Council Minutes 04/02/1975
t..J;,the request of Councilman Hirschi, several suggestions were made for City
beautification projects. These included painting and fixing up the pumphouses, _
cleaning out the weeds, etc., along the roads and sweeping the streets, painting
the City Building, the. flag pole, and fire hydrants, getting mailboxes fixed, re-
moving old junk cars, and setting a date,for the annual :~"Clean Up Days". Mayor
Turnbow mentioned that the fellows working under the CETA VI program have been
cutting and cleaning up trees along Western Avenue, and arrangements are being
-Illade with Utah Power & Light Compq.ny to help with getting some trees out along
Ammon Road. Councilman Hirschi felt that a citizen .suggestion to have some kind
of contest on cleaning up might be worth trying.
Mayor Turnbow presented two proposals for a possible storage shed to be located on
the City-owned property next to Well #6 as follows: (1) a .metal building 44'x30 I,
$S, 100. 00; (2) a cinder block building 2S'S"x 46', $S, SOO. 00. After a lengt,hy,di~-
cussion concerning these proposals, Councilman Cheney moved that the cinde;r
block (Gemstone) bu.ild,ing be constructed in order to becompatable :With the buildings
in the surrounding area; i. e., the school, swimming pool, pumphouse, water storage tank.
The motton was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in fayor; motion carried.
Claims were approved for payment. Councilman Hirschi .moved to adjourn; seconded
by Councilman Swensen; motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 12: 30 A. M.
. L~.
CLERK' .- 7
April 2, 1975
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P. M. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow with the
following City Officials present:
Mayor Keith C. Turnbow
Councilman Russell N. Swensen
Councilman Gerald B. Cheney
Councilman Brent Hirschi
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson arrived at S:lO P. M.
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Engineer David E. Benton
Attorney W. Joe Anderson
Others pry sent during the meeting were Arthur Brown and Reese Brown.
Prayer was offered by Councilman Hirschi. Minutes of the meeting of March 19, 1975,
were approved as typed.
The meeting was opened as a Protest Hearing on the Intention to Create Local Improve-
ment District No.7 with due and proper notice having been given by publication and
mail as required by law. It was noted that there were no written protests received,
and that the one property owner present, Mr. Arthur Brown of 2940 E. 17th St., did
not have a protest to make. Attorney Anderson reviewed the procedure for creating
the Impr,?vement District. Councilman Swensen moved that the Council ~ass the
Resolution of Intention to Create L. I. D. No. 7 as indicated in the minutes of March
19, 1975. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hirschi; voting was Swensen, yes;
Hirschi, yes; Cheney, yes; (Anderson, not present); motion carried. A decision was
made on which property owners should pay for waterline to be installed during the
copstruction, and Engineer Benton was instructed to rrepare the Assessment Roll.
Engineer Benton explained that an agreement has been made wit~ Lewis Nielsen,
the owner of the property on the north side of 17th St..across fro~ Sabin Drive, to
put in a sewer hookup stub and eliminate the sewer hookup fee of $200 in exchange for
the right-of -way needed along 17th St. A date for the As ses sment Roll Hearing was
discussed, and it was felt that this should be scheduled as soon as possible. Council-
man Cheney moved that the Assessment Roll Hearing on L. I. D. No. 7 be set for
Wednesday, April 23, 1975, 7:30 P. M., in the Ammon City Council Room. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was Cheney, yes; Swensen, yes;
Anderson, yes; Hirschi, yes; motion carried.
A request was heard from the local American Legion Post about being allowed to
sponsor dances at the tennis courts during the summer. Problems involved were
discussed, such as damage to the court concrete and nets, damage to the sprinkler
system, the extra traffic and lack of adequate parking space, complaints about the
noise, the cost of additional policing, etc. The feeling of having a responsibility
to provide a place for young people to have recreation was expressed, along with
a proposal to suggest that the American Legion contact the School District about
using the school blacktopped area for dances. A decision on this matter was post-
poned until the next meeting.
Attorney Anderson explained that Hartwell Excavating Company has submitted
requests for payment on work done :under the Water and Sewer Project contract
in the amount of $15, 458.10. Applicatior,t has b~er,t m~de for grant fun~i.s(r9rn I
H. U. D. which can be applied on this billing, but, inasmuch as this money has
not been received and in order to make payment to Hartwells before the end of
their fiscal year, it is recommended that a Warrant on L. 1. D. #5 funds be issued
and presented to Hartwells to hold with no interest (since it will not be presented
to the bank). Councilman Swensen moved to approve Interim Warrant No.1 for
Hartwell Excavating Company for payment by L. I. D. #5 bonds to bear interest at
zero per cent. The motion was seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting was all in
favor; motion carried.
Reference was made by Mayor Turnbow to information received from the Associa-
tion of Idaho Cities regarding a regulation being considered by the Federal Govern-
ment to levy copyright fee s on cable television systems (CATV), which in turn
may pass on such fees to their customers. Since this is felt to be an unjustifiable
tax and the AIC is recommending that the Congressmen be made aware of objec-
tions to this proposal, advice from the Attorney and consideration by the Council
on this matter was requested. Attorney Anderson indicated that he was not well
enough informed on the subject to make any definite recommendation, but felt that
the wording of the model resolution sent out by the AIC would be satisfactory if
official action was desired. After discussion by the council members, a motion R('5dfu--;'<J~
was made by Couhcilman Cheney to adopt the following resolution: (see insert) ~f:;/c
The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson; voting was all in favor; motion
Review was made of the minutes of December 5, 1973, regarding the water,
garbage, and sewer charges for Eastgate Mobile Village which allowed a special
rate of $7.62 per month per unit for :these services which was to go into effect
when the sewer was connected to the Ammon system and was subject to further
review. It was noted that the trailer court residents are now paying $7.00 per
month for water and garbage service to the City of Ammon, and $3. 30 per month
for sewer service is being paid to the City of Idaho Falls. On the basis of the
present charge, it was decided in the City Council Meeting of February 19, 1975,
that the charge per month per trailer should remain at $10. 30 when the combined
fee is payable to the City of Ammon. Reese Brown, Manager of the Eastgate
Mobile Village, who was present, explained that the court had be'en absorbing
the $3. 30 sewer charge, that the tenants have already been informed that the
future rate 'would be as agreed in December, 1973, and that the rate of $10. 30
as proposed would mean that the court could not be competitive with others in
the area. After considerable discussion, it was agreed that a rate of $8.00
per month could be set, witl). the conditions that the court manager would do
the collection of the money so that a combined billing could be made, and that
arrangements' would be made to have garbage pick-up done fbr four (4) trailers
at each stop. The City will send notice of the change from the individual billing
to combined biping, and Mr. Brown is to notify the tenants of the garbage pick- I
up arrangernents. It was understood that the rate is subject to change if neees-
sary in the future.
According to Mayor Turnbow, a survey has been made of the street llght- needs,
and a list of recommendations was reviewed. Councilman Swensen moved that
Mayor Turnbow be' authorized to draft a letter to Utah Power & Light Company
to request installations of 28 additional street lights (2 - 20, 000 lumens, 26 -
7,000 lumens). The motion was seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting was all
in favor; motion carried.
Mayor Turnbow reported that he had met with the County Commissioners and
Rolfe Lines of the Bonneville Council of Governments, and it was felt that the
cities in the area should join with the County in presenting publicity on the Flood
Plain Insurance so that the public will be fully aware of what this is, where it is
available, and that it is the federal government that is requiring it al1-d not the local
government units. Councilman Swensen mentioned that it will be several months
before the survey to be made by the Corps of Engineers to determine flood hazard
levels is completed.
Approval was given for sel~ing a wooden shed that is out back of the City Building
if the intrested buyer is willing to pay $150 to $200.
Regarding the condition of the mailboxes in some area of the City, Councilman
Anderson explained that it is his understanding that the Post Office will not provide
walking mail delivery where there are no sidewalks, so the mailboxes should be
fixed up and arranged to look better.
In response to an inquiry by Councilman Anderson, it was pointed out that the owner
would be charged at the regular outside-of-city rate of $10.00 per month if the city
water is used for horses on a vacant lot in Jennie Jean Acres.
With reference to the Land Use Bill passed by the State Legislature and signed by
o the Governor last week, Councilman Swensen noted that this should ha\e only a minor
00 effect on the City, such as agreeing on an area of impact between the City of Idaho
r.... Falls and Ammon which should be no problem since our ordinances are compatible,
53 and setting up uniform road standards which has already been started. He mentioned
t:1J a new aerial map that is to be made by the City of Idaho Falls with the BCOG partici-
pating whic h will be available for the City of Ammon to use if needed.
Regarding the special census, Councilman Swensen indicated that plans are going
ahead, and the county will be the prime contractor with a census in Ammon to be
included, which should cut the cost considerably.
The matter of speed-limit signs on Ammon Road was discussed since it h~s been
reported that the judge of the magistrate court has refused a few cases citing in-
adequate signing. Councilman Swensen stated that he will check into this.
Mayor Turnbow reported on work being done to make ditch crossings safer on several
streets. He also mentioned that there has been a delay in delivery of the new fire
truck due to a strike of electricians at the factory, and that the new street sweeper
should be delivered after it is checked out in Boise and lights, etc., installed.
With regard to work to be done in the parks, it was mentioned that grass seed has
been ordered, and that materials for backstops for ball diamonds should be pur-
chased before the prices go up.
Councilman Anderson reported that he has received inquiries about whether the City
can put a limit on the new homes being built with government financing, and it was
noted that nothing can be done as long as the subdivisions meet the zoning regulations
and city specifications on streets, waterline s, etc.
According to Councilman Swensen, word has been received from HUD to the effect
that development of a full application for Community Development Funds for a new
fire station and the extension of Midway Avenue is discouraged on the basis that the
City of Ammon rates very low statistically on poverty priority.
Mayo_r Turnbow requested information about plaes where debris has been pushed
into the irrigation ditches so that the property owners can be notified that they will
have to clean the 'ditch out at their own expense.
. ,
Claims were approved for payment.
The meeting was adjourned at 12 Midnight.
- ~...~' ,
CLERK' . '77:J<