withdrew from discussion on the proposed subdivision, noting that he has partial ownership in a parcel of land that abutts the area being considered. The present of Douglas Hall, wh00wns property along Crowley Road which is surrounded on three sides by the proposed Mountain Valley Estates, was acknowledgf-~d, and he was promised that he would be notified whenever any business on this subject is to be considered in the future. Engineer Benton was asked to revise the plat in accordance with the comments of the City of Idaho Falls before action can be taken. Councilman Swensen moved to recess the hear~' ing on the Mountain Valley Estates and to have it placed on the agenda 286 September 14, 1977 for the regular City Council meeting on Sept. 21, 1977. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson; voting was Swensen, yes; Anderson, yes; Dille, yes; Lee, abstained; motion carried. Councilwoman Dille sugges- ted that revised copies of the plat be made availabe for study at least one day before the meeting. Boyd Thompson, 3200 Midway Avenue, appeared regarding a variance on the lot sizes for property he owns on Sunnyside Road, and was asked to obtain the signature of the adjacent property owner on the east and return to the next regular meeting, at whim time his request will be considered. A problem with the sewer connection at the Fred Kvarfordt residence, lo- cated outside the City at the corner of 17th Street and Ammon Road, was I discussed, and it was determined that the installing contractor had ob- tained the necessary permit when the line was put in, the proper in- spection had been made by the City of Idaho Falls inspector, and th~t Mr. Kvarfordt was aware that some repair work is needed on the line where it ~oes under the canal which will be taken care of by the contractor as soon as possible. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. '~ /' /I'//fi.: )/Z "Z:Jt;// CITY OF AMMON September 21, 1977 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P,M. by Mayor George Wehmann, with the following City Officials present: Mayor George Wehmann Clerk Deon Hemingway Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Asst. Attorney Douglas Nelson Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Engineer David E. Benton Councilman Francil Lee Maint. Supv. LaVern E. Williams Councilman Russell N. Swensen Others present during the meeting were Elmoyne Bailey, DeLynn Hansen, Boyd Thompson, Rance Bare, and Craig Thomsen. I The pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by CouDcilman Swensen; the invocation was offered by Councilman Lee. Minutes of the Special !\leeting of August 31, 1977, minutes of the Special Meeting of September 7, 1977, and minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 7, 1977, were approved as prepared. Mrs. Elmnyn~ Bailey, 2810 Salmon Street, appeared to discuss a ticket for parking in the street on Dove Drive which was issued to her son on Aug. 12, and to forcefully voice an objection to the strict code on the parking situation. In reply, the Mayor and Council members stressed the safety problems that exist on the narrow streets when the parking regulation, which has been in the City laws since 1958, is not enforced, and also pointed out that consideration is being given to having a professional traffic study made in an effort to arrive at the best solution. Coun- cilwoman Dille acknowledged that there should be some allowance for I parking under special conditions, and m~do in nn offort te a~LiJc at t~ best solution. CO\,mcilwomaR DiJ.le ackRoowlQdgod that ther-e.,~~J:.d.--e.e- €omQ .).llOWjln(,Q for park; n'J IInnQ:r:.,.specia.lc.ondi..tioIls~ and made reference to an arrangement in another area which allows permits to be issued for parking during parties or other group activities. An application presented by Boyd Thompson, 3100 Midway Avenue, requesting a variance for the use of two residential lots, located at the corner of Rose Dale Lane and Sunnyside Road, with frontage of 75.75 feet and 76.0 feet rather than 80 feet as required in an R-1 Zone, was considered. It was noted that the adjoining property owner had signed a statement in- dicating no objection to this proposal. Councilman Anderson moved to grant the variance as requested. The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was Anderson, yes; Swensen, yes; Lee, yes; Dille, yes;