Council Minutes 12/17/1975
Council members were reminded to attend a meeting in Rexburg on Dec. 9, 1975,
regarding setting up. the East Central Idaho Development District. The newly
elected officials were also invited to go to this meeting.
, A report by Councilman Swensen indicated that, as a result of a meeting of the
Flood Control Committee called by the County Civil Defense Director, the water
will be shut off in Sand Creek and Willow Creek for the remainder of the winter
months. This action was prompted by the heavy. snowfall and quick thaw that
occurred last weekend. In response to a comment by Mayor -elect George Weh-
mann that he was at the meeting but could not determine under what authority the
Flood Control Committee operates, Mayor Turnbow explained that the Civil
Defense Director (and the committee) are given authority under the Federal
Emergency Act.
The city-sponsored basketball will start this Saturday with Scott Maeser
in charge, according to Councilman Cheney, with the pay for the manager and
referees to be the same as last year ($2.00 per hour for manager and $1. 50 per
hour for referees). The cost for using the Ammon School gymn~sium should be
about the same as last year also. A fee of $4. 00 will be charged for each parti-
cipant, and the registration information will go out through the school.
The Council was asked to set a fee schedule for posting bond on citations
iss~ed for parking in the street or on the sidewalk where posted for "No Park-
ing". It was recommended that the Clerk check with the City of Idaho Falls
and use the same amounts as are charged there. (This was found to be $2.00
per violation if paid within 15 days, with a penalty added according to the
number of days of delinquency. )
Claims were approved for payment. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 P. M.
LYz::. .
December 17, 1975
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7 :40 P. M. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow,
with the following City Officials present:
Mayor Keith C. Turnbow
Councilman Russell N. Swensen
Councilman Brent Hirschi
Councilman Gerald B. Cheney
Mayor-elect George Wehmann
Councilwoman-elect Carol A. Dille
Absent: Councilman Marvin J. Anderson
Clerk Dean Hemingway
Attorney W. Joe Anderson
Engineer David E. Benton
Planning Commission Secretary
(out-of -town)
Minutes of the meeting of December 3, 1975, were approved as typed later In
the meeting.
The meeting was opened as a Public Hearing on several zoning matters. Interested
citizens present were: Hazen Olsen, Ray Butler, Jesse H. Crow, Reuben Waters,
Farrell Adamson, Lee Dille, Craig L. Mowrey, and an out-of-town visitor Harlin
Summers. Representing property owners and developers were: Steve Loveland,
Richard Skidmore, Garth Cunningham, Rance Bare, and Attorney Franklin Smith.
The first matter of business was a zone change from R-l to R-2 on Lots 5 and: 6,
Block 7, Original Townsite, as requested by developer Harold Loveland. It was
explained that the request was made with the intention of adding on to the existing
duplexes in that location on Owen Street (which is considered to be a reasonable
way to utilize the narrow strlP of adjoining land), and would allow 2, 3, and 4
family dwellings in the future. Determination was made that Mr. Loveland is the
owner of the east one-half of the two lots, and that Reuben Waters who owns the
west one -half of the lots is in favor of the proposed change also. A plat of
the Origin~l Townsite was displayed to clarify the situation. There being no
objections voiced to the .zone change, Councilman Cheney moved to adopt a
resolution to change Lots 5 and 6, Block 7, Original Townsite, from R-l to R-~
as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission in the October meeting,
and to amend the Ammon Zoning Map accordingly. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Swensen; voting was Cheney, yes; Hirschi, yes; Swensen, yes; motion
carried and resolution adopted. (Resolution to be prepa,red by Attorney,Anderson).
The Public Hearing was next opened to discussion on the initial zoning for the
proposed Randalyn Addition (which is to be located south of Sunnyside Road and
west of Ammon-Lincoln Road) with zoning requests being as follows: R-l on
Lots 6 through 14, Block 1, and Lot 7 Block 3; R-3 on Lots 3, 4, and 5 Block 1,
Lots 2 through 12 Block 2, Lots 2 through 6 Block 3; and R-3A on Lot 2 Block 1,
Lots 1, 13, and 14 Block 2 and Lot 1 Block 3. It was noted that an interested
developer has requested the R-3 and R-3A zoning, and is making tentative
plans to construct multi-family rental units there. Mayor Turnbow read letters
from the Farmers Home Administration and the Bonneville Council of Govern-
ments which stres sed the need for this type of ,housing to be made available
especially to retired people on fixed incomes, but also to others on a non-
discrimination basis. Rance Bare, representing the engineering firm employed
by the interested developer (Security Construction €orp. ) displayed the
preliminary plat of the proposed Randalyn Addition, plot plans and architect's
drawings of the proposed 8-plex buildings, and photographs of similar units now
existing in Blackfoot. He explained that each unit will have an off-street parking
area, and that the developer plans to have curb and gutter and storm drainage
throughout the entire subdivision even though the lot sizes exceed that which
would eliminate the curb-and -gutter requirement. Mr. Adamson commented
on the bUFden on roads and schools which the project might have. Lee Dille and
ElaireMcGary expressed concern about locating apartments for elderly people
in the particular 'location, but explanation was made that the preference will
not be necessarily for the older people but for any age of retired persons.
Further discussion indicated no serious opposition to the requested zoning.
Councilman Hirschi moved to adopt a resolution to accept the proposal to annex
the Randalyn Addition to the City of Ammon, to make the initial zoning as
indicated, to accept the preliminary plot plan as presented (all as recommended
by the Planning and Zoning 'Commission), and to place the Randalyn Addition
Annexation Ordinance No. 133 on its first reading. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Swensen; voting was Hirschi, yes; Swensen, Yes; Cheney,
yes; J.TIotimcarri ed. Attorney Anderson read Ordinanc;e No. 133 in full.
Councilman Swensen moved to the three separate readings of Ordinance
No. 133 and to place it on its third and final reading by title only. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting was all in favor; motion carried.
Ordinance No. 133 was read by title only. Councilman Swensen moved that
Ordinance No. 133 be pass.ed on its third and final reading. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Hirschi; voting was all in favor; motion carried;
Ordinance No. 133 adopted.
R. W. Bauchman, of Upper Valley Telecable Company, and Attorney Fred J.
Hahn appeared to request an amendment to Ordinance No. 91, Section 15, Pa.ll'a-
graph 6, to authorize said company to engage in what is commonly known as pay
television to the extent allowed by the rules and regulations of the Federal
Communications Commission. It was felt that official action on this matter
should wait until the new administration is in office. City Attorney Anderson
advised .that it would be proper to authorize the introduction of such an
amendment at this time so that the neces sary publication time as required
by law can be taken care of. Councilman. Swensen moved to adopt a resolution
to authorize the introduction of a proposed amendment to the cable television
franchise ordinance (No. 91) and to have the papers prepared for action at
the regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council at the Amr'non City Building,
7:30 P. M., February 4$ 1976. The motion was seconded by Councilman Cheney;
voting was all in favor; motion carried. (Resolution to be prepared by Attorney
Anderson. )
Time was given to hearing comments on the proposed amendment to the Zoning
Ordinance, Section 11-19-2:5, which would have the effect of not allowing
trailer courts in commercial zones, as recommended by unanimous vote of the
Planning and Zoning Commission. Explanation was made that the need to have
this amendment was brought to the attention of the City as a matter of being
consistent with the code of the City of Idaho Falls since a Residential Mobile
Home Zone is already provided for, and to eliminate the possibility of a trailer
court being developed in the portion of the Maiben Jones Addition which is zoned
commercial. No opposition to the proposal was made known.
The Zoning Amendment Ordinance No. 134 was read by Attorney Anderson. Council-
man Hirschi moved to waive the three separate readings of Ordinance No. 134
to amend Section 11-19-2:5 of the Zoning Ordinance and to pass Ordinance No. 134
on its third and final reading by title only. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Swensen; voting was all in favor; motion carried.
Attorney Anderson reported that letters had been sent by registered mail to
property owners who have not yet connected their homes to the sewer, and that
a response to the City Clerk was requested. The written response from three
of those involved were read and filed for further action, and it was noted that there
are still a few days before the ten-day time limit is up on this matter.
Regarding the City-Roland Romrell Easement Agreement, Attorney Anderson in-
dicated that the deed is being prepared for signature. He pointed out that action
can now be taken on a matter for which a deed is ready for signature which will
vacate a portion of dedicated alley on Rose Dale Lane. between Rawson Street and
Owen Street to Paul Curtis and Blaine Rhodes and dedicate some land from these
same property owners to the City for a culdesac in that location. He explained
that this matter of vacating and dedicating land would have to be taken care of by
ordinance, and a suggestion was made that the same ordinance include a similar
vacating and dedicating of land for an extension of Meadow Lane between Rawson
Street and Owen Street where a culdesac is also desirable. Ordinance No. 135
was adopted for this purpose with the motion to waive the three separate readings
and adopt Ordinance No. 135, vacating a portion of dedicated alleyways on Rose
Dale Lane and Meadow Lane, being made by Councilman Cheney and seconded by
Councilman Hirschi. The voting was all in favor; motion carried.
According to Engineer Benton, the representative of the Environmental Protec-
tion Agency who made a final inspection of the sewer and water project last week
gave notice that the City's sewer ordinance must be amended to show how the
sewer charge was' arrived at, to make sure that what is being charged properly
reflects what the operation and maintenance costs are both inside and outside
the City, before the remainder of the EPA grant funds can be released. Also a
section pertaining to industrial users should be added, but this can be done
later since Ammon does not have any industry at this time. He noted that up to
95% of the money can be paid upon receipt of a letter giving satisfactory details
of how the ordinance is being changed. " In response to an inquiry by Mayor-elect
Wehmann, Engineer Benton indi-cated that'a draft of the required changes in the
ordinance can be ready for the meeting of January 7, 1976.
Regarding City water and sewer services for the new L. D. S. Church to be built
on Sunnyside Road east of the railroad tracks, Mayor Turnbow suggested that
the City write a letter to show the Church Building officials in Salt Lake City
that the water and sewer services of the City system can be made available, at
the developer's expense, even ths"ough the construction is to be outside the City.
He read a proposed wording of the letter, and the Council members indicated
.approval of this suggestion. Engineer Benton offered a reminder that a check
must be made with the appropriate officials of the City of Idaho Falls before any
definite arrangements are made to extend the sewer and water lines beyond the
railroad tracks on the east.
Councilman C:::wensen reported on the meeting held on December 9, 1975, in
Rexburg, for the purpose of organizing the nine counties in East Idaho into the
East r.entral Idaho Economic Development District, with the intention of working
together to obtain Federal funds, etc. The plans are to provide operating money
for the organization by each county and city contributing an amount on a per capita
basis plus $500 per county.
Regarding the agreement with Bonneville County on law enforcement for 1976,
Councilman Swensen reported that Sheriff Skinner has been out of town, but he had
natified Chief Deputy England that the City af Amman wauld accept the prapasal
as given and that a letter af acceptance wau,ld be farthcaming. He mentianed that
a capy af the resalutian an parking in the streets,' alang with a newsletter with
the map shawing where enfarcement is to. be dane, were sent the sheriff's affice.
Cauncilman Hirschi inquired abaut whether any cantact has been made with Utah
Pawer & Light Campany abaut getting the street lights replaced. Mayar Turnbaw
explained that the pawer campany has prarnised to. get at the needs af Amman as
saan as pas sible, including replacing af the lights an 17th Street, but there is a
pro.blem due to. the heavy wark laad at this time af year!
Mayar-elect Wehmann mentianed matters which have been braught to. his attentian I
as fallaws: The City baaks are to. be ready far audit by January 6, 1976; the
sewer metering statian needs to. be ape rating and a calibratian taken sa an
adjustment can be made an the payments being requested by the City af Idaho.
Falls; and the as -built drawings af the sewer system are requested to. be ready
fram the City Engineer's affice by January 7, 1976.
Claims were appraved far payment.
The meeting adjaurned at 11:30 P. M.
L_ .. -.
cLB'RiC---- ~
January 7, 1976
Minutes af meeting af aut-gaing Mayar and City Cauncil far the purpase af cam-
pleting matters af unfinished business befare turning the affairs af the City to.
the new Mayar and Co.uncil:
The meeting was called to. o.rder at 7:48 P. M. by aut-gaing Mayar Keith C.
Turnbaw with the fallawing City Officials present:
Mayar Keith C. Turnbaw Clerk Dean Hemingway
Cauncilman Russell N. Swensen Attarney W. Jae Andersan
CauncilmanMarvin J. Andersan Engineer David E. Bentan
Cauncilman Gerald B. Cheney Brent Hirschi
Others present were Mayar-elect Gearge Wehmann, Cauncilwaman-elect
Caral A. Dille, Cauncilman-elect Francis Lee, Maintenance Supervisar LaVern
E. Williams, Fire Chief Marvin McGary, ,ElaireMcGary, June Wehmann, Lee
Dille, Learia Hadley, Ed Jewkes, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barn, Mr. and Mrs.
Thayle Mansan, Craig Mawrey, Paul Merrill, and Gene Simps an.
Prayer was afferedby C.auncilman Cheney. Minutes af the Regular Meeting af
December 17, 1975, were approved as typed.
Attarney Andersan explained that the Easement Agr,eement regarding the sewer
f;lervice line far the City Building which is lacated an the adjaining property
belanging tb Raland Rarnrell has been prepared and is ready to. be signed. The
dacument was left with the Clerk to. abtain signatures and then must be recarded.
In the matter af revising the sectians af the City's cadified ardinances to. camply I
with EPA requirements, Attarney Andersan read an Ordinance which has been
drawn up as he felt it shauld be, and recammended that the first reading cauld
be passed, then have the ardinance reviewed by EPA afficials befare final actio.n
is taken. Cauncilman Hirschi maved to. pass the first reading af Ordinance No..
137 revising certain sectians,af Title 8 Chapter 4 (Sewers) af the City Cadified
Ordinances. The matian was secanded by Councilman Swensen; vating was all
in favar; matian carried.
A resalutian relative to. industrial waste sewage setting farth a palicy that the
aperatian and maintenance charges will be the same inside and autside the City
was also. read by Attarney Andersan, with the Cauncil indicating appraval and
delaying further actian until a review is made by the EPA.