Council Minutes 10/15/1975
Mayo.r.Turn.bp.w ,asked C.ouncilman Swensen to add some fire extinguishers to
the order for fire department equipment under the Community Development
Grant application which has been approved according to notice given by tele-
According to Councilman Swensen, contact has been made with the appropriate
Church officials, and the ditch culvert problem will be discussed with them in
the near future.
Councilman Swensen was given a copy of the County Animal Control Ordinance
which the Animal Control Officer recommends that the City adopt so that the
laws for the City and the County will be consistent. This matter will be studied
and <::onsidered at a later date.
A suggestion was made by Councilman Anderson to have the City maintain
graveled (pumice covered) walkways off the pavement along streets where
there are no sidewalks, especially in the original townsite, so that the young
people walking to school can keep off the traveled area of the streets.. It was
felt that this should be done, and Councilman Anderson was assigned to check on
the cost.
Mayor Turnbow suggested getting flashing lights for school zo.nes; no action
was taken.
Claims were approved for payment.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 A. M.
~~ ~UJvy,~
CLERK. . . / .
October 15, 1975
I Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and city Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7: 35
the following City Officials present:
Mayor Keith C. Turnbow
Councilman Russell N. Swensen
Councilman Brent Hirschi
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson
Councilman Gerald B. Cheney
P. M. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow with
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Engineer David E. Benton
Asst. Attorney Franklin Smith
Others present during the meeting were Carol Dille, candidate for the City Council
in the coming election, and Reese Brown, manager of the Eastga.t e Mobile Village.
Prayer was offered by Councilman Swensen. Minutes of the meeting of Oct. 1,
1975, were approved as typed.
Mayor Turnbow announced that, according to information received from the County
Clerk, work is to proceed on taking the special census on November 5th and is
to be completed in approximately 4 weeks, with the County providing the office,
etc., for this, and the several cities in the county, including Ammon, paying a
proportionate share of the cest.
The Mayor reminded Council members of a meeting with the officials from the
State Traffic Safety Commission which is set for Monday, October 20, 1975, at
2 P. M. at the City Building. Councilman Swensen indicated that he could be
present for part of the time, and that he would contact the members of the local
Traffic Safety Commission to invite the-me
Copies of a Senate Bill that is being submitted to the Legislature in January for
making changes in the state law regarding Local Improvement Districts were
distributed to all councilmen, the attorney, and the engin'eer for their review, and
Mayor Turnbow asked that any comments be turned in to him by Monday, October 20.
Regarding forms for contracts for water and sewer service outside the City
limits which the City Attorney is preparing, Engineer Benton explained that
there is a need for these contracts to apply to service for those where the
main lines already exist and for re'J:uests to extend the main outside the City.
Enforcing the- sewer-hookup deadline was discussed, and it was made of record
that messages were sent out giving the 90-days notice on August 1, with the
same notice going out again on September 1, October 1. It was recommended that
another notice should be sent out this week to those who have not yet had the sewer
connection work completed, and that a letter from the attorney's office s ould
follow in a few days explaining that citations will not be issued to anyone who, on
the deadline date of November 1, has the work in progress or has a contract I
with a qualified contractor, provided the work is completed by November IS,. It ..
was felt that this would be best for public relations and would reduce the number
of violations to a number which would be handled on a prosecution basis.
In the matter of regulating parking in the streets, Attorney Smith noted that a
resolution can be adopted designating on which streets no parking wilhbe
allowed, but felt that the recommendation of this should come from the city's
Traffic Safety Commission. Councilman Swensen agreed to call a meeting of
that committee this month to make recommendations on this problem.
Attorney Smith reported that he had contacted the city's insurance carrier,
Blackburn Insurance Agency, as requested by the Mayor, and asked if t~e
liability insurance covers damage for claims which result from plugging of the
main sewer line, but a reply has not been received at this time.
Engineer Benton indicated that the measurements will be obtained so that an
easement agreement can be entered into with Roland R9mrell, . owner of the
property just east of the City Building, regarding the sewer service line for
the City Building;
Mayor Turnbow reviewed the probability of future housing developments in
several areas adjacent to the City for grant funds might be available
to assist in the planning to extend the water and sewer lines, and noted that
intention to apply for such funds must be filed by October 24, 1975. It was
felt that this matter should be dis cus sed with the officials of the Bonneville
Iona Sewer District to be sure that such action would not interfere with any
of the plans of that agency. A meeting was set up for Monday morning, Oct.
20, with Engineer Benton to get information together and decide whether any
application should be submitted for comprehensive planning funds.
The matter of election officials for the General City Election on November 4,
1975, was discussed and suggestions were made. Councilman Swensen moved to
make the appointments as follows: Electio,n Judge, Almira Richardson;.
Election C~erks, Ethel Pickett, Leona Dees, Patricia Hay, LuNone Heilesen,
and Josephine Baker, with alternates Myrle Groom, Beth Lords, and Mildred
Empey; Election Constable, Dermont Ricks, with Elvin Gottfredsen as alternate.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting was unanimous in
favor; motion carried.
Mayor Turnbow referred to a request from the Health Department to have some-
one from the City of Ammon in attendance at a conference on the Safe Drinking
Water Act the following morning, and it was felt that the City Clerk should go
since none of the elected officials would be available.
The Council members were reminded that there will be a meeting at 10 a. m. on
October 22 for a final inspection, etc., of the Sewer and Water Project with
otficials of the Farmers Home Administration. Councilman Swensen indicated
t hat he would try to be there, and perhaps Councilman Hirschi and Councilman
Anderson will be able to be present.
Engineer Benton reviewed a list of cement-repair items, (curb, gutter, sidewalk)
which the City needs to take care of, noting that there is approximately $2, 000
involved in this repair work which it is felt the City. is responsible for. Mayor
Turnbow recommended that the work not be scheduled untH next spring except
for taking care of the drainage problem at Geneva and Vaughn Street which should
have immediate attention, with a grade to be established by the City Engineer
before anything can be done there. Also, some temporary repair work needs to
be done this fall on the church sidewalk along Molen Street. The Cquncil indicated
approval on these proposals.
Engineer Benton displayed a map showing boundarieS! of the City for the special
Mayor Turnbow announced that the contract for the 17th Street Projeict has been
awarded to H-K Contractors and, under the present plans, some of the work off
the paving right-of-way may be done this fall, and the County is to start widening
the Sand Creek bridge on the south side. In connection with the 17th Street Pro-
ject, it was mentioned that some additional work which is to be paid for by
property owners under L.1. D. No.7 has been arranged, and the City Attorney has
been asked to determine if this can be handled by under the existing Local
Improv~ment District.
Regarding the water and Sewer ine in the new Barbara Jean Estates addition,
Engineer Benton mentioned the igure of $6, 215 as the difference in the cost
of the size which the City requested to be installed and,the minimum size re-
quired by City policy. This amount will have to be included in the budget
for 1976.
The matter .of a request to have the City release the Salmon Street right-of-way
through Eastgate Mobile Villa~e (see minutes of September 21, 1970) was brought
to the attention of the Council by Engineer Benton. He suggested that, if the
Council felt that this should be done, perhaps it could be on the condition that the
City be given property for a turn-around on the end of Salmon Street east of Sand
Creek and that the easement agreement needed for the City to maintaintlqe cast
iron waterlines through the trailer court be properly executed as promised.
Inasmuc~ as Reese Brown, the interested party, was present, this was discussed
quite thoroughly, and it was learned that Mr. Brown plans to buy the trailer park
and would use the value of the four lots now marked for the mentioned Salmon
Street extension toward the down payment, if the obligation of ~equiring the dedicated
right-of-way is decided to not be necessary. It was felt that more time was needed
to consider this matter, and Mr. Brown was invited to come back to the next meeting
on November 5.
Council'man S,wensen reported that the tIumane Society and the ,City of Idaho Falls
are negoti.atirig on the arrangeme'nts fot having the Humane Society take over the
Animal Shelter. Regarding the suggestion that the City I sanimal control' ordinance
be changed to be consistel1t with that of the County, it was fflt that the City
Attorney should study the matter and make a recommendation.
, .
Mayor Turnbow expressed concern over the Library Agreement with'. the City of
Idaho F'alls since the fee is to be raised to $15: or $25 per card. He recommended
that the Council make a decision on this soon.
With reference to the special audit of the Association of tdaho Cities recently,
Mayor Turnbow reported that the :AIC Director was found to be innocent of all
According to Councilman Swensen, a ,meeting has been set up for October 29 at
7: 30 P. M. on the irrigation ditch situation which was brought to the attention of the
Council by Roland Romrell a fevy weeks ago.
Regarding the equipment for the tractor which could be used to clean up rocks in
the new park, Councilman Swensen mentioned that he did not follow through on
ordering sinc'e he was told that the small tractor is not working right.
Mayor Turnbow mentioned that equipment for cleaning ditch culverts can be pur-
chased for $800. No action was taken.
A report from Councilman Anderson listed a bid from Waters Construction Company
of 55i per lineal fopt fqrspl'eading a mixture of pumice and dirt for walkways along
streets without sidawalks. This would amount to a total of approximately $8, 000, and
it was noted th3:t there are no funds for this during this year.
M~y~:>r Turnbow indicated that there are still problems. at the sewer metering
station, and the contractor has been put on notice that suit will be' filed if
satisfactory operation is not achieved immediately.
Claims were approyed for payment.
The meeting adjourned at 12: 35 P. M.
~-& cV~
November 5, 1975
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City. Council:
The meeting was called to order at 8:45
the following City Officials present:
Mayor Keith C. Turnbow
Councilman Russell N.' Swensen
Councilman Brent Hirschi
Councilman Gerald B. Cheney
P. M. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow with
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Attor"ney vi; Joe Anderson
Engineer David E. Benton
Marvin McGary, Fire Chief
Others present during this meeting were Bonneville County Engineer Robert
Gray, Mike Townsley of the Bonneville County Road and Bridge Dept., Earl
Foster of H-K Contractors, Inc., Brenda Denning, Keith 12~nning, Thos. Reed
Birch, Reese Brown, Rod Ragan, Elmoyne Bailey, Ken Madsen, Tom Chriswell,
Tommy Chriswell Jr., Jim Stein, Elvin Gottfredson, Cecil Flint, and Doug
Smith. Mayor-Elect George Wehmann and Councilwoman-Elect Carol Dille
were also present.
Prayer was offered by Councilman Cheney.
Prior to the official opening of the meeting, a public hearing on the 17th Street I
Project was conducted by Robert Gray, Bonneville County Engineer, who is
also the Project Engineer, with most of the people listed above being in
attendance especially for this presentation. Mr.. Gray repo,;rted that the bids
were opened on S~ptember 30, and the contract has been awarded. to H-K Con-
tractors, Inc., for $808,000 plus. Federal funds are paying 78% while Bonne-
ville County, the City of Idaho Falls, and the City of Ammon are paying 25%.
The street is to be widened and finished with curb and gutter most of the way
on the north side and all through Ammon on the south side. The middle 16 feet
of the to be marked off for a turning lane with the two outside lanes
on each side being fortliaveling. The contractor expects to start crushing and
stockpiling materials for the street work immediately and may do Some work on
the storm sewer along the south side west of Sand Creek and the lift station for
the storm sewer during the next two months. Starting in March, 1976, work is to
begin on the storm sewer east of Sand Creek to the Ammon-Lincoln Road, with the
street paving constructian scheduled for April through the contract completion
date of July 30, 1976. It was noted that most of the 'utility poles have alrea.dy
been moved out of the way, and most of the telephone poles on the north will be
taken out when the cables are put underground.
Further information on the 17th Street Project indicated that the utility companies
have been cooperative and the sewer and water lines have been stubbed .Qut I
so that a three -year moratorium is to be put on any digging in the street after . . .
the improvements are completed. It is expected that the tra.ffic flow will be
disturbed for a couple of months during the construction, but the street is to
be kept open for necessa.ry travel. Mr. Gra.y suggested that regular meetings
be held to discuss problems a.nd the progress of the project while the construc-
tion is going on, and this was felt to be a. good procedure. A copy of the minutes
of the pre-construction conference was left for the City records.
As the first item of business for the regula.r meeting, Rodney of 2795 Sa.lmon
Street expressed appreciation for the City who been in office and
are to be replaced as a result of yesterday's election. In response to his
inquiry concerning repair of his driveway which was damaged by heavy equipment