Council Minutes 03/16/1977
March 2, 1~9l
is still pending. He reported that he has been trying to locate equip-
ment that can be rented to clean out the water storage tank, and that
he has not been able to get any information on emergency lighting for
the Well #6 pumphouse.
Old Business - Councilman Anderson suggested that consideration be
given to a.proposal that the City enter into an arrangement in which
the School.District would mow the lawns on the two parts of McCowin
Park for credit on the school water bill, which would mean that pro-
bably a small lawn mower would be adequate to take care of the other
park areas. Councilman Swensen reported that the part needed to com-
plete the repair of the damaged dump truck has still not been received.
New Business - A request by Councilman Swensen that the Council make a
recommendation on whether the City Clerk's office should use the services
of the Credit Bureau to collect on amounts still due the City by people
who have moved was taken under advisement. The Council also agreed to
think about a suggestion from the Maintenance Department that radios
be installed in the City vehicles so that the employees can make contact
with the City office in case of fire calls, etc.
Council members indicated approval of the proposed budget for the 1977
9-month fiscal year. Claims were approved for payment. Councilman
Lee moved to adjourn at 10:50 P.M., seconded by Councilman Anderson.
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March 16, 1977
II Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:32 P.M. by Mayor George Wehmann,
with the following City Officials present:
Mayor George Wehmann Clerk Deon Hemingway
Councilman Francis Lee Asst. Attorney Douglas Nelson
Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Maint. Supv. LaVern E. Williams
Councilman Russell N. Swensen
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson
Others present during the meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Johnson and
Traffic Saf~ty Commission members Ronald Speirs, Marcene Pierson, and
Kent Stewart.
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by Mayor Wehmann,
and the invocation was offered by Councilwoman Dille. The minutes of
the February 16, 1977, and the March 2, 1977, meetings were approved
as prepared.
In accordandance with notice which was given in the newspaper (The Post-
Register), the meeting was opened as a public hearing on the Revenue
Sharing Budget for the 1977 9-month fiscal year. Mayor Wehmann re-
viewed the figures as follows:
Fund Balance (as of 1/1/77)
Revenue Sharing Funds
Anti-recession Funds
Public Safety
Street Equipment
Road to New Building
March 16, 1977
Well #5 Fence
Lawn Mower Payment
Financial Administration
Economic Development
Land Acquisition
Water Pipe Acquisition
TOTAL $ 34,800 . 00
It was noted that there were no interested citizens present to oppose
or concur in this proposed budget. Councilman Swensen moved that the
hearing be closed and that the Revenue Sharing Budget for fiscal year
1977 be accepted as advertised and documented in the minutes. The
motion was seconded by C9uncilwoman Dille; voting was all in favor;
motion carried.
Mayor - Confirmation of appointments on the Planning and Zoning Com-
-mission as follows: Re-appointments--Beth Lords, 3 years; Harvey
Crandall, 3 years; Elaine McGary, 3 years; new appointments--Sidney
Stephenson, 2 years, and Leo Tong, 2 years (both to complete unex-
pired terms). Councilman Swensen moved to accept the Mayor's appoint-
ments on the Planning and Zoning Commission as listed. The motion was
seconded by Councilwoman Dille; voting was all in favor; motion carried.
In connection with the action to intervene against the rate increase
being requested by Utah Power & Light Company, Mayor Wehmann read a
letter from the Mayor of Lava Hot Springs and noted that he has re-
ceived letters from several other cities along with quite a few .
signatures on petitions. He mentioned that a call from State Represen-I
tative Linden Bateman indicated that the final hearing on the UP&L
case is to be on June 7 in Rexburg, and that an endeavor is being made
to make arrangements for this hearing to be in the evening. With refer-
ence to a suggestion by a resident that some of the street lights on
17th Street be turned off to save power costs, Mayor Wehmann commented
tha t he did not believe that. this can be done because of a con tract
with UP&L and federal regulations connected witb the funding for the
17th Street Improvement Project which requires that a certain amount
of lighting be maintained there. Mayor Wehmann also stated that, at
the hearing on Ma~ch 29, the power company will be asked to specify
what rate increases are proposed for the next four years. The matter
of insurance coverage for employee, Gordon Totten, was discussed to
the effect that he does not need the medical insurance provided by the
City because he is insured through his wife's employment, and the
group dental insurance. which is available to City employees cannot be
obtained for him unless all employees participate. In view of this,
and also because Mr. Totten is taking care of much of the mechanical
work on the City vehicles and he had one year of previous experience
with the City, Mayor Wehmann suggested that the Council consider a
salary increase for this employee. The Council members agreed that a
change to Grade 5-1 on the salary schedule would be appropriate, and I
Councilman Swensen moved that this recommendation be approved effective
March 21, 1977, on the condition that Gordon Totten submit in writing
a statement that he does not desire the City medical insurance since
he has other insurance coverage available through the employment of
his spouse. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lee; voting was
all in favor; motion carried.
Planning and Zoning - Councilwoman Dille reported that, as a result of
the Public Hearing held by the Planning and Zoning Commission the pre-
vious evening on March 15;, that committee is not ready to make a recom-
mendation on the City' of Ammon Impact Area until another meeting is
held with the City of' Idaho Falls Planning and Zoning Commission. She
March 16, 1977
noted that Idaho Falls Planning Commission members Frank Just and
Marion Orme were present at the hearing along with Attorney Kent Foster
representing Odell Hammer who owns property at the corner of 17th
Street and Church Farm Road, an area which is being proposed to be in
the Ammon Impact Area. Regarding the Public Hearing on the zone change
requested by Robert Nixon and Cornwall Associates on two parcels of
land along Sand Creek in the Eastgate area, Councilwoman Dille explained
that approximately 26 property owners registered objection to the zone
change from Rl to R3 on the east side of Sand Creek so the Planning and
Zoning Co~mission recommended that this request be denied and suggested
that the area be used as a City Park; however, there was no opposition
to the proposal to change the zoning from RSC-l to R3 on the land west
of Sand Creek between the Eastgate Shopping Center and the trailer
court, so a recommendation to approve the request was made. Conse-
quently, Councilwoman Dille moved that the City Council have a public
hearing on this matter at 7:30 P.M. on April 6, 1977, the date of the
next regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lee;
voting was all in favor; motion carried.. A report by Councilwoman
Dille in connection with a Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation
on a request for a zone chaIl'ge from Rl to R2 for property belonging
to Boyd Thompson east of Rose Dale Lane and north of Sunnyside Road
indicated that there was considerable opposition by the adjacent
property owners so Mr. Thompson withdrew his request and no action is
needed. It was announced that the Planning and Zoning Commission will
be holding a public hearing on the annexation and initial zoning of the
Westwood Addition (property located at the southwest corner of 17th
Street and Ammon Road) on Tuesday, March 29; also, that a preliminary
plat for a subdivision to be known as Ammon 17th Street North was
presented for consideration of the Commission so a public hearing for
that proposal is to be scheculed. A copy of this new plat was dis-
played for the information of the Mayor and Council, along with a
preliminary plat for the development of the Russ Wallace property
which is north of the present City Limits between 17th Street and 1st
Street in Ammon's jurisdiction, with Engineer Benton pointing out that
there has been an unofficial request for Ammon to annex this proposed
development and that some people from the area to the east of this
area were present at the Planning and Zoning Commission the previous
Parks and Recreation - It was mentioned that any "in-kind" work which
is to be applied on the BOR matching funds for park development is
not to be done until after the application is approved. Mayor Wehmann
noted that he has been investigating the possibility of working out
a system to get a solar assist for heating the swimming pool water.
Payment plans for the new lawn mower, as mentioned in the previous
meeting, were discussed, and Councilman Swensen moved to accept the
proposal made by Boyd Martin Company to pay the amount of the insur-
ance settlement check plus an additional $3500 this year and the
balance of approximately $3500 next year in order to take advantage of
not having to pay interest. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Anderson; voting was all in favor; motion carried.
City Clerk '- It was reported by the Clerk that there are claims to pay
in the amount of $12,491.32 and a balance in the Gmeral Fund checking
account of $17,727.21., It was noted that the claim from H-K Contractors
in the amount of ~6,140 for street repairs, etc., made several months
ago, which was included in the figure for claims to pay, must be checked
by the City Engineer before payment will be approved. Regarding amounts
due on delinquent accounts for residents who have moved out of the
City, the Council members agreed that the City should start using the
services of a collection agency.
Police and Fire Department - Councilwoman Dille stated that a list of
the equipment purchased for the Fire Department during 1976 has been
compiled so that application can be made for a matching fund reimburse-
ment. Traffic Safety Commission Chairman Ronald Speirs was given time
to make a report with comments by Commission members Marcene Pierson
and Kent Stewart. Copies of the minutes of the recent Traffic Safety
Commission meeting were made available for the Mayor and Council members
March 16, 1977
to review in addition to hearing from Mr. Speirs regarding a recommenda-
tion to temporarily lift the regulation for no parking on narrow streets
while residents restore their lawns and put in cement parking pads on
their yards if desired. The hazard of having cars parked on narrow streets
was illustrated by Councilwoman Dille with a drawing and cut-outs of
automobiles. In reponse to feelings expressed by Mayor Wehmann and after
considerable discussion on the subject by those present, Councilman Lee
moved to refer the matter back to the Traffic Safety Commission for further
study with professional advise to be obtained. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Swensen; voting was Swensen, yes; Lee, yes; Anderson, no; Dille,
no; Mayor Wehmann voted yes to break the tie; motion carried. Mayor Wehmann
stated that he stands ready to help the Traffic Safety Commission in what-
ever way possible, and requested that the City Officials be given at least I
10 days to study any future recommendations by the Commission before being
expected to make any final decisions. Councilwoman Dille moved to change
the existing parking regulation resolution to read that the streets would
be measured from back of curb to back of curb instead of using the face
of curbs as a measuring point.. The motion died for lack of a second.
Library - Approval was indicated to a request made by Councilwoman Dille
that the back office rooms in the City Building be used to set up a
library on a temporary basis to see if there will be any response.
Public Works - The following resolution was presented for the considera-
tion of the Council:
WHEREAS, the City of Ammon, Bonneville County, Idaho, has
passed an Ordinance (4-3-15) providing for the establishment by
Resolution of service connection charges incurred by the City
in installing and connecting service lines from the main water
line to the adjoining property; and
WHEREAS, the rates previously established by Resolution dated
March 27, 1974, are rescinded effective upon the passage and
approval of this Resolution.
NOW THEREFORE, before such service is provided, the person
making application shall pay to the City, a charge according to
the following schedule:
3/4" diameter pipe
1" " "
It" " "
2" " "
Larger than 2" diameter pipe
Actual cost to City
including meter where
Service connection charges for service outside the City
limits shall be the charge for service per the above
schedule plus 10% to cover administrative costs.
This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and
after its passage, approval and due posting.
PASSED BY the City Council and APPROVED BY the Mayor this
16th day of March, 1977.
Isl George Wehmann. Mayor
Isl Deon Heminqway
City Clerk
Councilman Lee moved to pass the foregoing resolution effective April 1,
1977; the motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in
favor; motion carried. Another resolution as follows as also presented
for consideration of the Council:
March 16, 1977
WHEREAS, the City of Ammon, Bonneville County, Idaho has
passed an Ordinance (8-4-13) providing for the establishment,
by resolution, of sewer service connection and plumbing fees;and,
WHEREAS, these f~es, previously established by resolution
dated are rescinded effective upon passage of this resolution,
NOW, THEREFORE, before any permit is issued for the installation
or alteration of plumbing or sewers, or before any sewer connection
permit is issued for the installation or alteration of plumbing
or sewers, or before any sewer connection permit is issued, the
person making the application shall pay to the City, a fee according
to the following schedule:
Single Family Dwelling,
s~e'r conn~ction $300.00
Multiple Living Units
sewer connection fees:
Trailer Courts and Cabin Courts
with separate single living units
$300.00 plus $10.00 per
living unit
Motels, Apartment Houses, Duplexes,
Condominia, and similar living units
for each building $300.00 plus $10.00 per
living unit
Sewer Tap and Inspection Fee
$ 4.50
Commereiai Build~ngs
sewer connection
$300.00 plus $3.00 per
plumbing fixture
$ 2.00
Each plumbing fixture or trap
(including drainage and water piping)$ 1.50
Each industrial waste pretreatment
interceptor including its trap
and vent, excepting kitchen
type grease interceptors functioning
as fixture traps $ 1.50
Each water heater, except gas or
electric fuel operated
$ 1.50
Repair or alteration of drainage
piping and/or vent piping
$ 1.50
For each piece of water-treating
equipmint and/or water piping
installed without accompanying
$ 3.00
For the connection of a house
sewer to a private sewage
ctisposal system
$ 1.50
For each private sewage
disposal system (septic
tank and seepage pit or
pits and/or drainfield)
$ 4.50
For each cesspool, overf~ow seepage
pit, drainfield extension or
replacement, swimming pool or
March 16, 1977
house sewer manhole
$ 3.00
For disconnecting, abandonment,
alteration or repair of any
house sewer or private sewage
disposal system or part thereof
$ 1.00
Lawn sprinklers without other
plumbing $ 3.00
A separate sewer connection permit must be applied for and issued for
each building or trailer court or cabin court using the sanitary sewer
s1Stem of Ammon, and, except as otherwise provided herein, the I
connection fee above stipulated must be paid in each case that a
plumbing permit is required. Once the required sewer connection fee
has been paid for any building connected to the City sanitary sewer
system, no further .connection fee shall be charged for any building
constructed, or reconstructed at the same place, or so near the same
place that no substantial extension of the orginal side sewer is
necessary to serve it. In all cases where a connection permit has
been issued the connection fee is deemed to have been paid; in all
other cases, proof of payment of the fee shall be furnished by the
applicant, and in the absence of such proof a connection fee shall
be charged
This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after
its passage, approval and due polting.
Councilman Lee moved to pass the foregoing resolution effective April 1,
1977; the motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in
favor; motion carried.
Bonneville Council of Governments- Councilman Swensen pointed out that an
appointm~nt needs to be made to have the City of Idaho Falls proposed water
study presented to the City of Ammon. He mentioned that there was concern
expressGd about wells tha~ are being drilled to pump water into the river I'
to send on other areas.
Attorney- Regarding the 0: R. Birch street dedication problem, Attorney
Nelson explained that the Birch's attorney has indicated that agreement can
liklY be reached on the situation if the City will accept a proposal that
the 80x50 foot area which 'is needed for ingress and egress on the Birch's
property be in the form of an easement, with the first 40 feet being a
permanent easement to be graveled for a turn-around and the second 40 feet
being a temporary easement so that the location of this portion can be changed
if necessary in the future when and if further development takes place there.
He pointed out that this would eliminate the necessity of having to go through
a formal abandonment procedure at some time and will give the City the right
to use the easement without being responsible for maintenance and liability.
General approval on this matter was given by the Council members during the
meeting, with formal approval being obtained by telephone later in the week
after the Birches had agreed to the arrangement, with the voting being
Swensen, yes; Dille, yes; Lee, yes; Anderson, not contacted. It was noted
that with this agreement having been made, the Birches will be allowed
to extend the water main from the west end of Wanda Street and have a
water service connection put in for their home, with the City Engineer
to approve the plans and location, and the installation to be at the
Birch's expense.
Enaineer- There was no report since Engineer Robert Butler was out of
Fiscal Operations- Councilman Swensen reported that he had checked with
the Health Department and learned that no septic tank permit has been
issued to O. R. Birch at this time. He informed the Council and Mayor
that he had submitted an application for CETA Title VI funds for three
laborers to clean ditches and take care of a general clean up of the
parks with the program, if approved, to be budgeted over a one-year period.
In response to an inq;liry by Councilwoman Dille, it was determined that there
are funds in the budget to get a number of copies of the zoning ordinance
March 16, 1977
Old Business- Councilwoman Dille distributed ..copies,of a library study
for all to review.
New Business- Councilman Swensen reported that he had called Senator
Dick Egbert to ask his support against Senate Bill No. 1234 which
would prohibit lobbying by the AIC on city-related legislation.
Mayor Wehmann stated that he may try to set up a public meeting on
the Utah Power & Light Company rate increase at the Ammon School
Auditorium. It was mentioned that special summer watering regulations
need to be discussed as soon as possible. Notice was given that the
'Budget Hearing is scheduled at 7:30 P.M. next Wednesday, March 23, 1977.
Claims were approved for payment. Councilman Lee moved to ad;ourn
at 11:45 P.M.
J( 4-(/l/( ../
j/ C, . CLERK
March 23, 1977
Minutes of a SPECIAL MEETING of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:34 P.M. by Mayor George Wehmann,
with the following City Officials present:
Mayor George Wehmann Clerk Deon Hemingway
Councilman Francis bee
Councilwoman Carol A. Dille
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson
The meeting was opened as a Public Hearing on the
budqet for fiscal year 1977. Mayor Wehmann pointed out that, in accor-
dance with Federal regulations, a special hearing on the budgeting
of Revenue Sharing funds was held on March 16, and the proposed
expenditures of the receipts from Revenue Sharing are included in the
total budget as documented in the minutes of that hearing. The budget
figures as advertised were reviewed. ~eference was made to a letter
from the Bonneville County Engineer's Off'ice listing certain costs on
the 17th Street Improvement Project on which there is an amount due from
the City of Ammon of $28,727.87, with comment being made by Mayor
Wehmann that it may be necessary to notify the County that only part
of this can be paid this year. There being no changes proposed in the
budget and no interested citizens present to protest or make comment,
Mayor Wehmann declared the Budget Hearing closed, and opened a special
meeting of the Mayor and City Council for the purpose of approving the
budget and passing Appropriation Ordinance No. 145. Councilman Lee
moved to waive the three separate readings of Ordinance No. 145, known
as the Annual Appropriation Ordinance for Fiscal Year 1977 (January 1
Through September 30, 1977) and to place it on the third and final read+
ing. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Dille; voting was all in
favor; motion carried. Ordinance No. 145 was read in full by Mayor
Wehmann~ and it was noted that the Notice of Public Hearing on the
Budget was published in the newspaper on March 21 and March 28, 1977.
Councilman Lee moved to adopt Ordinance No. 145 kn0Wll as the Annual
Appropriation Ordinance for Fiscal Year 1977. The motion was seconded
by Councilwoman Dille; voting was all in,favor; motion carried.
Relating to other business, Councilwoman Dille was asked to make
arrangements to get the Law Enforcement Contract for this year signed.
Councilwoman Dille moved
meeting was adjourned at
Councilman Lee; the
to adjourn; seconded by
7:55 P.M.~ ,~^
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