Council Minutes 05/01/1974
Mayor Turnbow inquired if the Council would like to give some thought
as to whether or not the dOg ordinance should be changed regarding the
time required for keeping dOgs impounded since the City of Amnion is
to pay the City of Idaho Falls $1. 00 per day while dOgs are held before
claimed or destroyed. It was felt that three days as now in the
ordinance was probably not unreasonable, but no definite decision was
Claims were approved for payment. Councilman Swensen moved that the
meeting be adjourned; seconded by Councilman Cheney. Meeting adjourned
at 1:00 A~ M.
~fp cJl~
May 1, 1974
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P. M. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow,
with the following City Officials present:
Mayor Keith C. Turnbo'.' Clerk Deon Hemingway
Council ;.Y.tan Marvin J. Andersen Attorney Franklin Smith
Councilman Russell N. Swensen Engineer David E. Benton(approx. lOP. M.)
Councilman Gerald B. Cheney
Councilman Brent Hirschi
Others present during the meeting were Mrs. Millie Cr:;JStal, Gary L Johnson,
M. Richardson, Dixie Richardson, Mrs. Leonard Edington, Dewain Silvester,
Zona R. Silvester, Jerrolyn Crandall, Alden E. Hill, Gary Hill, Philip D.
Afflectl; Carolyn Bjornson, Donald R. Bjornson, Stella Peterson. Observing
were Mrs. Glenna WalKer and a group of Boy ScoutE, --RLlSS Smith, Kent Beck,
Bert Mecham, Jeff Drake, Greg Staggs, Doug Anderson, John Empey,
Lyle Myler, and Robert Smith.
Prayer was offered by Councilman Swensen. The minutes of the regular meeting
of April 17 , 1974, were approved as typed. Mayor Turnbow welcomed the Boy
Mrs. Crystal stated that her business had to do with a recent notice about a
delinquent amount due on an L.1. D. assessment on her property at 1705
Avocet Drive which she was not aware of previously. Explanation was
made by Mayor Turnbow regarding the delay in sending out the notices, and
the law which requires that such assessments are passed on with the property
with title companies not being held responsible. Attorney Smith advised that
contact could be made by Mrs. Crystal with the seller against whom she as the
buyer has a right. Mrs. Crystal thanked the Mayor and Council for their
consideration of her problem, and promised that that payment would be made.
It was indicated by the Mayor that perhaps the inter'':;3t after the assessment
due date (Aug. 1, 1968, in this case) could be dismissed, and noted that the
Council needs to Make a policy for a payment date which would be reasonable
and the same for all who are involved in these delinquency notices. After the
Council had discussed the situation, Councilman Swensen Moved that all
delinquent accounts on L.1. D. #1 and #2 be due and payable by AUgust 1, 1974,
and that the property owners be notified of that date and reminded again about
July 1, 1974. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hirschi; voting all in favor;
motion carried.
Councilman Swensen also moved that, after reviewing the particular
circumstances of Mrs. Crystal's case, the interest be waived on her
delinquent L. I. D. account from AUgust 1, 1968, subject to complete
payment of principal and interest up to AUgust' 1, 1968, on or before AUgust 1,
1974. Seconded by Councilman Hirschi; voting all in favor; motion(;:~
Upon a sUggestion from Mayor Turnbow, the Council agreed to have
Attorney Smith work with Boise Cascade as developers of the East I
Hills Addition 011 an agreement concerning arrangements to pay for
curb and gutter ..for that area when installed some time in the future.
A letter drawn up by Attorney Smith advising the owners of new homes
built after the bond election, July 18,1972, concerning the paying of a
sewer service line charge as established at the last meeting was
reviewed and sUggestions for changes made. 1Pihe letter is to be
mailed to all those concerned within the next few days along with a
copy of a letter signed by Gene Burch of Farmers Home Administra-
tion regarding available financing for this purpose through that agency
for those who desire it and can qualify.
Melvin Richardson, acting as spokesman for the delegation fl'om
Brookfield and Georgia Lanes (listed above), expres sed concern about
the construction under the water and sewer project pertaining to the
brtClge and culvert for Little Sand. C ~eek, hooking at to the new larger
waterline on Brookfield Lane, and the specifications for street repair.
Assurance was given that the mentioned problems will be taken under
advisement with the project engineers, and the group's representative
will be notified by letter.
Mayor Turnbow asked Councilman Hirschi to check with the City of
Idaho Falls about what the cost will be to continue under the library
agreement for the coming year.
According to Mayor Turnbow, a policy is needed for sewer service
line charge and hook-up fee for homes that are within the city's
jurisdiction for sewer line but are outside the City Limits. It was
determined that the same policy as for inside the City would apply- -for
the few homes that now 'exist outside the City that will hook on to the
sewer line there will be a charge for the actual cost of the service line
but no hook-up fee, and owners ,?f buildingS constructed in the future
will pay $200 hook-up fee to the City and actual cost for the service
line to their contractor.
Engineer Benton reviewed some of the details of the Peterson Park
Division No. 3 Annexation Agreement which a~e being worked out
with the developer for the information of the Council. Mayor Turnbo,;w
called attention to a special condition to be included regarding having
the developer pay 50 cents per lineal foot for paving a 3-foot strip
on Ross Avenue (north of Sunnyside Rd. ) from the existing pavement
to the curb and gutter.
Mayor Turnbow requested information from Engineer Benton regarding I
the questions from the delegation who were present earlier in the meeting.
The street repair plans were shown from a drawing in the project
specifications. Concerning individual hook-ups on the new waterline,
Engineer Benton explained that the project engineers felt it best to leave the
existing 4-irich line in for services on Brookfield Lane, but the Pressure
will be improved due to the increased capacity of the w,~ll with a new
pump and the small line being connected to the larger line at both ends.
The Mayor and Council expressed faith in this decision made by the engineers.
Engineer Benton went over the procedure for setting up a Local Improvement District
for the 17th Street widening and paving project, and pointed out on the City map some
short street sections in other parts of the City that might be included in the same L.1. D.
If felt advisable. He was asked to check with the property owners on the sUgge sted
streets to see if they are interested. A-<lCording to Mr. Benton, the engineering work
has been done for the drainage situation at Dal Avenue and Samuel Street, so the problem
will be taken care of when the paving, etc., is done after the sewer construction is
Completed there.
Councilman Swensen reported that traffic survey forms regarding the parking problem
are being mailed to all residents of the Hillview and Hillsdale Additions which is
expected to give the Traffic Safety Commission some help in making a recommendation
on this subject.
Concerning the matter of having special garbage containers for schools and businesses,
Councilman Anderson noted that the people he has contacted about this do not like having
to pay extra for garbage service and there are still more to be contacted.
(See excerpt of minutes prepared by Attorney for resolution adopted approving request
for payment for the water and sewer construction project: Motion made by Councilman
Cheney, seconded by Councilman Anderson, voting all in favor. )
Mayor Turnbow reported to the Council on the status of the application to the Bureau of
Outdoor Recreation for matching funds for acquisition of land for a city park in
Peterson Park Division #3 to the effect that the B. O. R. is working to have the money
to the City near the first of June, even thOUgh this funding was not previously scheduled
until after September of this year. He explained that this is due to a project being
cancelled by the City of American Falls, so the money for that can be put out to
other municipalities.
Claims were approved for payment. Councilman Cheney moved that the meeting
adjourn at approximately 12:45 A. M.; seconded by Councilman Anderson; meeting
May 15, 1974
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7: 33 P. M. by Council Chairman Russell N. Swensen
with the following City Officials present;
Councilman Russell N. Swensen Clerk Deon Hemingway
Councilman Brent Hirschi Engineer David E. Benton
Councilman Gerald B. Cheney Project Engineer Larry Perkins
Attorney W. Joe Anderson Project Engineer Robert Butler
Attorney Franklin Smith
Mayor Keith C. Turnbow arrived at 9: 30 P. M.
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson arrived at 9:45 P. M.
Prayer was offered by Councilman Cheney. The minutes of the regular meeting of
May 1, 1974, were approved as typed later in the meeting.