Council Minutes 10/20/1976 224 New Business - Mayor Wehmann called attention to the new Federal public works program which is intended to create construction type work, and suggested that an inquiry be made about putting in an application for a new city building using the plans which were drawn up a few years ago. An executive session for the Mayor and City Council was set for 8: 30 P. M. on October 19 to discuss the employee situation. Mayor Wehmann informed the Council members that two employees were suspended after being arrested for alleged possession of drugs so a hearing before the City Council is recommended and another employee resigned after having been discovered in the building after hours with cans full of gas taken from city vehicles. Engineer Butler explained that it has been learned that the City of Idaho. Falls must I have the City of Ammon approve their revised Sewer Ordinance as required by the EPA before final payment on their EPA grant for the treatment plant will be made. He pointed out that an item to make note of in the Idaho Falls ordinance indicates that the City of Idaho Falls should make an annual audit of the sewer system operations, and the City Engineer recommends that a provision to require that the City of Ammon be furnished with a copy of such an audit should be included in the sewer agreement with the City of Idaho Falls. Claims were approved for payment. Councilman Lee moved to adjourn, Councilman Swensen; meeting adjourned at 12:20 A. M. //:t:7/r) j' ~MAYOil seconded by ~ ,/ !if/;I!1-{(~ ~t..- /f.. \. ~CLERK CITY OF AMMON October 20, 1976 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P. M. by Mayor George Wehmann, with the following City Officials present: Mayor George Wehmann Councilman Russell N. Swensen Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Councilman Francis Lee Councilman Marvin J. Anderson (Arrived at 8:00 P. M.) Others present were Cub Scouts, parents, and leaders from Pack 226 as follows: Merle Quigley, Barbara Quigley, Boyd Stewart, Carolyn Smith, Mary Reynolds, Rosalyn Quigg, Gerald M. Hale, Brooks Quigley, John Frei, Greg Smith, Curtis Quigg, Heath Buckland, Todd Gakin, William Patterson, Ronnie Reynolds, Aaron Blackburn, Robert Reynolds, Scott Hale, Gary Davies. Clerk Deon Hemingway Asst. Attorney Franklin Smith Asst. Engineer Robert Butler I The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Councilwoman Dille; the invocation was offered by Councilman Swensen. Minutes of the meeting of October 6, 1976, were approved. Mayor Wehmann welcomed the Cub Scouts and their leaders who were present and pointed out ways which the boys could help with City problems at various times during the meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS Mayor - Mayor W~hmann reported that information obtained from the Parks and Recreation Department of the City of Idaho Falls indicates that there is no problem I in not covering the swimming pool for the winter season except that there is more likelihood of rocks being thrown at the water and ice which might cause some of the tiles to get broken. Regarding the partially torn-down house on 17th Street, the Mayor displayed photographs to show the dangerous condition that exists, aild the opinion was expressed by the Council members that a complaint should be filed against the property owner, so Attorney Smith was asked to take care of this matter. Engineer Butler provided the Mayor with a suggested letter to send to the State Health Department about reported deficiencies in the City water system having been corrected. Planning and Zoning Commission - According to Councilwoman Dille, the Planning and Zoning Commiss.ion scheduled a Public Hearing at 7: 30 P. M. on November 16, 1976, on the annexatlOn and zoning of two smaLl parcels of land within the City I o \L) ~ CO l:.I.J W I I 225 Limits which were.never annexed; namely, the Miniver property which is a lot situated on the north side of Georgia Lane between the Pony Acres and Barbara Jean Estates subdivisions and property belonging to the City located west of McCowin Park. Since there was a question about whether or not the addition to McCowin Park on the north has been annexed, it was requested that this be checked by the City Engineer and added to the descriptions for the Public Hearing if not taken care of previously. The City Attorney is to have the necessary notices published about this hearing as well as one to be held before the City Council. Mrs. Dille reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission had reviewed a preliminary plat of a proposed subdivision to be known as MacDonald's Farm which would be in the County on property located south of 1st Street and east of Ammon-Lincoln Road. She noted that a committee was appointed to study this matter before any action is taken. Parks and Recreation - It was mentioned that the grass planting for the rew park will be delayed until spring so that the land can be dis ced and harrowed properly fOT seed preparation; also the sprinkler system cannot be ins_talled at this time because of a lack of funds. Regarding the swimming pool, it was decided to leave it uncovered but to be sure that there is sufficient algae killer in the water. City Clerk - A report indicated a balance of $9, 993. 20 in the General Fund checking account with claims to pay in the amount of $6, 468. 77, Revenue. Sharing funds on hand in the amount of $19,464. 40 and delinquent accounts .amounting to $1, 485. 50 plus $1, 370.50 owed by Havenhurst Corp. for the Eastgate Mobile Village. It was felt that Mayor Wehmann should write to Mr. Quayle Dutson of the Havenhurst Corp. about this matter, and that collection should be made on the Lewis Nielsen account through the Small Claims Court with the City Attorney to take care of preparing the papers. A recommendation was made that the judgment being held against Dutch Rose, a former resident, in the amount of $148.50 should be cancelled as a bad de bt. Police and Fire Department - Councilwoman Dille reviewed the law enforcement report for the month of September, noting that there were 377.5 hours of patrolling by 14 officers in Ammon. She informed the Council members that a recommenda- tion to install 4-way red flashing lights on all of the intersections along the Ammon Lincoln Road was discussed at the recent meeting of the Idaho Traffic Safety Com- mission, and if this comes about, the City of Ammon would be expected to pay for the installation and operation of the light at the Sunnyside Road intersection. The Mayor and Council agreed with Mrs. Dille that such a light would not be necessary at this location since there are already 4-way stop signs there and the speed limit is 35 miles per hour from all directions. Mayor Wehmann recommended that a meeting with the Sheriff be scheduled to discuss next year's law enforcement pro- gram and felt that a suggestion should be made to set up a satellite office for law enforcement here in the City Building. Public Works ,- Councilman Lee had a question on building inspections which he indicated he would check out with the Idaho Falls Inspection Department. He mentioned arrangements which have been made to provide an extra garbage pick-up for the Head Start Program which is being held in the Eastgate Mobile Village recreation building, and received approval of the Council to make a charge of $1. 25 per month for this extra service. It was determined that the City needs a small com- pactor in order to comply with City regulations for filling in trenche s after making waterline repairs, etc. BonneviU,e Council of Governments - Attorney Smith once again mentioned the, urgency pointed out by Rolfe Lines of BCOG to have the City of Ammon finalize an agreement regarding the overlapping areas of Idaho Falls and Ammon while the present Bonneville County Commissioners are disposed to let the Cities work it out among themselves. It was recommended that Councilwoman Dille try to get the Planning and Zoning Commission to hold a special meeting right away with Mayor Wehmann to- attend and present the necessary information to them for dis cus sion. Attorney' - With reference to the proposed Cooperative Agreement on subdivision inspections, Attorney Smith recommended a change in the language relative to the review and approval of plats and improvement plans and the addition of an indemni- fication clause, and he agreed to make a draft of the agreement with these revisions 226 for the council's approval. Regarding the problems on the O. R. Birch property, Attorney Smith reported that Mr. Birch no longer has an attorney to represent him, so instructions were given to have the City Attorney write directly to Mr. Birch, by certified mail with return receipt requested, to explain the City's. position re- garding the necessity of reachining an acceptable agreement on the dedication of the street and having a turn-around installed before water service will be provided for the home being built at the west end of Wanda Street. Attorney Smith presented 'an Annexation Agreement on the Monty Howell Addition, noting that special conditions include leveling the front portion of the property to meet City Engineer standards and constructing sidewalks throughout the development. The Council members indicated approval of the annexation agreement with the special conditions as mentioned. The Monty Howell Addition Annexation Ordinance No. 142 was read in full by Attorney I Smith. Councilman Swensen moved to waive the three readings of Ordinance No. 142 on separate dates and to place the ordinance on the third reading by title only. The moti.on was seconded by Councilwoman Dille; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Ordinance No. 142 was read by title only. Councilman Swensen moved to adopt Ordinance No. 142 on the third reading by title only subject to the execu- tion of the annexation agreement,as prepared, by Mr. Monty Howell. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lee; voting was all in favor; motion carried and Ordinance No. 142 adopted. Engineer - A report was given by Engineer Butler on estimates obtained for heating the storage building near Well #6 which indicated that the installation and operation of gas heating equipment would be the most economical. Engineer Butler was asked to check the existing air vent in the storage building to determine how it can be fastened more securely. According to Engineer Butler, the water valves for the water main on 17th Street in the vicinity of the Eastgate shopping area have been brought to the surface. Mr. Butler explained that he _ had been asked to work on revising the Ammon-Idaho Falls Sewer Agreement which needs to be brought up to date, and he distributed copies of the agreement with proposed changes to the City Officials and City Attorney for study, along with copies of the proposed Ammon-Iona- Bonneville Sewer District Agreement. Reference was made to a cement problem reported by Lester Tovey, 1810 Bittern Drive, and it was noted that an inspection had determined that this did not qualify for repair under the present arrangements I with the sewer project contractor, but could probably be inCluded in additional concrete work tentatively planned for next year. Another item mentioned by Mr. Butler for the consideration of the Council was that the City of Idaho Falls Water Department has made an inquiry about entering into a contract to check the wells in Ammon on a regular basis to comply with the regulations of the new Safe Drinking Water Act. The matter of a letter from David Sorenson of 2030 Ross Avenue (in Jennie Jean Estates) regarding an easement along his property which is being used by the City to gain entrance to Well #5 was brought up for discussion, and it was decided that the Mayor should reply to Mr. Sorenson's letter advising him that the easement is shown on the original recorded plat and tne subdivision maps which are provided to each property owner with his deed, which leaves no doubt about the City's rights in the matter. Regarding the sewer metering device, it was repo.rted that the telephone line which should transmit the signals has been found to not be functional, so tests are to be made on that equipment. Fiscal Operations - It was noted that a summary sheet of the coverage provided under the City's insurance has been received, and the policy is in the hands of the City Attorney for review. Since it appears that the insurance is lacking in some areas, Attorney Smith suggested that the policy be submitted to a company in Boise which is approved by the Association of Idaho Cities with a request for study and recommenda- tion. Councilman Swensen reported that no additional bids have been received for I the repair of the damaged truck, and reminded the Council members of the AIC Academy in Pocatello in November. Old Business - Mayor Wehmann stated that the visit to the Ririe Dam was very informative, and announced his intentions to contact Senator James McClure or Senator Frank Church to get a calculation on how the spring run-off water is to be managed inasmuch as the diversion canal is obviously of insufficient capacity. In response to an inquiry by Councilman Anderson regarding the situation on the City's flail mower, Councilman Swensen reported that he is still checking on getting a tractor which will operate the mower and recommends keeping this equipment for the time being. Regarding a claim against the City filed by Steve ... I o 00 t'- ~ W ~ I I 227 Tremayne for damage to a travel trailer caused by a City truck, it was noted t}lat the requested estimates have not been submitted yet. Claims were approved for payment. Councilman Lee moved to adjourn; seconded by Councihnan Swensen: the meeting was adjou2?:25 P. M. {1~-1^-1-f ildv/Za>/rt/r?. /} =r-/ MAYOR I ~~RK CITY OF AMMON November 3, 1976 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P. M. by Mayor George Wehmann with the following City Officials present: Mayor George Wehmann Clerk Deon Hemingway Councilman Russell N. Swensen Attorney W. Joe Anderson Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Engineer David E. Benton Councilman Francis Lee Maint. Supv. LaVern E. Williams (Councilman Marvin J. Anderson was excused -- working) Others present during the meeting were Gene Simpson, Dan L. Tanner, and Scouts Brent M. Martin, Darrin Tanner, Jeff Tanner, David Carr, and Michael Johnston. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Mayor Wehmann; the invocation was offered by Councilwoman Dille. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting was susp~nded. The visitors were welcomed by Mayor Wehmann. COMMITTEE REPORTS Mayor - Approval was given on the wording of a letter which Mayor Wehmann pro- posed to send to the Havenhurst Corporation about the delinquency on the Eastgate Mobile Village account, and the clerk was instructed to type and mail the letter by certified mail with return receipt requested. Mayor Wehmann,reported that he had made a written reply to Mr. David K. Sorenson regarding the easement access to the J:ennie Jean well. Regarding the annual Ammon Day celebraticm, Mayor Wehmann mentioned that contact has been made with the appropriate people about having a concert by a Navy Band next year, and it has been learned that there is some cost involved. Mayor Wehmann encouraged the members of the Council to plan to attend the AIC District Meeting in Idaho Falls next Tuesday evening, November 9. Parks and Recreation - According to Mayor Wehmann, several people have inquired about the City's intentions for maintaining ice skating rinks during the winter season ahead, and he expressed the feeling that this is something that the City employees should be abl e to do. It was reported that the lights at the tennis courts have been taken out and stor'ed at the City building and the picnic tables have been placed in- side the tennis court fence and the gates locked for the winter. City Clerk - A report by the Cle rk listed claims to pay in the amount of $1, 739.84 and a General Fund checking account balance of $8, 174.00, with sufficient funds invested to meet the City' s obligations on the Law Enforcement Contract and the Sewer Revenue Bond when these items corne due in December, in addition to a re- serve of $19, 464.40 in Revenue Sharing funds. Regarding delinquencies, it was noted that the end-of-October figures revealed only $448. 50 still outstanding on the regular accounts, plus $1,370.50 due from the Eastgate Mobile_Village and $85.80 on the Lewis Nielsen account which has been filed in the Small Claims Court for coUection. Police and Fire Department - Councilwoman Dille reported that County Commissioner Detrick has indicated that attention will be given to working out something on the animal shelter problem in the near future. She reviewed theFire Department report for the previous month, noting that fire drills were held at both schools. In connec- tion with plans to reactivate the Traffic Safety Commis sion, Councilwoman Dille indicated that a regular meeting time should be establ~shed before the next Council meeting. Regarding heating the park storg,ge building so that the County fire truck