Council Minutes 05/18/1977 I o 00 l'- CO W ~ I I 269 May 4,1977 seconded by Councilman Lee; meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M. ~~ ~ CI,~/::'f)\~~y1> ~"Ct ' CITY OF AMMON l\1ay 18, 1977 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor George Wehmann with the following City Officials present: Mayor George Wehmann Cle~k Deen Hemingway Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Asst. Engr. Robert Butler Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Maint. Supv. LaVern E. Williams Councilman Francis Lee Also present during the meeting was Joseph Wengert, 3635 Wanda St. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by invocation was offered by Councilman Anderson. May 4, 1977, were approved as prepared. Councilwoman Dille; the Minutes of the meeting of Mayor Wehmann introduced Joseph Wengert, with an explanation as a matter of record that Mr. Wengert has spent a great amount of time studying statistics and participation in meetings and hearings to help the City as an intervenor in the Utah Power & Light Company rate increase case. Mr. Wengert reviewed information which was discussed at a conference held during the day with Kenneth Seeds and John Springer representing R. W. Beck and Associates, a consulting firm out of Seattle, Washington. It was proposed by Mr. Wengert that these men be retained as consultants for the Utah Power & Light case, and the Council members indicated approval of Mayor Wehmann's suggestion that an expression of faith be given at this time that the City of Ammon will participate in providing funds, along with other cities and organizations in the area with no definite amount mentioned, to help pay for this consulting service. With reference to a notice from the Idaho Department of Labor and Indust- rial Services, Mayor Wehmann requested that the Council take action, in accordance with a bill enacted at the recent session of the State Legislature, on the City's option regarding the Uniform Building Code. Councilwoman Dille moved that the City continue to comply with the Idaho Uniform Buildin9 Code. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lee; voting was all in favor; carried. Mayor Wehmann is to send the proper notifica~ tion to the State. Mayor Wehmann explained that a decision is needed regarding whether or not the City desires to participate in a suit to be filed to challenge the Federal Act of requiring Unemployment Compensation coverage for all municipal employees. He noted that financial support is required in order to be a named-plaintiff in the suit, which would in turn provide the benefit of an injunction which is sought in order to not have to comply with the law while the case is being tried. The Council members felt that the Mayor should obtain more information on costs before a questionaire on this matter can be completed and returned to the Association of Idaho Cities. The Council agreed that there is no problem with the zoning regulations regarding a building permit application submitted by Harold Loveland at const~uct an upstairs dwelling over the office to be built at 3345 Rawson Street for which a variance was granted at the previous meeting. Approval was also given to apply credit due Mr. Loveland for payment on services not received toward his building permit fee. Regarding the proposed deve~opment of the Russ Wallace Property, Council- woman Dille reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommenda- tion was to give the jurisdiction of this to Bonneville C?U~ty, inasmuch as Mr. Wallace has withdrawn his request to have the subd1v1s1on annexed ~70 May 18, 1977 to the City of Ammon, with a provision that development standards be compatibl~ with the City of Ammon standards and a suggestion that the zoning be modified to include a buffer of RA1 bordering the Mountain View subdivision. It was noted that this action then gives the re- sponsibility of approving the plat to the City of Idaho Falls as the la~gest city within one mile of the development. In view of the lo- cation of the property being contiguous to the City of Ammon and in response to a recommendation by Mayor Wehmann, Councilman Lee moved that the Mayor be authorized to write a letter to the City of Idaho Falls requesting that the City of Ammon have the right of veto on the preliminary plat of the Russ Wallace Property, with a copy of the letter to go to the Bonneville County Planning and Zoning Board. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Dille; voting was all in favor; motion carried. I The recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding the Ammon 17th Street North Addiiion was reviewed by Councilwoman Dille, indicating that the Commission members had voted in favor of the preliminary pla~ with some modifications in zoning request. Councilman Lee moved that a special public hearing before the City Coun- cil on the Ammon 17th Street North Addition be scheduled on June 8. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson; voting was all in favor; motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS Mayor - Reference was made by Mayor Wehmann to a letter received from John Homer regarding the City's decision to change insurance carriers, and Councilwoman Dille was asked to talk to Mr. Homer about this matter. No objections were voiced to Mayor Wehmann's suggestion that he contact several banking firms about setting up a branch bank in the City of Ammon. Mayor Wehmann pointed out that the City might qualify for funds under a new Federal Public Works Act if an application is submitted for a project which would be ready for construction within 90 days. He noted that the plans for a City Building which were prepared a number I of years ago are not suitable, and suggestions were made that the State Librarian be contacted to see if there are any blueprints avail- able for a library building or an inquiry be made to determine if street construction would qualify, such as finishing of Midway Avenue to 17th Street. Library- Councilwoman Dille reported that a letter to the hibrary Study Committee has been prepared and will be mailed as soon as approved by the Mayor. Public Works- Copies of a list of locations where cement repair work ~s proposed were distributed by Councilman Lee, who asked that any suggested additions to the list be submitted by June 1 S0 that the Engineer can make a check and advertise for bids. Enainoor- It was reported by Engineer Butler that the bad hole on Sunny- side Road near Central Avenue has been repaired, that Northwest Electric has been contacted about installing emergency lighting in the Well #6 pumphouse, that there are some details to work out regarding an existing private fence before the plans for a fence at Well #5 can be completed, and that the notice asking for bids on two French drains in the Southwiek Addition will be in the newspaper this weekend. He mentioned that there I was no need for a meeting with the telephone compapy engineer since the sewer metering device has been working, and a calibration on the readings will be made shortly. Concerning a problem of excavations not having been satisfactorily backfilled, etc., Engineer Butler was asked to give notice to the contractors involved regarding their obligation as required by the City's excavation permit ordinance. Also he is to notify Groberg Realty that the sewer manholes and waterline valves in Meadow Lark Addi- tion are to be brought to the surface by May 31. Traffic Safety- Councilwoman uille called attention to the minutes of the recent Traffic Safety Commission meeting and a draft of a letter which the Commission proposed to send out to local engineers to ask for quotations on the cost of a minimum traffic study. Mayor Wehmann advised I o 00 t-- c:Q t:x:J ~ I I '61'1 May 18, 1977 that the procedure should be for the Traffic Commission to recommend to the City Council that a study is needed and what the scope of a study should be, then the Council should ask for quotations. As a matter of record Mayor Wehmann stated that he has not received any complaints on the parking since the Council meeting of April 20. In response to a report by Councilwoman Dille that the Traffic Safety Commission made a motion to recommend to the City Council that developers be required to install the necessary signs in new subdivisions, it was pointed out that the City's subdivision ordinapce already contains regulations on this subject. Mayor Wehmann requested that the Traffic Commission be asked to make a recommendation regarding stop signs for the church parkin$] ~ that is being finished south of Salmon Street between Bittern and Curlew. Fiscal Operations - It was reported that the City's Insurance for this fiscal year is to be written with Tandy & Wood Co. Planning and Zoning - Councilwoman Dille reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission members were in favor of recommending to the Cny Council that a policy concerning installation ofttaffic signs by de.,. , ~~pers be adopted as moved by the Traffic Safety Commission. Regard- ing the Hollycove Park Addition, Councilwoman Dille reported that the plat had been denied by a vote of 5 to 2 after a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission, mostly because of resident object- ion to the increased traffic which would come on Eagle Drive. Mayor Wehmann expressed concern about the sewer lift station which would be needed in the mentioned subdivision if it were developed. It was de- cided that advice should be obtained from the City Attorney about whether or not any further action needs to be taken on this plat. Also, it was felt that the present policy on curb, gutter, and side- walk requirements in new subdivisions should be checked before the Cou~cil takes any action on the proposal made by the Planning and Zoning Commission that the City should require curb, gutter, and side- walks except where lot sizes have more than 120 feet of frontage and as compatible with the adjoining area. Mayor Wehmann requested that the City Engineer make a suggestion on what the fee for checking im- provement development plans for new subdivisions should be. Parks and Recreation - Councilman Anderson reviewed the progress of getting the parks ready for the summer season, and approval was given to spend approximately $300 for installing a clock device to regulate the lights at the tennis courts. City Clerk- According to the Clerk's report, the current General Fund checking account balance was $21,331.75 and there were claims to pay in the amount of $14,564.72, which included a payment of $7,444.00 on the lease contract for the fire truck obtained in 1976. It was men- tioned that the annual audit is still in progress, and Mayor Wehmann requested that an audit report be scheduled for the next meeting on June 1. Police and Fire Department- Law Enforcement and Animal Control reports for the month of April, 1977, were reviewed by Councilwoman Dille. New Business- Councilman ~ee recommended that the 7000 lumen street light at the southwest corner of Curlew and Salmon be removed since there is now a 20,000 lumen light at that intersection across the street on Lions Park. Claims were approved for seconded by Councilwoman payment. Councilman Lee moved to adjourn; Dille; the meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M. /' . (~..~/'d ../~ L/~a>1<--1/f/ MAYOR ~~n CITY CLERK