Council Minutes 07/07/1976
tion. In response to an inquiry by Mayor Wehmann, Engineer Benton explained that
the inspection around the City to check on cement problems to be taken care of under
the Sewer Project contractor warranty has been delayed due to Bob Butler being
called to active duty with the National Guard because of the flood disaster. Regard-
ing a ditch culvert problem at Molen Street and Meadow Lane, Engineer Benton was
asked to make a recommendation for re -designing the bridge at that location.
Fiscal Operations - With reference to changing the utility billing, Councilman Swensen
informed the Mayor that a recommendation has not been finaled yet.
Library - A proposal made by the Library Committee through Councilwoman Dille
that the building in the Eastgate Shopping area which was formerly a car wash be
used as a library facility was considered by the Council. It was the feeling that
a school or City Building location should be checked out further before making a
decision, and Councilwoman Dille was asked to make an appointment for a meeting
with the School Board on this subject.
Planning and Zoning - Councilwoman Dille reported that the June meeting was 'can-
celled due to no business and the Chairman having been gone in the National Guard.
In other matters of business, the Council disapproved a proposal by the Progressive
Irrigation District to have the City make one payment to that company for all users
of ditch water in the City, and agreed that the Mayor should get information .about
City Superintendents at the AIC Convention. Claims were approved for payment.
Councilman Swensen moved to adjourn;
adjourned at 9:55 P. M.
seconded by Councilma, Lee; meeting
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July 7, 1976
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 8:05 P. M. by Mayor George
the following City Officials present:
Mayor George Wehmann
Councilwoman Carol A. Dille
Councilman Russell N. Swensen
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson
(Councilman Francis Lee excused--working)
We hmann, wi th
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Asst. Engr. Robert Butler
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Councilwoman Dille; prayer was
offered by Mayor Wehmann. The minutes of the meeting of June 16, 1976, were
approved as written.
Mayor - With reference to commitments made at the last meeting, Mayor Wehmann
noted the following: Two women, Vilate George and Valerie Beardall, have con-
sented to serve as' co-chairmen for Ammon Day along with Paul Bunnell, and
Chairman Gary Davidson will be invited to come to the next meeting to report on
plans for the celebration. In connection with Ammon Day, a letter has been sent
to County Commissioner Detrick, with a copy to City of Idaho Falls Mayor Pedersen,
in preparation for having a ribbon-cutting for 17th Street as part of the Ammon Day
activities. Notice about a littering problem on the property of Dewey Miller, 3880
Ross Avenue, was not sent because the situation did not seem to warrant such action.
Relative to other properties where it has been observed that yard clean -up is needed
in keeping with the request to make the City more beautiful as a bicentennial project,
it was suggested that the Council members make a survey and have courtesy tickets
is sed if neces sary. The Progres sive Irrigation District was notified by letter of the
Council's decision regarding the assessment to ditch users in the City which was made
at the last meeting. The cooperative agreern:nt with the City of Idaho Falls for
inspection of improvements in new subdivis,ions is still being worked on.
2 0 2---
In other matters, Mayor Wehmann reported that he found the AlC Conference in
Coeur d'Alene worthwhile and will plan for a discussion on this at the next
meeting. He mentioned that official notice has been received from the Federal
Insurance Administration that the construction of the Ririe Dam allows Ammon
to be removed from the flood hazard area for insurance purposes, and that he
intends to contact the Corp of Engineers and request a tour at the site of the
Ririe Dam.
Regarding the improvements in the new Barbara Jean subdivision, Mayor Wehmann
noted that a letter has been received from the developer listing proposals for solving
the existing problems, such as applying a chip-and-seal coat on the streets with the
guarantee period to start after completion, and having the sewer lines checked with I
a camera. Mayor Wehmann indicated that, if these solutions are satisfactory with
the inspectors of the City of Idaho Falls Engineer's Office, then acceptance will be
given as requested.
According to Mayor Wehmann, word has been received that the Manager of the
- Idaho Survey and Rating Bureau plans to be at the City office on July 12, and
Councilwoman Dille was asked to meet with him regarding the City's fire pro-
tection rating. It was noted that this visit is in response to a contact made by
Mayor Wehmann at the AlC Conference, and that Robert Butler of the City Engineer's
office had sent a letter to the Survey and Rating Bureau recently on this subject
Mayor Wehmann Pointed out that the State has approved the construction of the
nursing home north of 17th Street on the property which was rezoned for this
purpose several months ago, and that, when a building permit is requested, the
plans should probably be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
City Clerk - A financial report indicated the following: Balance in General Fund
checking account $35, 322.43; claims to pay $25,538.64; Revenue Sharing money to
invest $4, 839. 00.
Library - Councilwoman Dille indicated that the Library Committee is not ready I
to make any further recommendations at this time.
Police and Fire Department - According to Councilwoman Dille, the follow-up
on the problem of livestock animals. in.the y:ards of residents living on the south
side of Rawson Street west of Western Avenue will begin by requiring the Simcasks
to put up a fence to keep the animals 25 feet back from the house.
Public Works - It was reported that the street repair work for the French drain at
Geneva and Vaughn Street has been found to be satisfactory, the tree removal job
on Ammon Road has been completed as agreed, and the fire hydrant at 2950 Ross
Avenue has been raised up as needed. With reference to the property owners who
have not yet hooked their homes on to the City !5ewer system it was noted that Louis
Simcask, 3040 Rawson St., was arrested, fined, and given to October 1 to get the
sewer line put in; and legal action may be necessary against Rasmussen Realty since
it is understood that the money is being held by that company for the work at 1890 Eagle
Drive, but the sewer is not being installed.
Bonneville Council of Governments - According to Councilman Swensen, the meeting
date of BCOG has been changed to the second Wednesday, so the next one will be
on July 14. He mentioned that a Federal grant has been awarded to the lona-Bonne-
ville Sewer District for the interceptor from Ammon to lona. Mayor Wehmann
requested that Councilman Swensen check out through BCOG to determine the
responsibility, under the new land use law, of-the larger of adjacent cities to
approve new subdivisions (referring at this time to the proposed Holly .cove
Addition. )
Engineer - Assistant Engineer Robert Butler reported that he has an appointment to
meet with Vern Fowler of H-K Contractors to make a survey of the City and prepare
a list of the concrete defects which should be taken care of under the sewer project
warranty. He agreed to have this information ready for the Mayor by July 19. Re-
garding the fence for the new well and water storage tank, it was determined that the
cost will be in the neighborhood of $5, 000, so the Engineer was authorized to go
ahead with the official advertising for bids procedure. Mr. Butler was also
instructed to prepare a written recommendation about how to solve the problem at
thecufvert on Meadow Lane at Molen St. He stated that the lay-out for the base-
ball field and soccer field at McCowin Park has been done.
.Other matters which the Engineer was asked to follow through on included: Make a
cost estimate for paving in front of the city building including a siphon for the
irrigation ditch; make a cost estimate for paving part of the swimming pool parking
lot; provide a plan for storm drainage on Midway Avenue along side of McCowin Park;
complete the sewer hook-up fee evaluation.
Parks and Recreation - Councilman Anderson reported that plans are being made
by the L. D. S. Ammon 5th Ward to have a picnic in McCowin Park for the people
of Sugar City on Tuesday, July 20, and it was decided that .the Sugar City guests
w9uld be invited to swim at the pool at no charge, that evening. A review of infor-
mation regarding replacing the tennis court lights was presented by Councilman
Anderson, and Mayor Wehmann requested that a firm cost estimate for this work
be obtained before authorizing the work to be done. Councilman Lee agreed to con-
tact Capitol Glass Company about a possible reimbursement to the City on the
plastic shields for the tennis court lights that proved to be unsatisfactory.
During further discussion by the Mayor and Council, it was stated that the School
Board would like to meet regarding the library situation as soon as pos sible so that
a decision can be made in time to plan for the coming school year. Also, with refer-
ence to moneys in the Revenue Sharing fund, it was noted that the amount just re-
ceived is to be invested in a Time Certificate of Deposit for 92 days and that uses
for the funds available during this year will be studied and determined August.
Claims were approved for payment. Councilman Swensen moved to adjourn at
9:50 P. M., seconded by Councilwoman Dille. Meeting adjourned.
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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7: 35
the following City Officials present:
Mayor George Wehmann
Councilwoman Carol A. Dille
Councilman Russell N. Swensen
Councilman Marvin J. 'Anderson
Councilman Francis Lee
P. M. by Mayor George Wehmann, with
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Engineer David E. Benton
Asst. Attorney Franklin Smith
Maint. Supv. LaVern E. Williams
Others present during the meeting were:
Beardall, County Engineer Robert Gray,
and George Peterson.
Gary Davidson, Vilate George, Valerie
Mike Townsley, Vern Fowler, Dean Crofts,
Gary Davidson, Chairman of Ammon Day, 1976, introduced Vilate George and
Valerie Beardall as members of the Co-Chairmen committee, then proceeded
to outline the celebration events as planned, which will include a ribbon cutting for
the newly completed 17th Street reconstruction project, a youth parade, skits, games,
. contests, midway events, dancing, etc.
As a representative of the L. D. S. Ammon 5th Ward, Gary ,Davidson expressed
appreciation to the City officials for the use of the McCowin Park facilities during
the picnic for the Sugar City people, which was held on Saturday, July 17, instead
of July 20 as mentioned in the last meeting.
County Engineer Robert Gray and H-K Contractors foreman Vern Fowler answered
- questions and reviewed the progres s of the 17th Street reconstruction project. .
Mayor Wehmanll requested that temporary railings be put on the Sand Creek bridge,
and it was n9ted that the paving and concrete work are nearly finished, while clean-
up, striping, and additional signing still needing to be done are expected to be com-
pleted during the next week. The new street lights still need to be installed by the
power company also. Items mentioned which need special attention by the contractor