Council Minutes 09/17/1975
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as .of September 8, 1975, with the punch list far items that have been marked ta be
repaired by Hartwells as the general cantractar ta be campleted. The motian was
secanded by Cauncilman Swensen; vating was: Cheney, yes: Swensen, yes; Hirschi, yes;
Anderson, ye s; mati an carried.
Accarding ta Mayar Turnbaw, Hartwells will furnish the ail and the labar ta finish
seal-caating the streets in Hillview and Hillsdale Additian~ if the City pays far
the chips, with the cast ta the City being appraximately $2500. under these arrange-
ments. This must be- dane in the next few weeks, and the Cauncil members expressed
The need was expressed by Mayar Turnbaw ta have the peaple wha haak an ta city
water .or sewer .outside the city limits sign a cantract. He prapased that agree-
ments similar ta thase used by the City .of Idaha Falls be put inta effect. The
Cauncilmembers appraved this suggestian, and it was decided that a recammendatian
fram the City Attarney an the warding .of the cantracts shauld be requested.
Cauncilman Cheney mentianed that nathing has been dane abaut cleaning up the racks
an the new sectian .of McCawin Park, and Cauncilman Swensen indicated that he
knaws where ta get the use .of a mechanical rack picker.
With reference ta a letter which was sent ta .officials .of Schaal District Na. 93
cancerning lack .of caaperatian in fallawing the watering regulatians far sprinkling
at the schoals in Amman, Cauncilman Andersan reparted that he had been informed
by a member .of the schaal baard that the Schaal District peaple claim they have
nat been advised .of the time ta sprinkle. He alsa mentianed that the schaal .officials
are cancer:p.ed abaut the rate being charged far sewer service far the schaals.
Infarmatian an these matters will be forwarded ta the Superintendent .of Schaal
District Na. 93.
Cauncilman Swensen reparted that the maps are being redane by the Federal
Insurance Administration sa that the City .of Amman will be deleted and Flaad
Insurance will na langer be mandatary.
The Cauncilmen were urged by Mayar Turnbaw ta attend a meeting ta be canducted
by the Assaciatian .of Idaha Cities at St. Anthany an Octaber 23, 1975. Councilmen
Swensen and Cheney indicated that they wauld prabably be able ta ga.
Mayar Turnbaw explained that there will be .one new emplayee starting wha will
be an the CETA II pragram until next June.
Claims were appraved far payment.
The meeting was adjaurned at 12:50 A. M.
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MA-OR - - - ,
September 17,1975
Minutes .of the Regular Meeting .of the Mayar and City Cauncil:
The meeting was called ta .order at 7:40 P. M. by Mayar Keith C. Turnbaw, with
the fallawing City Officials present:
Mayar Keith C. Turnbaw
Cauncilman Russell N. Swensen
Cauncilman Gerald B. Cheney
Cauncilman Brent Hirschi
Cauncilman Marvin J. Andersan (arrived appraximately 9:00 P. M.)
Clerk Dean Hemingway
Engineer David E. Bentan
One citizen, Earl Cleverly, was alsa present.
Prayer was .offered by Cauncilman Swensen. The Minutes .of the meeting .of September
3, 1975, were appraved as typed.
Earl Cleverly, ,representing the L. D. S. Amman Ward Elders Q.larum, presented
a check far $100.00 to. the City as a partian af the praceeds fram the activities
which they spansared during Amman Days. Appredatian was expressed by the
Mayer and, Cauncil far the participatian andsuppart af this grau9 and mentian
was made that their recards, etc. will be available far the use af whatever
arganizatian will be respansible in future years.
With regard to. parking in the streets, Engineer Bentan remark~d th~t he had-
checked an ane street (Curlew Dr. ) and faund the prablem to. be' nil. HawGver, if
regulatians are felt to. be necessary, he advised against ane-way streets in,the
areas where the blecks are quite lang. Caurilman Swensen acknawledged ,that
there has been same impravement in the situatian, while Cauncilman Hirschi
reparted that he had abserved 8 cars parke,din the street in frant af 4 harrles an
Deve Drive, with same parked on th,e s,idewalkS thus a,bstructing them far Ithe
public to. walk an. Mayar Turnbaw recammended that actian under the laVjr
enforcement shauld be taken, ' but it wa$ determined that the recadified C~ty
Ordinances do. nat prehibit pa.rking in the streets, sa further advice fram the
City Attarney is needed abaut whether such regulatians can be put into. effect by
resalutian a$ the Cade sPecifies, ar if an"amendme,nt to. the ardinance is necessary.
Cauncilman Cheney reparted that a big dip is develaping in Sunnyside Rd. near
Central Avenue, and Engineer Bentan indicated that he wauld check this and have
it taken careaf under the Sewer praject contractar warranty.
Mentian was made that the 'Ca'unty has finished the narth end af Falcan and Avocet
Drives but there is a need to. have the City crew fill in a shart strip af blacktap
aut fram the driveway at 1705 AV0cet Drive and to. add same radius an bath sides
af Falcan and ane side af Avacet. Also. 17th Street just wes,t af Sand Cre~k shauld
be fixed better, and Engineer Bentan is to. call the Caunty Engineer abeut ,that.
Cancerning the street-sweeping agreement with the Caunty which was discussed
at the last meeting, Mayar Turnbaw nated that the Caunty Engineer and ,Ceunty
Cammissianers are in' favar af arranging this as prepased, but are willing to.
have same wark dene at this time with aut entering into. a written agreement and
applying the charge fer the wark dane to. the amaunt awed by Amman fer the
blacktapping an Avacet and Falcen Drives. The Cauncil members expressed
A repart by Mayor Turnbaw that the street sweeper is aur af aperatian far a
few days due to. a bearing prablem prampted a suggestian that the City emplayees
keep a recard ef when the greasing, etc., is dane an each piece ef equipment,
and this was felt to. be a gaad practice to. start if it is nat being dane.
Mayar Turnbaw explained that funds are being set aside each manth in Time Certi-
ficates of Depasitto be available to. make the payments an the Water and Se.wer
Revenue Band and the L. 1. D. #5 Band$, and he recammended that a resalutian be
adapted to. autherize the bank to. make q.n autamatic withdrawal far this purpase
far the remainder af this year in the am aunt af $6, 000 ($5,500 far the Revenue
Barm and $500 far L. 1. D. #5) an the 5th day af each manth with the due date af the
Certificates to. be December 20, with the am aunt to. be adjusted each year as needed.
Such a resalutian was prepased by Cauncilman Cheney (to. be prepared by City
Attarney), and secanded by Cauncilman Swensen. Cauncilman Swensen maved to.
apprave the resalutian; the matian was secanded by Cauncilman Hirschi; vating was
all in favar; matian carried.
.. .
WHEREAS, the City af Amman periadically recei:ve~ revenues
fram Lqcal Impravement District (LID) assessments made within the
Amman City limits, and
WHEREAS, thase revenues are depasited to. the Amman General
Revenue, fund far use by the City making lawful expenditures and
investments, and
WHEREAS, the City qf Amman desires to. earn interest inceme
fram the depasit af a pertian af such funds into. Time Certificates af
Depasit, and
WHEREAS, the Bank af Cammerce af Idaho. Falls, Idaho., has
agreed to. autamatically withdraw the sum af $6, 000.00 per manth fram
the Amman General Revenue Depasit ACG:eunt with the Bank, cemmencing
on Octaber 5, 1975, and cantinuing an the 5th day .of each and every
manth thereafter ta and until December 5, 1975, far depasit ta
autharized certificates .of depasit which shall mature an December
20, 1975,
Cauncil .of the Ci ty .of Amman, Idaha as fallaws:
Sectian 1. That the Bank .of Cammerce, Idaha Falls, Idaha,
may make autamatic withdrawals fram the General Revenue fund
accaunt .of the City .of Amman in the sum .of $6,000.00 per manth,
cammencing an Octaber 5, 1975, and cantinuing an the 5th day .of each
and every manth thereafter ta and until December 5, 1975, far the
purpase .of depasiting such amaunts in Time Certificates .of Depasit
ta be payable in the fallawing prapartians:
Sewer & Water Revenue Band. . $5, 500.00
LID 5 Bands. .. .. . . . . . . . 500.00
Sectian 2. The faregaing Time Certificates .of Depasit shall
mature an December 20, 1975, and shall be applied as payment upan
the Amman Sewer and WateT Revenue Band and LID Five Band in the
parpartians shawn abave.
Sectian 3. PAST AND APPROVED by the Mayor and City
Cauncil this 17th day .of September, 1975.
/s/ Keith C. Turnbaw
Keith C. Turnbaw, Mayar
City .of Amman
/ s / Dean Hemingway
Dean Hemingway, Clerk
City .of Ar;nman
As recammended by the City Attarney in a letter cancerning electian pracedures,
Cauncilman Swensen maved ta appaint the Deputy City Clerk, Marian Perrenaud,
as the Deputy Registrar far the farthcaming city electian. The mati an was
secanded by Cauncilman Hirschi; vating was all in favar; matian carried.
A suggestian was made by Mayar Turnbaw that the Cauncilmen start naw ta
prepare recammendatians, far the 1976 budget sa that there will be samething
ready far the incaming Cauncil and Mayar ta start warking an. Payments due
an equipment .obtained under lease -aptian plans shauld be remembered.
Cansideratian .of the Library Agreement far the coming year was recammended
by Mayar Turnbaw, wha nated that infarmatian has been received indicating that
the fee per card is ta be increased fram $5.00 ta $15.00. The amaunt paid in
1975 was appraximately $1,300., and the City cauld expect a billing ,.of three times
that much far 1976 unless the cantract is cancelled which wauld require 30 days
natice. Cauncilman Swensen suggested that the City cauld .offer ta pay .one-half
.or .one-third then the residents cauld pay the remainder if they desire ta have a
library card. Na actian was taken.
Mayar: Turnbaw nated that a quatatian has been received fram a landscaping campany
far the repair .of the lawn an the praperty ta the east .of the City at 3270
Malen St. which was tarn up when the sewer line was put in far the City. Cauncilman
Swensen indicated .that he had been cantacted by the praperty .owner, Raland Ramrell,
wha made a suggestian .on sameane ta da the wark and haw he felt ir_shauld be dane.
Appraval was given ta have Cauncilman Swensen wark with Mr. Ramrell an this,
and have the City give him a check when satisfactary arrangements are made, with
the claim sheet shawing that payment is ta caver all the wark needed ta satisfy the
city1s abligatian in this matter. Engineer Bentan recammended that the City enter
inta a farmal easement agreement with Mr. Ramrell spelling aut the terms far
access to the City Building sewer line far service and repair.
Accarding ta Cauncilman Swensen, final arrangements have nat been made ta
.obtain the use .of a rack-picking machine far the new part .of McCawin Park,
but he will make further effarts ta get this dane. It was mentianed that Stanley
Ward .or Merle Quigley cauld be cantacted far seeding the park after the graund
is prepared.
Councilman Swensen called attention to an announcement in the AIC City Report
regarding city seals or logos, and suggested that a contest be set up for design-
ing a logo for the City of Ammon. It was decided that Councilmen Anderson and
Swensen (with Councilman Anderson as Chairman) should get together and deter-
mine the rules for such a contest, then the residents should be notified of the
details by newsletter.
Reference was made by Councilman Swensen to the decrease in the property
tax mill levy for Ammon from 23.14 to 17.80, which has just been published
in the newspaper. It was felt that this should bring favorable reaction from the
Councilman Hirschi reported problems concerning waterline leaks in Lions Park I
and the stop sign at Falcon and Sawtooth.
Claims were approved for payment.
CLERK' - .
The meeting adjourned at 11:00 P. M.
~. ~cV~
October 1, 1975
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P. M. by Mayor Keith C.
with the following City Officials present:
Mayor Keith C. Turnbow
Councilman Russell N. 'Swensen
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson
Councilman Brent Hirschi
Councilman Gerald B. Cheney
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Asst. Attorney Franklin Smith
Engineer David Benton
Planning Commission Members -
Harvey Crandall
Tom Chriswell
Also present were Rolfe Lines of the Bonneville Council of Governments and
six Boy Scouts.
Prayer was offered by Councilman Anderson. The minutes of the meeting of
September 17, 1975, were approved as typed.
A review of the new State Land Use Law, PL 1094, 'which has been in effect
since July 1, 1975, was presented by Rolfe Lines of BCOG. Several items
which the City officials should take special note of are as follows: A compre-
hensive plan must be approved by the City Council and the Planning and Zoning
Commision before January 1, 1977. After the plan is reviewed, a public hearing
will have to be held before the Planning and Zoning Commission, with the first
advertising to be 21 d~ys before the hearing and three publications required. Then
the City Council is to review the pl~ns and hold a hearing. The City will have to
determine areas of City impact and meet with the County and the City of Idaho
Falls to make proposals and resolve any differences with them. There cannot
be overlapping areas of impact. Prior to January 1, 1978, the Planning Commission
will have to review and revise the subdivision ordinance and zoning ordinance to
conform with the new law, or if these Qrdinances already conform, they should be .
gone over and re-affirmed. The land use map can only be amended two times a
year, so there could be up to six months of waiting for those who want to have I
changes made. Hearings on any changes on the land use map or the zoning
ordinance are to be held before the Planning and Zoning Commission and the
City Council (this may be changed back to only one hearing). These procedures
insure that there will be no hurried actions that might not be understood and
brought out to the public. Mayor Turnbow expressed appreciation to Mr. Lines
for coming to review the new law, and Mr. Lines offered to meet with the Planning
and Zoning Commission again at their next meeting on October 21, at which time
he could bring a graph showing a time schedule of things that need to be done to
conform to the new State Land Use Law.