Council Minutes 06/04/1975
Claims were approved for payment.
7-Ji/iia.~dj;:J;:;;;::; M.
CL'E'~- %--7'7-
June 4, 1975
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 p. m. by M.ayor Keith C. Turnbow the
following City Officials present:
Mayor Keith C. Turnbow
Councilman Russell N. Swensen
Councilman Gerald B. Cheney
Councilman Brent Hirschi
Others present during the meeting were Robert Kehrer, Paul Cj..trtis, and Deputy
Ciro Rustici, and Dick Berger.
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Attorney W. Joe Anderson
As st. Engineer Robert Butler
Prayer was offered by Councilman Swensen. Minutes of the meeting of M.ay 21,
1975, were approved as typed.
Robert Kehrer and Paul Curtis presented information concerning the keeping of
livestock ani~als (a sow and eight piglets) by one of their neighbors, Jay Reynolds,
on his lot at 317 5 Rawson St., stating that this situation is. objectionable because of
the odor problem and the fact that the pigs sometimes get into other yards due to the
inadequate fencing. It was determined that, even though this area is in the animal
overlay zone, the total space of 11, 200 sq. ft. (80x140) does not meet the qualifying
requirements; also the remaining space left after allowing for the required 25-foot
backyard would be 3600 sq. ft. (45x80) which is somewhat short of the 5000 sq. ft.
which the ordinance specifies must be available for each animal. Attorney Anderson
. was asked to write to Mr. Reynolds advising him that he is in violation of the City
Ordinance and must remove the pigs in -a reasonable time. Deputy Rustici assisted
in this matter of business by supplying a de gal description of the property involved
and explaining action taken when Mr. Kehrer registered a complaint on the situation
several months ago.
Tentative plans for a town-house style. group housin~ project were displayed by Dick
Berger as the proposed developer of a portion of a large lot in the Maiben Jones
Addition. The Council indicated approval of the plans as presented. Since a
zoning change is required before this project can be allowed and the Planning and
Zoning Commission has already recommended that such a zone change be made,
Councilman Cheney moved that the City Attorney be authorized to contact the
Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission to set a time to advertise for
a public hearing for a zone change from GC-l to R-3 on the west 240 feet of
Lot 6 Block 2 Maiben Jones Addition. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Swensen; voting was all in favor; motion carried. After the Council considered
Mr. Berger's explanation that a zoning of R-3A would be more suitable for
purpose of the proposal, Councilman Swensen moved that the motion made by
Councilman Cheney be re.scinded and be stricken from the record. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Cheney; votijlrng was .all in favor; motion carried.
Councilman Cheney moved that the City Attorney be authorized to contact the
Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission to set a time to advertise for
a public hearing for a zone change from GC-l to R-3A on the west 240 feet of
Lot e Block 2 Maiben Jones Addition. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Hirschi; voting was all in favor; motion carriec,l.
Attorney Anderson reported that Annexation Ordinances and Agreements have
been prepared for both Olsen Park Addition Division No. 2 and the Barbara
Jean Estates, and that a public hearing is needed on the zoning for these additions.
It was felt that this could be done at the same time as the hearing on the zone
change mentioned above. The Annexation Agreements for these two propos~d
additions were reviewed.
According ,to Attorney Anderson, a hearing is required in order to amend the
Street Department Budget to expend the spec'ial funds received from the State
as allocated by the Legislature.. Councilman Swensen moved to pass the
amendment to the Appropriation Ordinance and set the hearing as needed. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting was all in favor; motion
carried. The hearing was set for the next regular City Council meeting which
will be Tuesday, Ju'ne 24, inasmuch as the regular meeting date of the third
Wednesday conflicts with the schedule for the annual AIC Convention.
Mayor Turnbow announced that the total $400, 000 of grant money from HUD
for the Sewer and Water Project has been received.
Mr. Butler 'reported on the progres.s being :made to get the new Well #6 in I
operation, indicating that some parts for the pump have still not been delivered, it can be put into operation manually if desired. Minor leakage on the
water storage tank should be corrected shortly so that it can be cleaned and
chlorinated and ready to be used before the exterior work is completed. It was
recommended that these new water system facilities be put into operation as
soon as possible.
According to Mr. Butler, the waterline is completely installed in the Eastgate
~, and the curb and gutter will be put in on Targhee Street east of Avocet
Drive as soon as the property owner on the north moves the fence. Work is.
also under way in repairing streets, sidewalks, and curb and gutters where the
project cO"Q.tractor has been determined to be responsible, with some complaints
still needing to be worked out with the property owners. Councilman Hirs~hi
reported some cement-work problems which need checking out at 2695 Sawtooth St-
and 1910 Curlew Dr.
Mayor TurnJ::>ow reported that the project contractor, Hartwell Excavating Co.,
has agreed to chip and seal all of the roads that were dug up so that the patches
will be sealed and covered; the tar will be about ll4 i:ach thick to fill in all holes
and chips put on' top of that. All places where trenches went across and along
the streets in the original townsite will also be included, and Sunnyside Road I
will have an overlay put on and the inter-sections on every street that enters
into Sunnyside Road will be flared out to extend the radiuses enough to be
adequate, with the City paying for the extra.if needed. This work will be done
when the weather is favorable. Mayor Turnbow requested a Jigure .on what it
would cost to finish the chip and seal on other streets." He noted that there is
still some work to be done on the streets in Peterson-Park Division No. 3 at
the expense of the developer, with a section where the waterline was broken
to be paid by' Jack White, the responsible contractor.
Regarding the status of the sewage meter station, it was explained that the City
of Idaho Falls still does not have the informatio:a that is necessary to know how
to calibrate the readings, and Maror Turnbow suggested that Mr. Fitzsimmons
of Waterworks Equipment Compa:ay be instructed to have these instructions
mailed out by registered or certified mail. .
Engineer Butler expressed appreciation for the cooperation of the City in
marking the sewer manholes and waterline valves before aerial pictures of
the City were taken recently, which will result in anup-to-date map showing
the location of these facilities. He reported that opening a certain valve
should take care- of the fire hydrant problem at Sunnyside Road and Maiben
Drive, and the one at ReiSS Avenue and Geneva Drive will have to be raised'up.
Several details concerning the preliminary work on the 17th Street imp'rove- I
ment project were discussed. It was felt that the city should pay for the
moving of the sig~s at the two places of business on the north side of the
street in the Eastgate area, if needed, since the right-of-way land there
was deeded to the City without cOE!t. The fire hydrant at the Circle K Store
has been located at the only place that it could be, according to Engineer
Butler, so the gas pumps ther~ill have to be moved o~ used from one side
only. The City of Ammon has purchased ,land for an easement for stOl'm
drainage along Sand Creek. Also the City will pay the C;:;ountyto move fences.
c::::;()unci1man Swensen reported that application has been made for matching funds
unde'r' the Rti,ra1 Development Act to purchase needed equipment for the Fire Depart-
ment in the amount of $2184 with the City share being $1092. He mentioned that
information obtained from Boise indicated that, if the money is not granted from. that
particular fund, it might be available from another, agency. Mayor Turnbow and
Councilman Hirschi complimented Councilman Swensen for sending in this application.
In response to an inquiry made through Councilman Cheney regarding children of
swimming pool employees having lessons without charge, it ,was felt that this should
not be allowed in order to be consistent with decisions made last year for other
similar requests. CQuncilman Cheney reported that the swimming lesson schedule
has been revised to be one week ,later than the information sent out by newsletter
since the opening week registration was very poor. He also mentioned that it appears
that the discing has been done on the new McCowin Park area.
Mayor Turnbow encouraged the Council members to attend the annual AIC Convention
in Idaho Falls next week.
Mayor Turnbow presented .some property tax figures as information to be studied in
considering any thought for annexing Jennie' Jean Estates if this is brought up at some
time in the future.
Claims were approved for payment.
meeting at 11:50 P. M.
Councilman Swensen moved to adjourn the
CLE~~ .' . l7
June 24, 1975
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 8:35 P. M. by Council President Russell Swensen
with the following City Officials present:
Councilman Russell N. Swensen
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson
Councilman Brent Hirschi
(Mayor and Councilman Cheney excuses; out-of-town.)
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Asst. Attorney Franklin Smith
Prayer was offered by Councilman Anderson.
The meeting was declared open as a public hearing in regards to amending the 1975
Budget to include $5,264.92 received as revenue under SB-1217 of the 1975 session
of the Idaho Legislature to be expended in the Street Department. Councilman Swensen
read the proposed Budget Amendment Ordinance in: full. It was made of record that
there were no citizens present to voice opinion either pro or con, nothing had been
received in writing, and the Council members had no comments. Councilman Hirschi
moved to close the hearing; seconded by Councilman Anderson; voting was all in favor;
motion carried.
The ordinance to amend the Annual Appropriation Ordinance, having been read in full
during the public hearing, was assigned No. 128 and placed before the Council for action.
Councilman Hirschi moved to dispense with the three separate readings and place
Ordinance No. 128 on the third and final reading. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Anderson; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Ordinance No. 128 was
read by title only. Councilman Anderson moved to pass Ordinance No. .128. The motion
was..seconded by Councilman Hirschi; voting was all in favor; motion carried and
Ordinance No. 128 adopted.
Attorney Smith reported that an ordinance to make a sugg~sted amendment to Section
6 -4-1 of the Municipal 'Code, which defines restrictions on use of firearms in the
city, has been prepared --,\vith the, purpose in mind of including shooting of bw'"sand arrows,
on which. there have been some complail1ts. He advised that it might be appropriate
to wait until a full Council and the Mayor are presehtto deliberate thismatte"r inasmuch
as it is possible that some objections may be raised from legitimate users of bows
and arrows. Consequently, it was decided that this matt~r of business