Council Minutes 07/02/1975
location of a cluster-housing complex. The Council reviewed the zoning ordinance
as it applies to thi~ situation, especially taking notice that a number of objectionable
businesses allowed in the area under its present zoning of GC..l. The recom-
mendationof the Planning and Zoning Commission was also taken under consideration.
Gounci.lman Swensen moved to accept the recommendation of the Ammon Planning and
Zoning Commission to deny the zoning change as requested on a portion of Lot 6,
Block 2, Maiben Jones Addition. The motion was seconded by Councilman Cheney;
voting was all in favor; motion carried. Councilman Swensen moved that, in light of
further inforrrj"ationobtained in regard to the zoning classification of the above-named
property, an information letter be forwarded to those residents in attendance this
day at the zoning-change hearing requesting their desires in regard to reconsidering
their action. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hirschi; voting was all in favor;
-motion carrie-d. (A letter for this purpose was draft-ed by Attorney Anderson to be
mailed out from the City office.) Councilman Cheney served notice that we will move
for reconsideration of the first motion (above) at the next meeting.
Councilman Swensen moved that the next regular. CourtcilMeeting' of the City of Ammon
be' .held at 7: 30 P. M. July 22, 1975,- (due to expected absens~of some m.embers on
fhe seheduled date of July 16, 11975). The motion was seconded by Councilman Hirschi;
voting wasup.animous in favor; motion carried.
Regarding Olsen Park Division No.2 (containing 1. 45 acres), Engineer Benton
explained that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended annexation with
a zoning .of R...l.< Attorney Anderson read Ordinance No. 129, an ordinance to annex
Olsen Park Additio:tl~Div~sion No.2. Councilman Hirschi moved to pass the fir~t
r.eading of Ordinance No. 129.: The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen;
voting w:as unanimous in favor; motionca.'rried. Councilma.n Swensen moved to
waive the three readings of Ordinance No. 129 and place it on the .third and final J
reading by title only. The motion was seconded by Cheney; voting was
.all in favorjrnotion carried. Ordinance No. 129 was 1'e'ad by title only. Councilman
Swensen moved that Ordinance No. 129 be approved on its third and final reading.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting was all in favor; motion
The annexation of Barbara Jean Estates, with a zoning of RPA and an Animal Orerlay
on portions' of the subdivision, as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Com-
mission, was also considered by the Council. Ordinance No. 130, being the Annex-
ation Ordinance for Barbara Jean Estates, wa.s r€lad in full by Attorney Anderson.
Councilman Hirschi moved to pass the first reading of Ordinance No. 130. Th,e
motion was, seconded by Councilma.n Cheney; voting was unanimous in favqr; motion
ca.rried. (The AJ;limal Overlay is to be on Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9 and 10 of
Block 1, Lots I, 2, 3, 4~ 5, 6, 7, and 14, IS, 16 of Block 2, and Lots I, 2, 3, 4, 5,
and 9,10, 11, 12, 13 of Block 3, Barbara Jean Estates.) Councilman Swensen moved
that Ordinance No. '130 be placed on its third a.nd final reading and be read by title
only_ The motion was Councilman Cheney; voting was favor;
motion carried. Ordinance No. 130 was read by title only. ! Councilman Swensen
moved that Ordinance No. 130 be approved on its third .1.nd' fin.1.l reading~ '. The motion
was seconded by Couocilman Hirschi; voting was unanimous in favor; motion carried.
(The Barbara Jean Estates Addition contains 43.66 acres.)
Annexation Agreements for Olsen Park Addition.Division No. 2 and Barbara Je.1.n
Estates were reviewed. Councilman Swensen moved that Mayor Turnbow be..
authoriz.ed to sign the Annexation Agreements for Olsen Park Addition Division No.
2 and Barb.1.ra Jean Estates after they have been checked by the Engineer and
Attorney for the required, ,date. The motion was seconded by Councilrna.n Cheney; voting
was all in favor; mot,ion,.carried. The Council discussed problems of mainten.1.nce
and ownership of the bridle in.BarbaraJeanEsta.tes. It was suggested that this
path be owned jointly by owners of adjacent lots and .1.v.1.ilable for use by others,
with the wording to be worked out by the City Attorney and included in the Annexa-
tion Agreement.
The next item of business pl.1.ced before the Council W.1.s Ordinance No. 131 which was
an amendment to Section 6-4-1 of the City Code regulating the use of firearms in
the City to add shooting of ,arrows, etc., to the restrictions. Councilman Swensen
moved to pass Ordinance No. 131 on its first reading.. The motion was seconded by
C.ouncil:rpan Cheney; voting was .1.11 in favor; motion carried.. Councilman Cheney
moved that Ordinance No. 131 be placed on its third and final-reading by title only.
the motion was seconded. by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in favor; motion
-carried. Ordi:aance No. 131 was read by title only~ Councilman Swensen moved
that Ordinance No. 131 be passed on its third and final reading by title only.
The motion was, seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting was unanimous. in favor;
motion ca.rde d.
Mayor Turnbow referred to the ma.tte r of cleaning ditches as discussed in the
meeting, and. indicat~dthat he hadchiecked with other cities and found that aU of
them charge for this service. The Council m~mbersag~in expressed feelings
simil":r to those recorded-in the minutes of the last meeting', but agreed to try the
the Mayor'ls suggestion of charging $3.00 or $3.50 per year starting next'year for
cleaning, scheduling, etc., to be billed during the summer months. Mayor Turn-
bow a.nd Councilman Swensen to prepare a. letter to be sent out explaining
this to the users of the irrigation ditches.
Regarding the 17th Street Project, Councilman Swensen reported that he had been
informed that a check for $60,800 for the City of Ammon's share of the work is
to be submitted to the State Highway Department next week. It could take six
weeks to two months before the federal financing details are finalized, so it has
been 'recommended that letters to the appropriate people urging immediate action
would be helpful.
Engineer Benton reviewed. the situation concerning Meadow Lark Estates, Division
No.1 (property north of McCowin Park) to the effect that the final plat for this
subdivision had been recommended for approval by the' Planning and Zoning Com-
mission some time ago, and the City Council is needed since the deve-
loper is ready to proceed with putting in the improvements, etc. Cmmcilman
Swensen moved to approve the Meadow Lark Estates Division-No.1 as a final plat
with zoning of RPA as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Hirschi; voting was all in favor; motion carried.
It was noted that the Planning and Zoning Commission should schedule a public
hearing on the zoning, and the date of July 22, 1975, at 7 P. M. was suggested. Also
an Annexation Ordinance and Agreement are to be prepared.
According to Mayor Turnbow, the City has agreed to use its street sweepe:r in
the Eastgate Sho,ppingl area while the 17th Street construction is going on.
He mentioned also that the County Engineer and Gounty Commissione:rs have
approached him on hiring the street sweeper and a man to sweep developed
areas of the county such as Mobilehome Estates, Lawndale, etc. If this is
arranged, there would be a charge to cover the cost of labor, depreciation, gas,
etc;. It was felt by the Council members that this accommodation should be
arranged since the County has done much for the City of Ammon, 60 this would be
good for public relations. A suggestion was made that the City eould consider
having joing ownership of the sweeper with the County and share maintenance -
expenses. Engineer Benton will check the miles of. curb and gutter in the County
and the City of Ammon so a comparison can be made.
Engineer Benton reported that Harold Loveland" as the developer, is making
arrangements to extend the main lines for the water and sewer on Romrell Lane
between Rawson and Owen Streets. A review of the agreement made with Dorian
Crow, who now occupies a home on that block, determined that he is t6 pay a
proportionate cost of the waterline when it is put in. It was noted that Mr. Love-
land will have to make arrangements with the other property owners on the block
for the financing of these improvements, since the City does not have money this
year to pay for any of the costs with the 'intent of recovering the amount spent
from property owners as the lots are developed.
The Council was informed by Engineer Benton that water samples from the new
well were good, so water is being supplied for the city water system from that
well now. He explained that the chlorine taste in the water that some residents
have called about is a temporary condition resulting from the chemicals used to
purify the pump and storage tank before the water turned into the system.
Mayor Turnbow reported-t hat the sprinkler system is being installed in the ~
part of McCowin Park,_ after which the land will be ready to be rolled and planted.
According to Councilman Swensen, he is following through on the request to have
Ammon taken out of the flood plain for insurance purposes. He mentioned also that
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wlu-:m':AU, Lheld.:.d!O 'l't'(1nnpcn' td tJon OOp<l I Llll'ln t, lJJv in,ion ()f'
Highways, hereinaf ter called the State, hdS f;ubmi ttcd a Coopera-
tiveAgreement stating obligations of the State and the City of
Arnmon, Idaho, for the construction of 17th Street between Church
Farm Road and Ammon Road on 1.5 miles of F.A. Urban System, under
Federal Aid Project M-7406(002); and,
WHEREAS, the State is responsible for obtainingcomplianc:e
with laws, standards and procedural policies in the development,
construction and maintenance of improvements made to the Federal
Aid Highway System when there is Federal participation in the
costs; and,
WHEREAS, certain functions to be performed by theState'i:h;'"
volve the expenditure of funds as set forth in the Cooperative
Agreemelit; and,
WHEREAS, the State cannot pay for any work not associated
with the State Highway System; and, .
WHEREAS, the City is fully responsible for all costs of that
part of the project within the City; and,
WHEREAS, it is intended that the project: shall be developed
and constructed so as to receive Federal Participation~
1. That the Cooperative Agreement for Federal Aid Highway
Project M-7406(002} is hereby approved.
2. That the l'1ayor and th~ City Clerk Elre hereby authorized
to execute the Co6per~tive .!\grecment on hehalf of the
City. ;
3. That duly certified cop.ies of. the Resolution shall be
furnished the Idaho 'J1rCf11sportat'ion Department, Division
of Highways. I
.1 hereby certify that the above is a true copy of a
tion passed at a ~g,~l~, dUtY called special eX out
cable te,rm) meeting of the City Coun9il, Anunon, Idaho,
~ 7, 1975.