Council Minutes 02/16/1977
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reported that a bid for $87. 55 for the repair work has been obtained from
Whee-Go Custom Built. She suggested that the Tremaynes be given an oppor-
tunity to accept this bid along with an offer of $50 for the labor which the owner
has already put into straightening the door, etc. Councilman Lee moved that
the City offer Mr. Tremayne $150 which would be enough-to pay for the repair
of the trailer at Whee -Go Custom in the sum of $87.55 with the rest being for
his own labor--this to be in full settlement of the claim, and that the bid from
Whee -Go Custom Built be forwarded along with the offer. The motion was
seconded by Councilwoman Dille; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Attorney
Anders on advised that the check, when written, should have a statement on the
back for Mr. Tremayne to sign as a release for full settlement on the damage to
the trailer, with the date of the accident to be included in the statement.
Public Works - Councilman Lee recommended that the City's deposit policy re-
main as it is in that a $15.00 deposit is required .on all new accounts which is
to be refunded (or applied on the amount due) when the account is closed, so
no further action was taken on a suggestion made recently by a City water user
that the deposit be refunded after two years to those who show a good paying
record. Regarding the snow plow which is on order, Maintenance Supervisor
LaVern Williams reported that delivery has been delayed due to the shutdown
of the factory (in Wausau, Wisconsin) during the recent gas shortage emergency
caused by severe weather conditions.
Old Business- Councilman Swensen mentioned that most of the repair work on
the damag-ed truck has been completed; but the body shop is still waiting for
one part to be received before the job can be finished. It was noted by Engineer
Butler that more windows have been broken out at Well #6 pumphouse, so replacement
of the glass, at least on one side of the building, with a break-resistant product
should be done as soon as possible.
N~w Business- Reference was made to a bill regarding zoning that is to come
Defore the State Legislature which would create a problem for cities if passed.
Councilman Swensen requested the consideration of the Council on a re.commenda-
tion made by Mayor' Wehmann that employee, Milford Strong, be promoted to.
Grade 4-,1 stalrting with.the next pay period. Councilwoman Dille moved to
approve the proposal; the motion was seconded by Councilman L~e; voting was
all in favor; motion carried.
.' 1_
Claims were approved for payment. ; Councilman Lee moved to adjourn at 10:05
P. M.; seconded by. Councilwoman Dille.
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February 16, 1977
Minutes of the Regular ,Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:40
the following City Officials present::
Mayor George Wehmann
Councilman RussellN. Swensen
Councilwoman Carol A. Dille
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson
Councilrrian Francis Lee arrived later
P. M. by Mayor George Wehmann with
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Attorney W. Joe Anders(l)n
Asst. Engineer Robert Butler
Maint. Supv. LaVern E. Williams
in the meeting.
." {
The:pledgeof. allegiance to the flag was. led by Councilman Anderson;. the invoca-
tionwas offered by Councilman Swensen.. ,Minutes of the.meeting of February 2:;
1976" were approved'as prepared.
Mayor,. 1t was <reported by Mayor Wehmann that a letter had been sent to the
principal of the HillviewSchool regarding glass breakage at Well #6. He referred
~ji /it' to-~
..1' ,~ ,
to an information sheet prepared by Engineer Butler in connection with drive-
way construction on lots that are without curb and gutter, and noted that perhaps
the policy as outlined on this subject should be adopted by motion of the Council,
but no action was taken, pending.advice from the City Attorney. Regarding the
instructions for operating the emergency generator at Well #6, it was suggested
that all City Officials should go to the pumphouse and take a practice run through
the procedure which has been posted there. With reference to the Cooperative
Agreement with the City of Idaho Falls for inspection of improvements in new
subdivisions, Mayor Wehmann explained that payment is to be made on itemized
bills for exactly what is done, and the Council authorized the Mayor to sign the
document with the signature of the Clerk to attest, noting that the signatures of
Idaho Falls Mayor S. Eddie Pedersen and City Clerk Roy Barnes have already I
been affixed. Mayor Wehmann commented that there are a number of develop-
ments already approved or in the planning which will be inspected under the terms
of this Cooperative Agreement. Approval was indicated to Mayor Wehmann's
suggestion that the Mayor and Council stand behind the Planning and Zoning
Commission in requiring that the Subdivision Ordinance be adhered to in connection
with plats having to be submitted for review at least 10 days prior to the regular
meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Regarding the sewer hookup fee,
Mayor Wehmann noted that the CiW of Idaho Falls has just passed an ordinance
increasing the charge for this to $300, s6 a change in the Ammon sewer hookup
fee may be necessary under the Cooperative Sewer Agree~ent. Mayor Wehmann
reviewed the schedule of notices and hearings that are required and set up a work
session on the budget for 7 P. M., Friday, February 25, 1977. Authorization
was given for the Mayor to sign the Certification of Street Revenue and ,Expendi-
tures for 1976 and a letter. stating that the watermain, etc. in Peterson Park
Addition Division No.4 have be,en accepted subject to a warranty period of one
year. It was mentioned by Mayor Wehmann that he had asked Representative
Linden Bateman, who represents this District, to introduce a bill in the State
Legislature to require that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission hold hearings
in the area and at a time that the people involved will be able to attend. Regarding
the request now before the IPUC for a rate increase for Utah Power and Light
~ompany, Mayor Wehmann indicated that people from the company's Salt Lake
office may be willing to come up and talk, and that a mailgram will be sent to I
the Federal'Energy Administration in Washington D. C., requesting int-ervention
in the matter ,in accordance with the Energy Act of 1975. The next hearing is to
be in Pocatello on March 29, 1977. Attorney Anderson agreed that an expertly
worded petition for individual consumers to sign in support of the official
intervenors would be appropriate. Approva1.was given by the Council for Mayor
Wehmann to fly to Boise on Thursday, F.ebruary 24, for business in conne:ction
with city-related bills being considered in the Legislature.
Engineer - According to a report by Engineer Butler, a differen.tkind of sewer
metering device has been ordered with an 8-to-12 week delivery date expected,
and the cost arrangements are being taken care of by the sewer project con-
tractor. Mayor Wehmann requested that the City Engineer make plans to drain
and clean the water storage tank and have the repair work done on the pump at
Well #6 before the irrigation season starts, so it should be during March.
Fiscal Operations - Councilman Swensen reported that he has written for pamph-
lets on energy conservation to send to the residents, as mentioned in the last
me'eting, but nothing has been received yet. Mayor Wehmann mentioned that it
may be possible to have someone from the State Energy Office come and talk to
the people on what to do in the home to help cut back on the use of energy.
Regarding the damaged dump truck, Councilman Swensen noted that the body shop
is still waiting for one part which is needed before the job, can be completed.
Planning and Zoning Commission - A report by Councilwoman Dille indicated
that the preliminary plat of the Westwood Addition, which is a proposed develop-
ment of land located at the southwest corner of 17th Street and Ammon-Lincoln
Road, was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, and the matter is
now ready for a public hearing. Hearings were also set on a requested zone change
from R1 to R2 on property owned by Boyd Thompson at Sunnyside Road and Rose
Dale Lane, and a zone change from R1 to R3 on property owned by Robert Nixon
(plans submitted by Cornwall & Associates of Salt Lake City) located just east
of Sand Creek and from RSC to R3 on another parcel of land also owned by Robert
Nixon lying south of the existing sommercial development and north of the Eastgate
trailer court in the Eastgate Shopping Center. A public hearing on the Impact
February 16,19724 ~l
Area for Land Use Planning is also scheduled, and it was noted that these hear-
ings will be on March 8 and March 15, with the City Council to have at least
ten days for deliberation on these matters after receiving recommendations
from the Planning and Zoning Commission before holding the required hearings
before its members. It was pointed out that there are vacancies on the Planning
and Zoning Commission to be filled by appointment.
Parks and Recreation - Drawings of proposed park development were displayed
and an application for Bureau of Outdoor Recreation matching funds was discussed.
There was concern that there will not be funds in the City budget for this purpose,
but it was decided that the application should be submitted at this time and with-
drawn later if necessary. Councilman Swensen moved that the City submit appli-
cation for Bureau of Outdoor Recreation matching funds for park development,
with the names of Ammon Eastside Park and North McCowin Park being used for
the purpose of the application until such time as official names are designated.
The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Dille; voting was all in favor; motion
City Clerk - It was reported by the City Clerk that claims to pay come to a total
of $3, 894. 71, and there is a balance in the General Fund checking account of
$12, 122.97.
Police and Fire Department - Councilwoman Dille noted that a letter is ready to
send to Steven Tremayne regarding the settlement on his damaged trailer, and a
check for $150 will be enclosed as agreed upon at the last meeting. In connection
with animal control, Councilwoman Dille indicated that a new contract with the
County (and the Humane Society) is under discussion. It was suggested that one
or more of the city maintenance employees be sworn in to help pick up dogs, and
the Attorney advised that this would be legal. A request was made that the County
Animal Control Officer be asked to turn in reports more regularly.
Library - Councilwoman Dille agreed to contact the VoTech School about cooperat-
ing.onstarting a library there.
Public Works - According to a report by Councilman Lee, the manufacturer hopes
to ship the snow plow which the City has on order in about two weeks. Councilman
Lee explained that, due to his study of the policies used by other Cities in the
area regarding deposits and in view of the high risk involved in people moving away
leaving a balance due to the City, he would recommend that no change be made in
the City's deposit policy, so there is to be a $15.00 deposit required on all (residential)
user accounts, to be refunded or applied on the amount due when the user moves
away from Ammon. The Council members indicated approval of this recommendation,
and Mayor Wehmann stated that he would write Gerald Mitchell, 3751 Marlene Street,
who made inquiry about the deposit policy a few weeks ago, to inform him of this
decision. Regarding the connection fees for water services, Councilman Lee
presented a list of proposed increases for the different sizes of water service lines
which were taken under advisement.
Bonneville Council of Governments - Councilman Swensen noted that the funds
which the City may be called on to furnish as participation in the storm drainage
study can be divided over three budget periods. He reported that Joe Laird of
the City of Idaho Falls is now the chairman of the Transportation Committee.
Attorney- It was reported by Attorney Anderson that the legal counsel for Mr. and
Mrs. O. R. Birch has informed him that they are not willing to dedicate more than
possibly 20 or 25 feet of right-of-way into their property at this time and that they
would want to have the water hookup and any turn-around in that extension of dedicated
property. This proposal was not acceptable to the Mayor and Council, so the Attorney
advised that the Birches be notified that the City will require dedication of street
right-of-way 50 feet wide to a point 80 feet from the east property line ( as required
in the City Code) with no water hookup to be provided until such dedication is legally
recorded. The Mayor and Council approved this recommendation and Attorney
Anderson agreed to write a letter to this effect. Attorney Anderson advised that the
wording of the Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement recommended by the
Association of Idaho Cities is satisfactory and that it can be adopted by resolution,
as follows:
February 16, 1977
WHEREAS, our continued success depends heavily on the full
and effective utilization of qualified persons, regardless of race, color,
religion, sex or national origin; and
WHEREAS, we have an endurihg obligation to hire and develop
the best people we ~an find--basing our judgement on their job-related
qualifications - -because it's morally right and leg-ally 'required; and
surelY, if is a good business practice for our City; and
WHEREAS, people are the cornerstone of our City, and any
employment or personnel pra'ctice which ihjuressome bfour employees,
however,' inadvertently, utlimately injures all of us; and I
WHEREAS, we simply cannot afford to deprive ourselves of
capable people for reasons based ort archaic and 'unjust codes of ..
NOW THEREFORE be it hereby resolved by the Mayor and
City Council of the City of Ammon, Idaho, that we will continue to
direct our employment and personnel practices toward insuring truly
equal opportunity for everyone. We intend that all matters r-elated to
recruiting" hiring, training, compensation, benefits" promotions, ,
transfers, lay-offs, recall from layoffs, City-sponsored educational,
social and recreational programs, and all treatment on the job be
free 'of discriminatory practices. As opportunities for ~ransfer,
advancement or promotion c>c,cur, including promotions into the., periodic reviews and analysis of personnel
records will be made, to ensure that all minority, women and handicapped
employees continue to receive equal consideration and that only valid
requirements are imposed for these opportunities; and
BE IT FUR THER RESOLVED 'that the Mayor of the City of
Ammon will have the over-all responsibility for the implementation of
our Affirmative Action Program. With the cooperation and assistance
of appropriate staff and operating personnel, may direct periodic
surveys to determine whether the prog ram is achieving its objectives.
Reports of these surveys will be the basis for appropriate action to I
correct deficiencies. We intend to measure ourselves against,
spedfic objectives which will continue to move our tot<l:l enlployment
posture aggressively toward full and equal participation of all employees
in the opportunities available here. "Nothing less is equitable. Nothing
les s will suffice~u
Councilwoman .Dille moved to adopt the Equal Employment Opportunity Policy
Statement. The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in
favor; motion passed and resolution adopted.
Old :Susiness- Engineer Butler presented a che.ckto the City from D. V. Groberg
Company (G. H. G. Investments) in the amount of $1,438. 31, with the explanation
that this is in settlement of an amount due the City of $4,940.10 for 823.35 feet of
waterline on 17th Street at $6. 00 per foot plus $393. 20 for sewer cleaning in the
Meadow Lark Estates Addition, less $3, 894~ 99 which is the city's share (one-half
of tIE cost)~or paving and. water and sewer lines a.<long city-owned property' on
Midway Avenue north of Southwick Lane. . Councilman Lee. moved to accept the
check ,froI? 9ro?e.rgsin, settlement of the charges as explained. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in favor; motion carried.
Claims were approved for payment.
11:25 P. M.
Councilman Swensen moved to adjourn. at
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