Council Minutes 11/06/1974
November 6, 1974
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P. M. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow with the
following City Officials present:
Mayor Keith C. Turnbow Clerk Deon l-!emingway
Councilman Russell N. Swensen Attorney W. 'Joe Anderson
Councilman Brent Hirschi Engineer David E. Benton
Councilman Gerald B. Cheney (arrived late)
Others present during the meeting were Rodney Ragan, Thayle Monson, Don George,
Mrs. Lennis Tirrell, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Totten.
Prayer was offered by Councilman Swensen. Minutes of the meeting of October 2,
1974, were approved as typed. Minutes of the meeting of October 16, 1974, were
approved as typed.
Mayor Turnbow referred back to the minutes of October 2 and was informed that
the fire hydrant on Falcon Dr. has been checked and is working now.
Information regarding an increase in rates by the Upper Valley Telecable Co. was
studied by the Council, along with a letter from that company advising the City
that the company officials are willing to review the franchise in accordance with
the telecable franchise ordinance (No. 91) which specifies a review every five years.
A date of Monday, November 18, 6:30 A. M., was suggested to have a meeting for
this purpose, if agreeable with the representatives of the Upper Valley Telecable
Company, who will be requested to bring information about the number of connections
in Ammon and cost figures. The City Attor'ney was af"ked to be in attendance.
Mrs. Tirrell indicated an urgent need to hook on to the sewer system because of
a septic tank problem, and was advised that she would be notified as soon as a
permit can be issued to her. Mr. Monson expressed concern about the curb and
gutter situation at the location of his residence due to the sewer construction work
(at the corner of Eagle Drive and Salmon Street) which makes a problem for storm
drainage and may cause flooding of his basement. Mr. Ragan and Mr. George com-
plained of breaks in the curb and gutter in their neighborhood (Salmon Street between
Curlew and Dove Drives) which are unsightly and could lead to damage in the new
paving if not repaired. It was noted that these problems have been turned over to the
Project Engineer and the Contractor, and Engineer Benton expressed the feeling that
the contractor should be asked to notify the property owners what is planned to be
done about such problems as theso, so the individual residents can go ahead with
legal action against the contractor if needed.
Attorney Anderson reported that the ordinance to set up Local Improvement District
No. 6 was ready for passage, and suggested the date of the Regular Council Meeting
on December 4,1974, for the Assessment Roll Hearing. The ordinance was
assigned No. 122, and Councilman Hirschi moved to waive the three readings on
separate days; seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in favor. Council-
man Swe'nsen moved to pass Ordinance No. 122 on its 3rd and final reading; seconded
by Councilman Hirschi; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Councilman
Swensen moved to accept the assessment roll for Local Improvement District No.6;
seconded by Councilman Hirschi; voting was a.ll in favor; motion carried.
An amendment to the inspection agreement submitted by the City of Idaho Falls
was presented for consideration of the Council by Attorney Anderson. . Councilman
Swensen moved to authorize Mayor Turnbow to sign the amendment to the
Cooperative Agreement between the City of Idaho Falls and the City of Ammon to
the effect that the City of Idaho Falls will not be required to inspect side sewers
from the property line to the wall of the building or structure served by the side
sewer. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hirschi; voting was all in favor;
motion carried.
In response to an inquiry by Mayor Turnbow, Attorney Anderson advised that the
Municipal Code is sufficiently broad to require permits to hook up to the sewer
system, and that failure to do so is subject to penalty as a misdemeanor. Since
it was felt that requiring permits is needed to have control, the following resolu-
tion was proposed:
WHEREAS the Ammon Municipal Code, Chapter 7" Title 8, requires
a permit for any installaction of sewer facilities, and
WHEREAS the installation of side sewers is defined as being service
connections from the proper,ty line t9 the wall of the structure or
building being served,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that a fee of
$10.00 be charged for ,a permit to be issued for the,installation of such
side sewers, and that &.uch permit be necessary and required prior to
any installation, and that such installation be subject to the inspection
and approval of the designated authority for such inspection by the City
Ammon; I
FUR THER RESOLVED that this resol\ltion be r~troactive to the in-
stallation of all side sewers in the City of Ammon.
Councilman Hirschi moved to adopt the foregoing resolution. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in favor; motion carried.
Regarding the funds being held by the City, in accordance with the agreement
with Realtor D. Arland R;:ts.rnussen, for street improvements on the east side
of Ros s Avenue in the Warren Bird Addition, Attor:p.ey Anderson counseled
that the money, including interest earned, should be returned to Rasmussen
upon the completion of the project which is under way at this time. All Council
members present were in agreement on this action. It was noted that the agree-
ment mention~d was a means of insuring that the improvements would be done
,after the sewer construction was completed, while allowing the developer to go
ahead and use the property for building s,ites.
Councilman Swensen mentioned that the County Road Department has inquired
abo,ut cooperating with the City on maintaining t'rafficsigns on county roads
that run through the City. Attor.ney Anderson advised that the City has a legal
responsibility to maintain its own stop signs and speed signs.
Mayor Turnbow read a writ ten complaint from ,the r~sident at 3835 Sunnyside
Road (Mrs. RichardTownsend) listing repair and replacement items which
need to be done by the sewer project cont ractor. It was felt that this property
own-er has been patient and respectful, and that the Eng~neer should endeavor to
get the problems taken care of immediately. Also, according to Mayor Turnbow,
the Townsends have requested permission to have a horse on their property
which is a double lot and has sufficient space but is not in t?e overlay zone for
animals. Engineer Benton felt that the "grand-daddy clause" would apply here
since the former owners had livestock animals there and the Townsends ,have
been waiting for the fjlewer contractor to replace the fence before bringing in a
horse. The Council members expref!lsed agreement with this reasoning, and
the Clerk was asked to inform Mrs. Townsend that one horse would be allowed
after the pig which they now have is removed.
A request was made by M~yor Turnbow to have Engineer Benton contact the
contractor foreman about getting the after -cons~ruction cleanup done,
mentioning especially places where there are dirt piles, puddles, loose dirt
and gravel at intersections, and approaches to Ammon Road from Molen, Owen,
and Rawson Streets. In answer to an inquiry by the Mayor about how the ends
,of sewer service lines were marked, Engineer Benton explained that a small
piece of ,wood was usually put there, and all service lines should be from 8 to
10 feet in depth and were air tested by the contractor after being installed to be
sure the lines were not broken.
Regarding the status of the situation for getting approval to allow property
owners to hook on to the sewer system, Engineer Benton reported that the
inspection is going forth and problems being taken care of so that approval
for some streets is expected shortly. He noted that there is a problem of
gravel in the line in the Peterson Park area which will require some digging
up to clean out.
Since the new pump at Well #5 produces more water than the present system
can handle, Mayor Turnbow suggested that arrangements need to be made to
have so:r,ne of the water run out into a ditch. Engineer Benton stated that ~e
would check for alternate methods to reduce the flow. The Council gave
approval to Mayor Turnbow to sell the 1O-horsepower pump which was removed
from Well #5.
Mayor Turnbo~ urged the Councilmen to attend a special. District AIC meeting
for all city officials and state legislators from this area. on November 12. He
also requested some suggestions for how the City of Ammon wants to par-
ticipate in the annual AIC Conference next June since it will be in Idaho Falls,
and indicated that perhaps there should be emphasis put on the patriotic theme
of the "Spirit of '76" and talented church groups could be asked to provide
some of the entertainment. The City should plan to participate with funds for
this event also, according to Mayor Turnbow.
The matter of raising the deposit on accounts from $10.00 to $15.00 was
discussed. Councilman Cheney moved that the deposit fee for sewer, water,
and garbage accounts be chq.nged to $15.00 as of this date. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in favor; motion carried.
Mayor Turnbow reported that four applications have been received for a
maintenance training employee under the CETA Program, and the Council
authorized the Mayo.r to take action as needed.
A suggestion was made by Councilman Swensen that the City F.ngineer and
Maintenance Supervisor make a record of the locations of major water shut-
off valves to keep on.file in the City Office. He reported that he had attended
a meeting concerning the Flood Plain Insurance where information on the
procedure for appeals and availability of maps was discussed. It was determined
that the City has need of six: complete packets of the Flood Plain Insurance
According to CouncilmanC:wensen, the Sheriff's Department has marked the
location of existing traffic signs and recommendations for where such signs
should be placed on two maps which will be taken before the Traffic Safety
Commission for consideration.
Councilman Hirschi reported that the members of the Planning and Zoning
Commission expressed concern about whether the storage building being erected
at the corner of Bittern Dr. and Teton St. meets the zoning regulations. He
was informed by the Clerk that this has been checked out by Paul Lundblade,
City of Idaho Falls, Building Official, and Ed Bateman, an inspector from that
office, and it was found that there is no violation of the requirements of the
zoning ordinance.
The Fire Department's: monthly report was reviewed by Councilman Hirschi.
Councilman Cheney announced that the City-sponsored basketball p~ogram
should be ready to start on November 16, and the Jee will be $4.00 per boy.
Councilman C:ewnsen moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:10 A. M.; seconde.d by
Councilman Hirschi. Claims were approved for payment.
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CLE~K ... 7
November 9, 1974
Minutes of Special Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Turnbow at 9:45 A. M. with the
following City Officials present:
Mayor Keith C. Turnbow
Councilman Brent Hirschi
Councilman Gerald B. Cheney
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson