Council Minutes 08/18/1976 210 that the owner of the livestock has received a citation for violation of the City animal control laws, and additional citations can be given as warranted. Claims were approved for payment. The meeting was adjourned at 11: 30 P. M. L/~ /k/ 1/..":.,7 2c;,t, "j ./ /MAYOR ! /<: / ({, ;;.././l- "~'1,~-..,- t.:'--- __" '_~ CLERK CITY OF AMMON August 18, 1976 I Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order following City Officials present: Mayor George Wehmann Councilman Russell N. Swensen Councilman Francis Lee Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Councilman Marvin J. Anderson at 7:40 P. M. by Mayor George Wehmann, with the Clerk Deon Hemingway Attorney W. Joe Anderson Engineer David E. Benton Asst. Engineer Robert Butler (arrived 8: 15 .P. M. ) Others present during the meeting were Randy Waite, Larry Felt, Ronald and Ann Spiers, and Lyle Peterslie. Councilwoman Dille led the pledge of allegiance to the flag; the invocation was offered by Councilman Swensen. The minutes of the meeting of August 4, 1976, were approved as written. Ann Spiers, a representative of the Library Committee, displayed drawings of the City Building showing a suggested location for a library in the back of the building. It was explained that there is sufficient space available to meet the State guideline of a minimum of 4, 200 square feet for a library. An estimate of $2,000 for building materials for the proposed remodeling was presented, noting that it is expected that the labor would be donated. Also mentioned was the need to contact the adjacent property owner, Roland Romrel~ -about buying or getting easement rights from him for land to make access from the east possible. The matter was tabled until a later date in order for the Mayor and Council to analyze the situation before taking action. I Larry Fe.lt and Randy Waite presented information relative to a proposed develop- ment adjacent to the existing City Limits south of Sunnyside Road and west of the City, which is now the east end of Darwin Judy's property. Engineer Benton noted that the plan had been reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission and found to be acceptable subject to getting approval to make City water available. It was pointed out that the water main ends at Western Avenue with only a temp- orary I-inch line going beyond to serve one home. Explanation was made that a lO-inch water main would be required along Sunnyside Road, that a minimum size of 6 -inch waterline should be installed through the project in addition to at least 3 fire hydrants, and that the property owners. who will benefit from the waterline are expected to stand the cost of its installation so the City is not to get involved in financing the extension of the water main except to pay for the difference between the cost of 8 -inch and 10 -inch line in accordance with present City policy. The Mayor and Council recommended that the developers contact owners of property along the way and come back with a specific proposal for considerCl,tion. The development plans were checked for street pattern and found to be acceptable, and a request for a public hearing on annexation and initial zoning was dis cus sed. Councilman Lee moved that a public hearing on the annexation and initial zoning for the proposed addition to the City located immediately west of the existing City Limits and south of Sunnyside Road be held on Wednesday, September 22, 1976, contingent on the Planning and Zoning Commission having a hearing on this matter previous to that date. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Dille; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Mr. Felt and Mr. Waite were advised that they must furnish the City Attorney with a legal description of the land involved so that notice of the Public Hearing can be published, and that they as the developers are to pay for the advertising costs. Councilwoman Dille agreed to contact Tom Chriswell, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission to advise him that a Public Hearing should be scheduled by the Commission with the regular meeting I I o 00 I:"- ~ l:t.J ~ I I 211 date of September 21, 1976, being suggested. Mayor Wehmann reported that he had talked to q. representative of the Corps of Engineers who indicated that he would arrange for a visit to the Ririe Darn, and Saturday, September 25, or Saturday, October 2, were suggested as dates that would be good for the City officials. The Mayor noted that there has been no response to the letter he sent to Vern Nielsen regarding his delinquent account. Lyle Peterslie of 3715 Ross Avenue appeared to request an inspection of concrete defects in the curb at his residence which he claimed resulted from the sewer project consts ruction .and which he felt should be repaired by the project contractor. ' He was informed that the City officials WQuld be going out at the end of this week with a. representative of H-K Contractors to inspect and corne to a final agreement on the repairs that are the responsibility of the contractor, and the problems at Mr. Peterslie's address will be checked at that time. COMMITTEE REPORTS Mayor - A proposal was made by Mayor Wehmann that all contractors be required to obtain an excavation permit before doing any digging in the streets orright-of- ways in the City. He recommended that such permits be at no cost and that the standards of the City of Idaho Falls be listed as the specifications to be used for excavating, backfi.lling, repairing Q.sphalt, etc. Councilman Lee moved that the City of Ammon should institute the use of Excavation Permits similar to the ones used by the City of Idaho Falls effective August 18, 1976. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Dille; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Mayor Wehmann reported that he had talked to Harvey Crandall, who indicated that he would re-evaluate the situation and possibly consider making the audit for the City again. Reference was made by Mayor Wehmann to a complaint re<::eived about the condition of the unimproved street on Meadow Lane between Molen and Owen Streets, and it was determined that having some grading done there would be in order, with Council,rnan Lee to make the arrangements. According to Mayor Wehrnann, he had learned that the owners of Eastgate Mobile Village are in financial trouble, so he agreed to make contact with them regarding their delinquent account. Mayor Wehmann npted that the State ipspection of the 17th Street re -construction project is scheduled for neK:t week, so he has arranged for a pre-inspection with County Engineer Robert Gray to check corrections which have been observed to be needed, mostly related to drainage problems. Regarding the littering problem at the Jay Simpson residence, 2045 Dove Drive, Mayor Wehmannreported that the family has been cleaning up the yard in response to a letter sent to them by the City Attorney. He mentioned that he had received a report from the property owner at 3740 Samuel St., Lino Apodaca, that a former City official had promised to have some leveling of their side yard done after a curb was put in there in preparation for the parking lot for the City park in that location, and that he, had checked the situation and found that the side yard is not so much of a problem when compared to the condition of the front yard which is the owners' responsibility. Relative to a complaint received about damage to lawn when a waterline was repaired, Mayor ,Wehmann requested that the City Maintenance Supervisor obtain permission from the property owner whenever this situation occurs in the futu,re. Bonneville Council of GQvernments - Councilman Swensen reported on information received from the recent BCOG Meeting to the effect that the overflow canal for the Ride Darn should be done about November 1, and that it appears that the problem of having watel' in Sand Creek during the winter as felt to be necessary by the farmers and the Fish and Game Commis sion will still have to be worked out E;ath year as in the past. Attorney -Qrdinance #140 regulating the use of public parks was read in full by Attorn,ey Anderson. Councilwoman Dille mov.ed to waive the three readings on different days of Ordinance #140. The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Councilman Swensen moved that Ordinance #140 be placed on its third and final reading to be read by title only. The motion was -212 seconded by Councilman Lee; voting- was all in favor; motion carried. Ordinance #140 was read by Attorney Anderson by title only. Councilwoman Dille moved to adopt Ordinance #140 as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was Dille, yes; Swensen, yes; Anderson, yes; Lee, yes; motion carried. It was noted that Ordinance #140 allows the City to establish and post rules for the parks as determined to be necessary. Gouncilman Anderson moved to set aregu- lation to close the City parks from 11 P. M. to 5 A. M. The motion died for lack of a second. C.ouncilwomaIl Dille moved to close Lions Park from 11 P. M. to 6 A. M. and McCowin Park fromI2 Midnight to- 6 A. M. . 'The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was Dille, yes; Swensen, yes; Anderson, no; Lee, yes; motion carried. Attorney Anderson reported that the requested letter to HoOK Contractors re- I garding repairing thepttrrip at Well No.6 has heen prepared, .that the letter . was sent to Arland RaSmussen regarding the Holly Cove Addition situation, and that he was not sure about the correspondence with Arland Rasmussen in connection with the sewer hookup at 1890 Eagle Drive because Attorney Smith has been handling that. Engineer - Mention was made that a Building Permit has been issued, as approved h9' the Planning and Zoning Commission, to O. R. Birch for the house he has started off of the west end of Wanda Street, and that plans for the future extension of the street and a temporary waterline need to be worked out. Engineer Benton reported that he has written a letter to R. W. Utterbeck about the cOl'l.struction of the planned turn-around atthe west end of Wanda St. Engineer Butler indicated that he had not been able to get out at an appropriate time to check the leak detector which the City is trying out. Mayor Wehmann asked the engineers to furnish him with more information on the proposed plans to blacktop in front of the City Building and install a: French drain on Midway Ave. Engineer Benton indicated that he has contacted Jerry Hoggan, who was given permission several weeks ago to hook on to the City sewer for a house he is building on a lot in Jennie -Jean Acres just north of the Barbara Jean Estates, and notified him that he will have to postpone making the connection until the City Council has approved the procedure to be used. It was felt that further action on this should be withheld since the I City has not accepted the sewer line in the Barbara Jean Estates yet. Fiscal Operations - Councilman Swensen agreed to pick up a refrigerated water fountain whi-ch Attorney Anderson offered as a gift to the City, explaining that it has been taken out at his office and is not being used. According to Councilman Swensen, he still needs to get back with Horace Smith about temporary use of land for a turn-around at the east end of Circle S Drive. Planning and Zoning Commission - Plans for another subdivision needing a public hearing for annexation and zoning as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission were displayed, noting that this is land belonging to Montie Howell starting some distance back on the north side of 17th Street and just east of Sand Creek, and it is being considered as an alternative spot for the senior citizen housing formerly proposed for the Randalyn Addition. It was felt by the City Council that the plat should include the property bordering on 17th Street, and .Engineer Benton indicated that the developer would like to request a commercial zoning on that particular area if it is to be considered. Councilman Lee questioned this zoning and moved that the hearing for zoning of the property from 17th Street north to the north boundary as shown on the displayed plat be advertised and considered for zoning of R3-A only. The motion died for lack of a second. Mayor Wehmann pointed out that the need at this time is time is to call for the public hearing, then make the Citi Council deliberations and decisibns later. Councilman Lee moved that the City CounCil have a public hearing relative to annexation and zoning as presented on the Montie Howell property from 17th- Street to its north boundary, bordered on the west by Sand Creek and on the east by the City Limits, to be held on September 22, 1976, contingent on the Planning and Zoning Commission holding a public hearing previous to that date. The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in favor; motion carried. It was decided that special notices about this hearing should be sent to the people in the area. In- response to an inquiry by Mayor Wehmann, Attorney Anderson counseled that this matter should be brought before the City of Idaho Falls after the hearings arid before going ahead with the annexation, in accordance with the new state land use law. I I o 0Ci t'- CO ~ W I I 213 Parks and Recreation - Councilman Anderson reported that the church group has made considerable progress in getting the land prepared for planting at the ~ . park located in the Peterson Park Addition. LaVern Williams and Engineer Benton were asked to get the necessary fittings for the sprinkling system for the new park and have them installed as soon as possible before the grass can be planted. Mayor Wehmann mentioned that the weel:l killing which was done in L~ons Park early in the summer was not effective so it should be done again, that the fire department men - have been taking care of fixing up the restrooms in Lions Park, and that the City employees planted grass by the swings in Lions Park. He recommended that arrange- ments be made to get a sickle mower to cut weeds along streets. Acc;ording to Councilman Anderson, the City has been offered $175 for the flail mower which was purchased new for approximately $1200 in 1974, and it was felt that decision on this should wait until it can be determined if there is any way to use the equipment for trimming weeds along the streets. Police and Fire Department - Councilwoman Dille reviewed the July law enforce- ment report which showed a total of 459 hours worked in Ammon by the County Sheriff's Department personnel. She noted that the July Animal Control Report was not available at this time. Mrs. Dille pointed out that it may be possible to get reimbursement for the cost of the paint for cros swalks if application is made to the proper funding agency; also the deadend signs are now available to be put up on Southwick and Citc1e S Drive. Public Works - A report by Councilman Lee indicated that the extension for the fire hydrant on Ross Avenue has been ordered, that bids on a snow plow will be in by September l,and that he intends to make a telephone call to check on the latest information about the delivery date for the new garbage truck. He requested that the City Maintenance Supervisor have the "No Parking" signs cemented in where necessary.. Old Business - Reference was made to the Ammon Day celebration to the effect that proceeds from the dance amounted to $188.82, and it was felt that setting the speakers for the music on the south side of the tennis courts so that the sound was aimed to the north helped to eliminate complaints. Mayor Wehmann recommended that a date be set for the 1977 Ammon Day since he would like to get the Chairman position filled right away and make arrangements for a concert by the Navy Band. The calendar was checked, and Councilman Lee moved that the next Ammon Day be held on Satur- day, August 6, 1977. The motion was seconded by Counc.ilman Swensen; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Claims were approved for payment in the amount of $5, 935. 96. Councilman Swensen moved to adjourn; seconded by Councilwoman Dille; the meeting was adjourned at 11:05 P. M. , . ~ //L...;<~L: '<1',,-"7 ~h;;2~: / . / Z {. ~ i?</I'i-1-. (<'.~~ 'MAYOR / .d~ ~n CLERK CITY OF AMMON September 1, 1976 M~nutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 8:05 P. M. by Mayor George Wehmann with the following City Officials present: Mayor George Wehmann Councilman Russell N. Swensen Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Councilman Francis Lee Not present: Councilwoman Carol A. Dille, Clerk Deon Hemingway Asst. Attorney Franklin Smith Engineer David E. Benton Maint. Supervisor LaVern E. excused due to illness Williams Mayor Wehmann led the pledge of allegiance to the flag; prayer was offered by Councilman Anderson. Minutes of the meeting of August 18, 1976, were approved as prepared. Prior to the openlng of the meeting, several matters were discus sed unofficially as follows: