Council Minutes 12/02/1976
New Business - Councilman Swensen made reference to the need. to officially set
the fees for electric permits, etc., by resolution of the CUl.Lncil as ::;pecified. in
tL1e City Code. Mayor Wehmann mentioned that the inflammable liquids, etc.,
in the City shop are to be cleaned up. He pointed out that the Council members
should start getting their budget figures together in preparation for making a
nine -month budget and then a twelve-month budget under the provisions of the new
Cash Basis Act. He suggested that the Public Works department might consider
the purchase of a welder as an item to include in the budget. As a matter of
information, Mayor Wehmann noted that most of the wiring and fixtures put in
the McCowin Park shelter by the Lions Club have been torn out.
Claims were approved for payment. Councilwoman Dille moved to adjourn;
seconded by Councilman Lee; the meeting was adjourned at 10: 15 P. M.
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December 2, 1976
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:45 P. M. by Mayor George Wehmann, with
the following City Officials pre sent:
Mayor George Wehmann
Councilman Francis Lee
Councilwoman Carol A. Dille
Councilman Russell N. Swensen
(Councilman Marvin J. Anderson--
excused, working)
Others present during the meeting were John Schumaker and Wayne Wilcox.
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Attorney W. Joe Anderson
Engineer David E. Benton
Ass~. Engineer Robert Butler
Maint. Supv. LaVern E. Williams
The pledge of allegiance to the flag. was led by Councilman Swensen, and Council-
man Lee offered the invocation. Minutes of the meeting of November 17, 1976,
were approved as prepared. It was noted for the record that this regular meeting
was originally scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 1, 1976, but was changed to Dec. 2,
1976, due to the lack of a quorum.
In response to an inquiry by John Schumaker, 3240 Southwick Lane, regarding the
storm drainage in his neighborhood which allows water to pond on his property,
it was explained that the City intends to designate funds in the 1977 budget to
remedy this situation.
The preliminary plat of McDonald's Farm, a proposed subdivision to be located
in the County south of 1st Street and east of Ammon-Lincoln Road, was reviewed
again by the Mayor and Council as agreed at the previous meeting. David Benton,
representing the developer, Wayne Wilcox, explained that it is requested that the
Council consider Division #1 of the plat at this time. Mayor WehIp.ann expressed
concern with the plan in connection with the one street which curves through the
subdivision in such a way that it might invite excessive speed as a cut-through
route from Ammon-Lincoln Road to 1st Street, and there was agreement on the
matter of recommending that this particular street have the same name all the way
rather than being given a new name as it extends on from one of the intersections.
Other than this, the Council members indicated that the street layout was acceptable.
The minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting of November 16, 1976,
were studied and found to be somewhat confusing in the wording of the recommending
motion and the voting record comments of that body, but it was acknowledged that
a definite objection to the development as far as the density uf housing that R-2 zoning
would allow was expressed by the Commission members. Attorney Anderson read
the statute from the Idaho Code, Section 50-1306, which regulates the City's
obligation in reviewing plats which are within one mile of the City, and it was deter-
mined that a decision on the approval or disapproval of the plat is required, while
a recommendation on the zoning may be made if desired before the matter goes
to the County for action. Councilman Lee moved to approve the plat of Division
No.1 of McDonald's Farm and to concur with the recommendation of the Planning
and Zoning Commission as it relates to the zoning which would be that the lots
west and north of Maureen Street be zones R-2,except for Lot I Block 1 which is
recommended to bee-I, -and the remalnder of Division No. I to be R-I zone.
The motion Wct.S seconaed by GOuiIcJilwomanDllle. After a brief look at the
County Zoning Ordinance regulations for R-2, Zone had been made, Councilman
Lee moved to table the motion until the County zoning laws are better under-
stood by the Council. The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting
was Lee, yes; Swensen, yes'; Dille, no; motion carried. Councilwoman Dille
moved to approve the preliminary plat of McDonald's Farm, Division No. I as
presented. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lee; voting was Dille, yes;
Lee;' yes; Swensen, yes; motion carried.' Mayor Wehmann is to report the decision
of the Council to Max Brinton, Bonrteville OOUhty Zoning Administrator, and
indicated that he would include a statement in the letter conveying the feelings of
the City of Ammon officials that the developm~:mtof this subdivision should not take
place until 'sewer facilities are provided. i
The matter of a sideyard :variance for Lawrence Gullixson, 2310 Dove Drive,
was brought to the attention of the Council by Mayor Wehmann. He explained
that the City Code regulations require a 10-foot sideyard for the two-story
addition to the existing home for which Mr. Gullixson has applied for a building
permit, but the desired size of the addition leaves only an 8-foot sideyard. It
was noted that this request had been presented to the Planning and Zoning
Commis sion, and the contractor had made plans to start construction on the basis
of the advice given by the Commission that an 8-foot sideyard would meet the
zoning requirements. However, after discovering that the Planning Commission
members had refer'l"ed to the wrong section of the Code in making this decision,
Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman, Tom Chriswell, has now recommended
that a variance be granted, and Mr.' Gullixson has submitted a note .signed by his
neighbor that he does not object to this action. Councilwoman Dille moved to
approve the requested variance. The motion was seconded by [Councilman Swensen;
voting was all in favor; motion carried.
Mayor - Regarding the City audit, Mayor Wehmann announced that he has 'learned
that it is necessary to have this work done by a Certified Public .Accountant or a
licens'ed accountant since funds due to the Farmers Home Administration on the
Sewer Revenue Bond are involved, so an agreement has not been entered into with
Alan Cdrbett as mentioned at the last meeting. Contact has now been made with
a CPA who lives in Ammon, Walter Clapp of 2210.Dove Dr., who may be interested
in auditing the City records. According to Mayor Wehmann, the City has re-
ceived $260 from the Federal Govel'nment for the first quarter of Antirecession
funds, with notice being given that the City of Ammon does not qualify for a
payment for the present quarter, so it may be to some advantage to check into
how the unemployment statistics for Ammon are determined. The funds 'received
will be carried over, and appropriated for spending in next year's budget.
The Council members indicated approval of the Mayor's sugg'estionthat the City
maintenance crew take Monday holidays for Christmas and New Year's Day in
order to avoid having to change the garbage collection schedule, with the office
staff having the two Fridays off as designated on the posted holiday list.
Police and Fire Department - Councilwoman Dille reviewed the Sheriff's Depart-
ment report for November which stated that 14 officers spent 432. 5 hours in
Ammon, this being considerably over the 360 hours called for under the contract
terms. The monthly Feport of the Fire Department was also reviewed. With
reference to the parking situation on CircleS Drive, Councilwoman Dille mentioned
that this would be a matter to be considered by the Traffic Safety Commission~
since that street has a measured width of 35'8" which is only 4 inches short
of the 36 feet which has been designated as being wide enough to allow:parking.
Public Works - Councilman Lee reported that another bid on a snow plow has
been received, and authorization was given to proceed with ordering a plow
from the low bidder, since both quotations were under the amount which requires
advertising for bids. Regarding the operation of the 17th Street storm sewer
pump, Councilman Swensen moved to enter into 'a contract with Utah Power &
Light Company to provide electrical service for this pump. The motion was
seconded by Cuuncilman Lee; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Mention
was made that arrangements are being made to stockpile street sanding materials
at Waters 'Construction Co.
City Attorney - In connection with the claim filed by Steven Tremayne, Attorney
Anderson noted that no reply has been made to a telephone :request for a report
on the damage to a travel trailer so that settlement can be made based on informa-
tion other than the extremely high repair estimates which have been submitted, so
a follow-up letter will be sent. Regarding a Proof of Loss form which has been
received from the General Adjustment Bureau of Salt Lake City, Attorney Anderson
was asked to make an inquiry about why a depreciation figure was used which makes
the insurance settlement $425 less than the estimate for cost of repairs of the City's
lawn mower. Atttorney Anderson reported that nothing further has come up on the
street and waterline problem for the O. R. Birch home which is under construction
at the west end of Wanda Street, and that the City's insurance carrier has referred
the lawsuit filed by Dixie and Melvin Richardson to the sewer project contractor's
insurance carrier.
City Engineer - A report by Engineer Benton indicated that he had met with County
Engineer Robert Gray, and had requested that the final cost figures on the 17th
Street Project and a written agreement of understanding about the maintenance and
operation of the 17th Street storm sewer pump station, along. with maintenance
manuals, be prepared by January 19, 1977. Mayor Wehmann asked that this infor-
mation be ready by the first meeting in January, which would be January 5. Engineer
Butler reported that the requested asphalt repairs had been completed by H-K
Contractors, and he had inspected the work and felt it to be satisfactory. He men-
tioned also that the 70 horsepower pump at Well #6 has been checked and is working
fine. Mayor Wehmann pointed out that the emergency generator at Well #6 has not
usable during either of the two recent power failures, and requested that the City
Engineer prepare a set of instructions for this equipment. Concilman Lee stated
that he would work with the City Maintenance Supervisor on the generator battery
Fiscal Operations - Councilman Swensen reported that he had signed the author-
ization for Con's Body Shop to go ahead on repairing the City's damaged truck.
He mentioned that there is a need to contact the manufacturer of the portable
generator about problems with that equipment.
Planning and Zoning - Mayor Wehmann announced his intentions to meet with the
Planning and Zoning Commission to set up a definite procedure to follow when
proposed developments are presented for approval.
Parks .and Recreation - According to Councilman Anderson, four locations have
been graded, and Mayor Wehmann indicated that the Fire Chief is to identify
three sections of fire hose which can be used for making ice skating rinks.
It was mentioned that Councilwoman Dille had been given some information by
telephone regarding up-dated Red Cross swimming instruction standards which
were discussed at a special meeting held recently at the Red Cross office in
Idaho Falls.
City Clerk - A report was made to the effect that there is a bank balance of
$10,057.46 in the General Fund with claims in the amount of $2,941. 30;
and delinquent accounts at the end of November amount to $158.25 for 4 residents
and $1, 556. 50 for the Eastgate Mobile Village, all of which will be closed out
as soon as insufficient fund checks being held will clear at the banks.
Old Business - Mayor Wehmann requested that Engineer Benton make a sketch
showing the legal easements that the City has into Well #5 so that there can be
a clear understanding with David Sorenson, 2030 Ross Ave., of what the City's
rights are in this matter.
New Business - Approval was giv:en by the Council to a proposal made by Mayor
Wehmann that a small addition to the premium payments be allowed so that the
life insurance provision on the City employees' group health insurance program
can be increased from $2, 000 to $5, 000, and agreement was indicated to a
suggestion that consideration should be given to joining a group dental insurance
plan to provide this coverage for employees who do not need health insurance.
Councilwoman Dille announced that she will be out of town on December 15, the
date of the next regular meeting.
Claims were approved for payment. Councilman Lee moved to adjourn,
by Councilwoman Dille. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 P. M.
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December 15, 1976
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:45
the following City officials present:
Mayor George Wehmann
Councilman Russell N. Swensen
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson
P. M. by Mayor George Wehmann, with
Also pl'esent during the meeting was Mr.1
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Engineer David E. Benton
Asst. Engineer Robert Butler
Maint. Supv. LaVern E. Williams
Wayne. Wilcox.
It was noted that Councilwoman Carol A. Dille was out of town, and Councilman
Francis Lee had to work late at his place of employment. Mayor Wehmann declared
that the meeting lacked a quorum, so it would not be possible to take any official
action, but that there were a few items of business to be discussed.
With.reference to the proposed McDonald's Farm subdivi.sion, Mayor Wehmann
reported that a letter had been written to the County Zoning Administrator to
report the feelings of the Council in this matter as discussed in the previous
meeting. It was noted that a decision for a recommendation on the zoning is to
be made and transmitted, to the County prior to the meeting of the County, Planning
and Zoning Commission on the second Wednesday of January. The difference in
the City of Ammon R-2 zoning and the County R-2 zoning was lIeviewed, noting
that this zone in the County allows all kinds of multiple-family dwellings, including I
apartment buildings.. Mr. Wilcox. the developer, indicated -that his present plans
do not include any- apartment houses, but that this should not be a problem since it
would be in a screened area along 4-lane streets. Mayor Wehmannexpressed
concern about the possibility of building apartment houses in view of the fact that
there are already nice single-family dwellings across the street to the west.
According to Mayor Wehmann, the for the new garbage truck which has
been ordered should be at the factory getting the body installed, .so delivery is
expected within a few weeks, with the delay having been due to a strike at the
truck factory. Regarding auditing the City financial records, Mayor Wehmann
announced that a CPA who lives in the City of Ammon has been located, and a
preliminary estimate on the work to be done looks favorable. Mayor Wehmann
indicated that he had spent some time checking into the Federal Revenue Sharing
situation while in Washington, D. C., recently, and was informed that corxe.ctions
can be made if errors on the certification form are found, but the unemployment
information used is from the Bureau of: Labor Statistics, so any request for checking
on that would.have to go to that agency. He noted also that he had confirmed the
notice that no payment is due Ammon for the second quarter under the Antirecession
Fiscal Assistance program.
Councilman Swensen reported that the City'.s damaged truck has been taken to
Con's Body Shop, and the repair work will begin as soon as parts are received.
Regarding broken windows at Well #6 pumphouse, it was agreed that replacement
should be made with an unbreakable product and that Mayor Wehmann sho,uld write
to the principal of Hillview School about this problem in addition to Councilman
Swensen contacting a young boy who is known to have thrown a rock which broke
one of the windows.
It was noted that there is still a problem with the alarm at Well #6, and Engineer
Butler was asked to work on that, along with obtaining a cost estimate for con-
necting the alarm to the City of Idaho Falls system. LaVern Williams was asked
to get the bids he has obtained on a new battery for the emergency generator to
CouncilII?-a~ Lee. Engineer Butler reported that a meeting has been set up to work
out a deflnlte arrangement for a solution to the sewer meter station problem,
preferably to replace the device with another type of equipment.
It was mentioned that consideration is being given to purchasing a welder for
the City, and it was suggested that the City's power facilities be checked by an
electrician to see if there is a way to operate a welder with the equipment on hand.
Councilman Anderson was asked to report on the status of the development of the
new park in the Peterson Park Addition at the next meeting, noting that word has
been received that applications are being accepted for funds under the Bureau
of Outdoor Recreation matching funds program.
Engineer Benton stated that the County Engineer is getting the final figures
together on the ,17th Street Project, so the amount due from the City of Ammon
should be known by the first meeting in January, 1977.
Regarding the recent meeting of the Bonneville Council of Governments, Council-
man Swensen reported that a computer study is to be made of the effects on the
economy in the area due to the Teton flood disaster. He mentioned that an ex-
tension of time for determining the impact area for land use planning is expected
to be necessary, and Mayor Wehmann noted that he would write a letter to the
County Commissioners about this. Regarding the BCOG budget for the next
year, Councilman Swensen indicated that the preliminary figures are about the
same as the past year. He noted that Bonneville County is to have a full time
building inspector starting next year, and that an inquiry is to be made to see
if highway funds for equipment might be available for cities in Idaho.
A sketch of the area around the Jennie Jean Well (Well #5) showing easements
and Qty..owned land was displayed, and Engineer Benton agreed to write to
property-owner, David Sorenson, to make arrangements for the City to purchase
a parcel of land which is needed to provide the area which is felt to be required
for the pumphouse. It was also mentioned that the ditch near this well needs to
be relocated,' and Councilman Swensen was requested to schedule this work in the
The meeting was adjourned at 9: 30 P. M.
At.~ '
January 5, 1977
Minutes of -the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7: 35
the following City officials present:
Mayor George Wehmann
Councilman Russell N. Swensen
Councilman Carol A. Dille
Councilman Francis Lee
P. M. by Mayor George Wehmann, with
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Attorney W. Joe Anderson
Engineer David E. Benton
Asst. Engineer Robert Butler
Maint. Supv. LaVern E. Williams
Wayne Wilcox, Randy Waite, and Gerald
Others present during the meeting were
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Councilwoman Dille, prayer was
offered by Councilman Swensen. Minutes of the meeting of December 2, 1976,
and minutes of the meeting of December 15, 1976, were approved as prepared,
along with the minutes of the Public Hearing Meeting on September 22, 1976.
The matter of a recommendation on the zoning of McDonald's Farm Division No. I
was brought up for discussion at the request of developer Wayne Wilcox. Re-
ference was made to the feeling of the Council on this subject which was expressed
at the meeting of December 2, and the regulations of the R-2 zone in the Bonneville
County Zoning OTdinance were reviewed. Councilman Lee moved to recommend
to Bonneville County that the lots west and north of Maureen Street in McDonald's