Council Minutes 05/19/1976
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gathering up paper around the park, trimming gras s with gras s shears in the park, or
perhaps permis sion might be obtained for them to polish on the fire truck.
Claims_ were approved for payment prior to the beginning of the meeting. Councilman
Lee moved that the meeting be adjourned. Concilman Swensen seconded the motion.
Al! in favor. Meeting adjourned at 11:30 P. M. (-~o
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May 19, 1976
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. by Mayor George Wehmann, with the
following City Officials pre sent:
Mayor George Wehmarin
CounCilman Russell N. Swensen
Councilman Carol A. Dille
Councilman Francis Lee
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson
Others present during the meeting were Richard Hahn, Gary Davidson, Barbara Hale,
Sharon Drowns, Gerald Connell, Ronald Jacques, Michael Berg, Roland Romrell, and
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hoggan.
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Attorney' W. Joe Anderson
Engineer David E. Benton
Maint. Supervisor LaVern E.
Mayor Wehmann led the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Councilwoman Dille offered
the invocation. Minutes of the meetings of April 21 and May 5, 1976, were approved as
The Council reviewed the details of a variance request made by Richard Hahn, 2230
Curlew, and learned that the adjacent property owner, Gerald Taylor, 2240 Curlew, has
indicated in writing that he has no objection- -there will still be at least 25 feet from
the proposed structure to the neighbor's house. It was noted also, that the Planning &
Zoning Commission has recommended approval of this proposal. Councilman Swensen
moved to grant a zoning variance of 2 -1/2 feet on the sideyard setback as requested by
Mr. Hahn to allow him to build a garage up to 5 feet of his south property line in- I
stead of 7 -1/2 feet as required in the R-l Zone. The motion was seconded by Council
woman Dille; a voice vote was all in favor; motion carried and variance granted.
Gary Davidson, Chairman for the 1976 Ammon Days, reported that tentative plans
for that event are for an old-fashioned celebration in keeping with this Bicentennial
Year. He listed a number of special activities which were felt to be appropriate for the
occasion, and asked for and received suggestions from the Mayor and Council. The
thought was expressed that a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the completion of the 17th
Street Project should be included. A date which will not conflict with other activities
in the area is to be set after checking with the County Bicentennial Committee. It was
pointed out that suggestions are needed for an Ammon Days Co-chairman, who would
in turn be the Chairman for the next year.
In response to an inquiry by Barbara Hale and Sharon Drowns regarding orgamzlng the
City-sponsored Pee Wee Baseball Program for 6,7, and 8-year-old youngsters, assur-
ance was given that the needed equipment will be supplied if at least 4 teams are formed,
and that older boys who serve as umpires are to be paid at the same rate as now being
done in Idaho Falls. These mothers were asked to follow through by setting up playing
schecules, etc., if the-.program gets going.
COMMITTEE REPOR TS - Ma~r - With reference to a letter written by Attorney F:rank-
l1n 5mnh to .H-.r,. Contractors, ayor Wehmann mentioned that the subject of removing
the excess chips from the streets was covered but not the hazardous holes which have
developed in the streets in several places. Attorney Anderson advised that the con-I
tractor could be notified that the City will have the repairs done and bill the cost
against their bond. Mayor Wehmann indicated that, if this is done, another const-
ruction firm will be engaged so that there will be a clear-cut bill to present. Engineer
Benton made telephone contact with one of the foremen of H -K Contractors and in-
formed the Council later in the meeting that the company's patching .material plant
is now in operation, and a promise was made to have the holes filled in by Fri day this
Mayor Wehmann requested the consideration of the Council regarding proposed holi-
day and travel allowance schedules, copies of which had been presented to each member
at a previous meeting. The matter of travel allowance was tabled for further study.
Councilman Swensen moved to accept the proposed official holiday schedule for the
years 1976-77 as follows:
Page i9~
January 1
February 16
May 31
July 4
September 6
October 11
November 11
November 25
December 25
Special Holiday **
Sunda y *
Saturday *
New Day
Washington's Birthday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
. Veteran's Day
January 1
Fe bruary 21
May 30
J ul y 4
September 5
October 10
November 11
November 24
December 25
Special Holiday *':C
* When a holiday falls on Saturday, Friday will be given off.
holiday falls on Sunday, Monday will be given off.
Saturday *
Sunda y >',c
New Years Day
Washington! s Birthday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
G::>lumbus Day
Veteran's Day
** The special holiday shall be:
- 1) The Monday preceeding Christmas when the latter falls on Tues.
or 2) The Friday following Christmas when the latter falls on Thurs.
or 3) The Friday following Thanksgiving
or 4) Pioneer Day (when on a week-day)
Full-time salaried employees shall vote by June 1st as to which
day shall constitute the special holiday that year.
The motion was seconded by Councilwoman .Dille; voting was unanimous in favor;
motion carried. It was noted that the vacation and sick leave policies need to be
reviewed and made official also.
In response to information presented by the Mayor, Councilwoman Dille moved
that Mayor Wehmann be the voting delegate for the City of Ammon at the Association
of Idaho Cities Conference coming up in June. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Lee; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Councilman Swensen moved that
Councilman Anderson be the alternate voting delegate for the City of Ammon ;;tt the
AIC Conference in June. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Dille; voting
all in vavor; motion carried.
According to Mayor Wehmann, an agreement with the City of Idaho Falls to have
the Engineer of that City inspect the water and sewer lines and the streets in future
subdivision developments is being prepared and is to be considered at the next
meeting. He reported that he is in receipt of a letter from the Idaho Falls City
Engineer outlining problems in the improvements installed last year in the new
additions of Barbara Jean Estates and Meadow Lark Estates.
Mayor Wehmann was advised by Attorney Anderson that the City is in compliance
with the !3tate Building Code Advisory Act of 1975 (Chapter 41, Title 39, Idaho
Code), and that a letter to this effect has been sent to the State Department of Labor
and Industrial Services as requested, indicating that the building inspections in the
City of Ammon are handled under an Agreement with the City of Idaho Falls.
Mayor Wehmann was also assured by Attorney Anderson that his having talked to
individual Legislators on behalf of the City .while in Boise during the legislative
session did not require that he should be registered as a lobbyist inasmuch as he did
not request a hearing before a committee.
Fiscal Operations - Councilman Swensen reported that he attended the District
AIC Meeting on May 13, and the nomination of Gil Karst, Idaho Falls Councilman,
to be on the Board of Directors from this area was approved. He mentioned that
~ Page 194
subjects discus sed, which will also be on the agenda at the AIC June Conference,
included the new Cash Basis Act and Workmen 1 s Compensation Insurance. In
response to an inquiry by Councilman Swensen, it was determined that copies of
the "Handbook for Planning and Zoning Commis sions" have been received and de-
livered to Councilwoman Dille as the representative of the Council on the Commission.
Attorney Anderson reported that he has reviewed the insurance policy for the City,
but wants to talk to Mr. Homer again before the premium payrrent is made. Mayor
Wehmann requested that Attorney Anderson check with Mr. Homer as to whether the
claim regarding damage done by a board from a City truck hitting a car was handled
Library Board - Councilwoman Dille indicated that plans are being made to get a I
library started. She was informed that a suggestion to use a trailerhouse in
McCowin Park as a temporary location would be in violation of the Zoning Ordinance.
The Council members felt that using school facilities for a library would be the
most satisfactory.
Planning and Zoning - Engineer Benton displayed a drawing showing plans for
extending Ross Avenue south of the City Limits in connection with proposed
developments in the county in that area, which he indicated met with the approval
of the Planning and Zoning Commission. He explained that another matter which was
brought to the attention of the Planning and Zoning Commission was a sketch plan
to develop a subdivision south of Sunnyside Road and west of the City Limits. The
developer had been informed that, in order to hook onto the City water and sewer
system, permission of the City Council must be obtained and the plans properly
designed and approved. It was pointed out that the Planning and Zoning Commission
ha-d tabled any action relative to changing the existing 99-foot right-of-way in the
Orig-inal Townsite.
Parks and Recreation - Councilmarr Anderson reported that about $500 has been
paid out so far for work done at the tennis courts. It was noted that an inquiry
has been ,received about having dances at the tennis courts this -summer, and
explanation was made that the local Post of the American Legion had been pro- I
mised the privilege of having one dance per month except for one evening to be
used for the Ammon Days celebration. The feeling was expressed that opportunity
for tennis court dances should not be limited to one organization but should be
limited to organizations from Ammon, and that the representative of the group
that would like to have a dance on June 4th should contact the officials of the
American Legion to work out some arrangements. Councilman Anderson announced
that the opening of the swimming pool is scheduled for the first week in June with
lessons to begin on June 7th. Thera will be tennis lessons offered again this year
beginning on June 14th with registration at the City Building on June 9, 10, 11, from
9 A. M. to 12 Noon. Also, according to Councilman Anderson, the new part of
McCowin Park is to be planted the first week in June.
City Clerk - A written report presented to the Mayor and Council showed a total of
$61,593.31 in the City General Fund, with $21,538.21 in the checking account
and $18,159.29 in claims to pay, including the 1976 payment on the new fire truck
of $7,800 and $5,139 to the developer of Barbara Jean Estates for the City's
share of the waterline installed in that subdivision. The Qerk reported having
attended a workshop on the investment of idle funds conducted by the State
Police and Fire Department - Councilwoman Dille reviewed the Law Enforcement
reports for April as follows: Animal Control -54 hours, 376 miles, 27 complaints
received and completed, 16 dogs impounded by officer, 5 dogs and 2 cats brought
in by the public; Patrolling and Investigation - 365 hours. She reported that
several residents in Peterson Park have requested by petition that the streets
there be posted with "Slow, Children at Play" signs, and were informed that this
could be done if the City has the signs.
Public Works - Regarding purchasing garbage truck, Councilman Lee noted
that, since the lease-purchase payments are expected to be over $5,000 per year,
the law requires advertising for bids. After learning that Attorney Anderson had
a bid advertising prepared, Councilman Lee moved to authorize the City Clerk to
sign the request for .bids for a new garbage truck and to have this published in the
Page 195~
newspaper as required by law. The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen;
voting was all in favor; motion carried.
Councilman Lee asked Engineer Benton if the work on the French Drain on Geneva
Drive is satisfactory, and was told that the job has been done according to speci-
fications except for the street repair, so partial payment is recommended at this
time. With reference to the sewer lines which need to be put in, Councilman Lee
reported that the property owner at 1890 Eagle Drive has requested an extension to
June 23.
Bonneville Council of Governments - According to Councilman Swensen" all elected
officials are invited to the next meeting of BCOG scheduled for 7:30 A. M. June 2,
1976, since information- on joining the Economic Development District will be dis-
cussed at that time.
Attorney - In response to an inquiry by Mayor Wehmann, Attorney Anderson in-
dicated that the bonds for Local Improvement Districts No. 6 and No.7 are to be
printed at the same time when the remainder of the work on L.1. D. No. 7 is com-
Engineer - In the matter of working out a plan to start action on correcting the
sidewalk and curb and gutter problems that have resulted from the installation
of the sewer system, Engineer Benton stated that he would make arrangements
for Bob Butler and a representative of H-K Contractors to mark the locations
of the problems where it has already been determined are the responsibility of
the contractor (this is to be done by.June 10), then the others can be inspected
and contractor or city responsibility decided before the cement repair is done.
Reference was made to a routine water survey of the Ammon system made on
April 21, 1976, by Monty G. Marchus of the State Division of Environment,
and it was mentioned that the recommendation that a vacuum breaker be in-
stalled for the sprinkler system at Well #2 should be brought to the attention
of the L. D. S. Church, the owner of the sprinkler system.
Other Business
Gerald Connell, Bishop of the L. D. S. Ammon 4th Ward, presented a proposal to
develop the city park in the Peterson Park subdivision by having the membership
of three wards furnish the labor as a Bicentennial Project. The Council indicated
approval of this activity, and requested that Engineer Benton make a cost estimate
for plowing and leveling so that it can be determined if the city has sufficient
funds for getting the ground ready for .planting. Mayor Wehmann recommended
that this estimate be prepared as soon as possible, then the Parks Committee can
make a decision without waiting until the next meeting.
Roland Romrell, of 3290 Molen St., inquired if the City had record of the exact
distance that the right-of-way for Romrell Lane was offset to the east a few
years ago when he bought property fOT that purpose so that the street would not be
right along side of his house. Engineer Benton agreed to check this out at the
County Recorder's Office. Mr. Romrell mentioned that he needs to have this
information in order to complete, his plans to put in a cement driveway and a fence.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hoggan stated that they have purchased the very south lot in
Jennie Jean Estates which border on the City limits, and asked what would have to
be done in order to hook on to the City sewer system. They also inquired if they
would be reimbursed for the extra costs of the sewer line if the main line is ex-
tended as a City project in the future. It was explained that the sewer line in the
subdivision to the south of this location has not been accepted by the City yet, so
final permission cannot be given at this time, and that drawings will have to be
prepared and presented to the City Engineer of Idaho Falls for inspection the same
as for any other line. Councilwoman Dille moved that perm'ission be granted to Mr.
and Mrs. Jerry Hoggan to extend the City sewer line, at no expense to the City, on
Ross Avenue to serve Lot 1 Block 5, Jennie Jean Estates, if all engineering re-
quirements are met, and that consideration be given to making reimbursement
when the sewer main line is installed on beyond that point. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Lee; voting all in favor; motion carried.
Councilman Swensen moved to adjourn at
Claims were approved for payment.
11:40 P. M. ; seconded by Councilman Lee.
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