Council Minutes 08/03/1977 (2)
July 20, 1977
is a need to come to a decision on the Impact Area for land use planning,
and the City Attorney was requested to advise on what action would by need-
ed in order to modify the plan as presented at the hearings by moving the
boundry for impaet to one-half mile north of 1st Street. It was also pOln-
ted out that the County Planning and Zoning Commission request a non-
binding review of all plats submitted to the City of Ammon. Mayor Wehmann
reported that an answer has been received from Senator Church in response
to an-inquiry about the safety ufthe Ririe Dam which was sent to Cecil
Andrus, Secretary of the Interior, with a copy to Senator Church.
Mayor Wehmann agreed to check on a report that City trash is being dumped
on the Robert Nixon property. He also noted that two water service lines
on Bittern Drive were repaired this week.
Claims were approved for payment. Councilman Lee moved to adjourn; the
motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen. The meeting was adjourned at
10:30 Pfi'i.. ~,. /.1. /
; '~ ~ CITY OF AMMO /
August 3, 1977
Minutes of a Special Public Hearing before the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7 :30 P.M. by Council. President
Russell N. Swensen with the following City Officials present:
Councilman Russell N. Swensen Clerk Deon Hemingway
Councilman Francis Lee Asst. Attorney Douglas Nelson
Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Engineer David E. Benton
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Maint. Supv. LaVern Williams
Other interested people present were Craig Thomsen representing Peg
Development of Salt Lake City, Don Ellsworth and Garth Cunningham rep-
resenting Ellsworth Engineering, Inc., George Klomp of Bonneville County
Planning and Zoning, Bobbie Stephens from the Post-Register newspaper,
and property owners Leonard McDonald, 850 S. 3500 East, Jacob Johnston,
400 Amy Lane, John S. and Polly G. Stibal, 440 Amy Lane, and Howard W.
Spaletta, 460 S. 3500 East.
Council President Swensen explained that he was conducting the meeting
in the absence of Mayor Wehmann who is expected to be in attendance
later upon his return from a meeting in Boise. He noted that the pur-
pose of the meeting was to hear comments from the public regarding the
final plat and a proposal for the annexation and initial zoning of the
property known as Tie Breaker Village, Division No.1, containing 23.75
acres, and also the annexation of another small tract of the same sub-
division containing 8.34 acres, both of these being located between 1st
Street aod the present City Limits north of 17th Street. Engineer Benton
reported that comments of the different reviewing agencies have been
given to the developer's engineer and incorporated into the final plat,
except for the size of several lots which will be changed in order to
meet the frontage requirements of the City of Ammon zoning ordinance.
Councilwoman Dille reviewed the comments and recommendations of the
Planning and Zoning Commission from the minutes of the Public Hearing
held in April, 1977, noting that the subject was discuSsed again at the
July meeting, and that the final plat as now presented and the zoning as
now requested laTe taken care of matters which were considered objection-
able by the adjoining property owners who were present at the Planning
and Zoning hearing. A letter from William M. Brinton, Bonneville County
Zoning Administrator, was read to make a matter of record the fact that
the County Planning Office feels strongly that the annexation of Tie
Breaker Village to the City of Ammon would not be orderly or in accordance
with the County or City of Ammon comprehensive plan. It was pointed
out by Engineer Benton that the Iona-Bonneville S.we~ District system
has been designed to be able to serve this proposed subdivision, and
Councilman Swenson explained that the City of Ammon would have no problem
providing law enforcement, fire protection, and an ample supply of water
trom the five operating wells and the updated water system. In res20nse
to a question about the cost of fire insurance and utilities (incluoing
power) in Ammon as compared to the rates if the area were to become part
of the City of Idaho Falls, Councilman Swensen commented that the lower
<\ugust 3, 1977
property taxes for Ammon should be considered also when making such a com-
Regarding zoning, it was indicated that the Ammon Planning Commission had
recommended R1 with larger lots along the existing Mountain View Estates.
Since the largest zoning which the City Ordinance provides for is RP~esi-
dential Park) requiring 100 feet of frontage and a minimum area of 10,000
square feet to a lot, the developer is requesting Rl zoning on the entire
subdivision except for RP on the buffer lots along the east boundary. At-
tention was called to provisions for a park and school site to be included
in a part of the subdivision to be developed later. There was a question
concerning irrigation water, and it was stated that the present ditch does 1-
not have the capacity to take care of the proposed large lots; so the water
rights will probably be released, and Engineer Benton explained that this
has been requested on all new subdivisions that are annexed to Ammon.
There being no further comments from the public, Councilwoman Dille sug-
gested that the hearing be closed and that the Council wait until Mayor
Wehmann is present before making any decision, following which a rep-
resentative of the developer presented a proposed annexation agreement.
Councilman Lee moved that the public hearing be cl03ed without making a
decision until the next regular Council Meeting to give the Council and
Mayor time to study the proposed annexation agreement and the feasi-
bility of supplying water to Tie Breaker Village. The motion was seconded
by Councilwoman Dille, who promptly withdrew her second. The motion was
then seconded by Councilman Anderson; voting was Lee, yes; Swensen, yes;
Dille, no; Anderson, yes; motion carried. The hearing was c~osed at
8:30 P.M.
' j/ CITY
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August 3, 1977
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 8:35 P.M.
the following City Officials present:
Mayor George Wehmann
Councilman Russell N. Swensen
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson
Councilwoman Carol A. Dille
Councilman Francis Lee
by Mayor George Wehmann with
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Engineer David E. Benton
Asst. Attorney Douglas Nelson
Maint. Supv. LaVern E. Williams
Others present during the meeting were Don Ellsworth and Garth Cunningham
of Ellsworth Engineering, Inc., Craig Thomsen representing the developer
of Tie Breaker Village, George Klomp of the Bonneville County Zoning Com-
mission, Howard W. Spaletta of 460 S. 3500 East, and Bobbie Stephens,
Post-Register reporter.
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by Councilman Swensen;
the invocation was offered by Councilman Anderson. Minutes of the prev-
ious meeting had not been prepared by the Clerk, so approval was postpon~.
With reference to the public" hearing on Tie Breaker Village which was held
just prior to this meeting, the developer's engineer, Don Ellsworth, asked
if the final plat could be approved at this time even though it was decide:i
that action on the annexation should be delayed until the next meeting.
After it was determined that this would be satisfactory, Councilman Lee
moved to accept the final plat of Tie Breaker Village subject to correc~.
tions and checking as identified and subject to the approval of the City
Engineer. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Dille; voting was all
in favor; motion carried. In response to an inquiry about action on the
Annexation Agreement for Tie Breaker Village, which Don Ellsworth explam-
ed had been submitted to the City Attorney several weeks ago, objection
was expressed by Councilman Lee against giving approval without having
time to study the terms which were only handed to the Council members at
August 3, 1977
the public hearing this same evening. It was agreed that the Annexation
Agreement should be prepared by the developer on the standard City form
with the special conditions included before action will be taken, but
that there should be no problem with the developer's engineer going ahead
with the staking and preparing the development drawings. Councilwoman
Dille moved to table action on the Annexation Agreement for Tie Breaker
Village and to require the developer to prepare the Annexation Agreement
and have it here for study one week before the next regular meeting on
August 17, 1977, at which time the Council will deliberate the annexation
of Tie Breaker Village. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lee; voting
was all in favor; motion carried. Providing water for the subdivision,
if annexed, was discussed, and Mayor Wehmann suggested that use of plas-
tic water pipe be considered. He explained that plastic pipe costs some-
what less than iron pipe, and has been approved by a number of states
and cities. It was felt that the City Engineer should develop the spec-
ifications for City standards for this type of waterline, and that the
developer of Tie Breaker Village should make a request for bids for both
plastic and iron pipe.
At the request of Mayor Wehmann, the Council discussed whether or not the
City should allow private contractors to do the work of putting in water
hookups, noting that a property owner who is a licensed plumber and a
digging contractor has asked permission to install a new water service
line for his residence. It was decided that the City should not set a
definite policy on this but should review each individual case, and that
permission should be given in this particular instance, with the City
employees to make the actual tap a charge to be made for any fittings
used and labor at the rate of a minimum of $25 per hour.
Mayor Wehmann asked for a recommendation from the Council members regard-
ing salaries for fiscal year 1978 in order .to get figures prepared for
the new budget. He mentioned that any change in the pay for elected of-
fLcials must be made official no later than the meeting of September 7.
A 5% cost-of-living increase~n addition to the approved rate schedule
was suggested for regular City employees, along with $200 per month re-
tainer for the City Attorney and the City Engineer. A budget work ses-
ion was set up for 8 P.M. on August 11.
It was announced by Mayor Wehmann that \tern Juhl of 2675 Salmon Street
has agreed to serve as Chairman of the annual Ammon Day celebration, and
plans are under way for that special activity on Saturda~ August 20.
An application for a variance for Edgar B. Wood, 3160 Ross Avenue, was
taken under consideration, noting that signatures of adjoining and across-
the-street neighbors had been obtained by the applicant. Councilman Lee
moved that Edgar B. Wood be granted a variance as requested to build a
2-car garage five (5) feet from the property line in an R1 Zone. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was Lee,yes; Swensen,
yes; Anderson, yes; Dille, yes; motion carried.
Attendance at a special dinner meeting on August 10 sponsored by the East
Central Idaho Planning and Development Association was encouraged by
Mayor Wehmann, who informed the Council that Governor Evans is to be pre-
sent for this occasion.
According to Councilman Swensen, his meeting with a representative of the
State Employment Department had to be re-scheduled, so there is no infor-
mation on the City's application for CETA VI funds at this time.
Councilman Anderson reported that there have been no quotations submitted
for repairs ~f the car which was involved in .an accident with a City truck
at the swimming pool parking lot. He also noted that the City-sponsored
Pee Wee Baseball program will be completed this week and arrangements have
been made for all of the participants to have a free swim at the pool.
A report by Councilwoman Dille indicated that Brent Dees of 3440 Rawson
Street has been notified by a letter from Mayor Wehmann that he must obtain
a commercial kennel license since he has been keeping dogs in his non-
A.ugust 3, 1977
commercial kennel which be has b~en' t~aining fOf ffi9ney.- A letter from
Mr. Dees was read in which he stated that he will not have any dogs for
training at the Rawson Street location after August 20. It was felt by
the Council members that Mr. Dees should not be required to get a com-
mercial license under the circumstances described in the letter, but any
time there is a change in the number of dogs under the non-commercial
license, a new application with the signatures of the property owners in
the neighborhood will be needed. Mayor Wehmann agreed to notify Mr. Dees
of this decision and to inform a neighbor, Glen Southwick, who has expres-
sed concern about the situation.
Regarding the advertised requests for bids, Councilman Lee stated that one I'
bid has been received on each of the French drain and fence iobs, but
nothing on the concrete work. He noted that the bid on the fence for Well
#5 was from Haddon's Fencing of Blackfoot for $4,500, and Virgin Excavat-
ing has bid $4,992 for insta~ling French drains on Southwick Lane and
Midway Avenue, and since both bids were under the amount provided for in
the budget, authorization had been g1ven to the Assistant City Engineer
to proceed with obtaining contracts, etc. It was decided that the City
should purchase the necessary forms and equipment for an estimated $800
so that City employees can take care of the cement repairs that are now
needed and in the future. A sketch showing the easement for the 17th St.
storm sewer pump station was displayed, and it was determined that access
to the existing gate in the fence around the pump station is a problem.
A suggestion by Mayor Wehmann that arrangements be made to have Haddon's
Fencing move the gate or put another one in at the same time that the
fence for Well #5 is being built was felt to be advisable. Councilman Lee
reported that the sewer manholes and the watermain valves have been raised
in the Meadow Lark Estates subdivision and have been inspected and accepted.
He noted also that Northwest Electric Co. is to go ahead with the emergency
lighting in Well #6 pumphouse. Since the sewer meter station has failed
again, it was requested that the City Attorney write to H_K Contractors
giving notice that the Ci ty cannot tolerate this situation any longer.'"
Attorney Nelson explained that the ordinance to amend the zonin re ulations
regarding parking spaces has been prepared, but the state law requires
a hearing on any amendments to the zoning ordinance, so that will have
to be taken care of before action can be taken. He recommended that matters
that require amending the zoning ordinance be saved up and hearings held
only every six months. Regarding the agreement with Larry Felt and Randy
Waite on the subject of ownership and maintenance of the watermain which
was extended to serve their subdivision development, Attorney Nelson men-
tioned that a legal description is needed before the document can be com-
pleted for signature and recording.
Enqineer Bpnton reported that a standard annexation agreement form for the
City of Ammon has been prepared, that the annexation agreement on the 17th
Street North Addition is not ready yet, and that figures have not been com-
piled on the cost of installing waterline, either cast iron or plastic, from
17th Street up to the proposed Tie Breaker Village subdivision. Mayor Wehmann
indicated that he had contacted Wayne Wi~cox about temporarily supplying
water for this development from his water company, and some information in
writing will be obtained on this.
A report by the City Clerk listed claims to pay in the amount of $7,661.18 I'
and a General Fund checking account balance of $21,600.53. The Clerk
brought to the attention of the Council that the minutes of January 19,
1977, recorded a motion left tabled on which no further action was takeR
at a later meeting. Accordingly, Councilman Swensen moved that the figures
on the extension of the City waterline to the Felt and Waite Addition
as presented in the meeting of January 17, 1977, be ratified. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Lee; voting was all in favor; motion carried.
Mayor Wehmann informed the Council that he had attended a Civil Defense
meeting where it was announced that an emergency evacuation alert is in the
planning for this area. He mentioned that Interior Secretary Cecil Andrus
has replied to a letter regarding concern about the Ririe Dam. Regarding
the Utah Power & Liqht increase, Mayor Wehmann stated that the case before
3270 Molen St.
August 12, 1977
To the Mayor and City Council:
I have attended the Public Hearings on the Tiebreaker Village
at both leveJ.:s~1anning and Zoning Conmission and before the
City Council. I am familiar with the detaUs of the Annexation
Agreement being proposed.
I feel that it is in the best interests of the City of AJmnon
at this time to annex the Russ Wallace-Tiebreaker Village into
the City, with water to be furnished by agreement with Wilcox
water company, and the city.
I east my vote for annexation.
Carol Dille, City Councilwoman
Subscribed to and sworn
August, 1977.
before me this 12th day of
~ ~--~
'Notary ~bu~-'T~
Residing in Ammon, Idaho
~ ~ .
- /- .-
My eommisslon..expi1;es
May 2S, 19-18 ---:/ - .- . _
.... '. IT.) I7
.-/~ ;r:l, ..'
August 3, 1977
the Idaho Public Utilities Commission has been continued until September
30 or such time as an order is issued by the Commission. He pointed out
that he went to a land use planninq meetinq in Rexburq and has been asked
to work wi th:.a committee to rewri te the law regarding the jurisdiction
of neighboring large and small cities OV2r new subdivisions ih the area.
According to a report by Mayor Wehmann, the most recent assessed valuation
of the City of Ammon is $3,651,105, which is up 8 to 9 per cent over last
year. The findings of engineer sent out by the City's insurance
carrier was reviewed by the Mayor, who also mentioned that Utah Power &
Light Company has agreed to turn off 11 of the new liqhts on 17th Street
in the interest of energy conservation, with no charge to be made on the
lights that will be off. As a matter of record, Mayor Wehmann noted that
there were 8 tickets for watering on Wednesday issued today. Other
matters mentioned were that the engineering firm of CH2M in Boise is
checking the Iona-Bonneville Sewer District plans and will have this com~
pleted by October, and that he expects to go to Boise on August 29 to
attend a nearing related to deposits for utilities.
It was noted that the Planning and Zoning Commission will have a public
hearing on August 16 regarding the proposed Mountain Valley subdivision
along with a request for a zone change and the creation of a Dwelling
Group (Planned) submitted by Robert Nixon. Councilman Swensen was asked
to represent the Council at this meeting since Councilwoman Dille expects
to be out of town.
A proposal to increase the salaries of elected officials was discussed.
Councilwoman Dille moved that an ordinance to change the salary of the
Mayor to $200 per month and the Council salaries to $100 per month be
prepared, with the first reading to be on August 17, 1977, the second
reading to be waived, and the third reading on September 7, 1977. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson; voting was all in favor;
motion carried.
Claims were approved for payment. Councilman Lee moved to adjourn;
seconded by Councilman Swensen; the meeting was adjourned at 11:05
~ /..~
'~'<r7'r . c~A~:?f'/C2'xr~~-f__
P .1\1 .
August 17, 1977
Minutes of the Kegular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.r.-I. by Mayor George Wehmann,
with the following City Officials present:
Mayor George Wehmann Clerk Deon Hemingway
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Asst. Engineer Robert Butler
Councilman Francis Lee Asst. Attorney Douglas Nelson
Councilman Russell N. Swensen Maint. Supv. LaVern E. Williams
(Councilwoman Carol A. Dille excused, out of town)
Others present during the meeting were Glenn Blatter, Dale Sessionsf
Russ Wallace, Peggy Wallace, Craig Thomsen, Rance Bare, and Marv~n McGary.
The pledge of'allegiance to the flag was conducted by Mayor Wehmann; the
invocation was offered by Councilman Anderson.
The minutes of the regular meeting of July 20, 1977, and the minutes of
the special meeting held on August 3, 1977, were approved as prepared.
The matter of an application for a variance submitted by Glenn Blatter,
3240 Molen Street, to place a trailerhome on his farm property, located
just within the western City Limits south of Sunnyside Road in an R1 Zone,
was taken under consideration. Councilman Swensen reported that the Plan-
ning and Zoning Commission recommends that this request be approved sub- I
ject to some conditions: (1) That, if any part of the land is sold or sub- I
divided, then the variance automatically ceases and the mobilhome must be ~