Council Minutes 03/20/1974
Councilman Cheney moved to adjourn; seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting all in
favor; motion carried; meeting adjourned at 11: 35 P. M.
Minutes recorded by Councilman Russell~;;';;r1(J cJUhJn!nrur
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March 20,1974
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow at 7:40
the following City Officials present:
Mayor Keith C. Turnbow
Councilman Russell N. Swensen
Councilman Gerald B. Cheney.
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson
Councilman Brent Hirschi
P. M. with
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Engineer David E. Benton
Asst. Attorney Franklin Smith
Auditor Harvey Crandall
Auditor LaMar John
Others present during the meeting were Art Johnson and Richard Skidmore.
Prayer was offered by Councilman Hirschi. Minutes of the meeting of March.b,
1974 were approved as typed.
Mayor Turnbow introduced Mr. Art Johnson of Idaho Lumber Inc., explaining
that Mr. Johnson had brought a sideyard variance request before the Planning
and Zoning Commission the previous night, March19,1974, and the Planning
Commission had recommended approval to allow a five -foot sideyard (7 -1/2
feet are required under the new zoning ordinance) on the north side for the home
to be built at 2285 Eagle Dr., if permission could be obtained from the property
owner to the north. Mr. Johnson presented a letter signed by said neighbor,
Larry Bigelow, 2065 Eagle Dr., dated March 20, 1974. Councilman Swensen I
moved that the variance be granted to Mr. Art Johnson of Idaho Lumber inc.
as per his request. The motion was. seconded by Councilman Hirschi; voting
was all in favor; motion carried.
According to Mayor Turnbow, Russell Owen of 2940 Teton Street had requested
time to discuss having the Council consider making a law against the discharging
of flippers and sling shots in the City. This has been checked by the City Attorney
a nd found to be already covered in Section 6-4-1 and 6-4-3 of the recodified City
Code. Notice to the residents about this subject will be put in the next newsletter.
Attorney Smith presented an ordinance to amend Sections 11-12 -5, 11-13-5, and
11-14-5 of the City Code regarding the rearyard setback requirement on corner
lots and Section 11-5 -28 regarding sideyard requirements in old. plats, noting that
the necessary publication and public hearing had been taken care of, and the
ordinance could be passed at this time. The Ordinance was assigned No. 114, and
Councilman Hirschi moved to dispense with the three separate readings; seconded
by Councilman Cheney; voting all in favor; motion carried. Q.rdinance No.,~.
was read in its entirety by Attorney Smith, after which Councilman Swensen I
mo ved that it be approved on its third and final reading by title; seconded by Coun-
cilman Hirschi; voting all in favor; motion carried.
A review of the 1973 audit was presented by LaMar John of Crandall, Hinckley,
& John, CPAs. The Mayor and Council accepted tha audit and expressed apprecia-
t ion for the work done and the outstanding way it was presented. A copy will be
mailed to the State Auditor by Mr. John. A prepared letter of understanding for
auditing services for 1974 was found to be agreeable with the Council members,
and Councilman Swensen moved that Crandall, Hinckley, & John be accepted as
auditors for 1974 for the proposed amount of approximately $600; seconded by
Councilman Cheney; voting all in favor; motion carried.
As Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Mr. Crandall SUggested
that the City sponsor a party for the mem~bers of the Commission as an expres-
sion of appreciation to them. This was felt to a good idea, and Mayor Turnbow
asked to be reminded later in the year (Sept. or Oct.) when availability of funds
would be known.
Attorney Smith was asked by Mayor Turnbow to check into what action has been
taken at the City Attorney's office regarding L. 1. D. Delinquency Certificates.
It was announced that the Budget Hearing has been set for March 27, and a Public
Hearing on a proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance regarding off-street
parking has been advertised for April 3.
Mayor Turnbow mentioned that he had met with postoffice officials, and read a letter
from the postoffice which has been or will be sent to the residents where roads are
torn up from the sewer construction explaining the mail carrier I s problems and
how to pick up undelivered mail from the postoffice. The Council members felt
that this was a good action.
Engineer Benton reviewed the progress of the water and sewer project construction.
In response to inquiry by Mayor Turnbow, Mr. Benton indicated that the sewer
system should be ready for the first individual connections within a relatively
short time for homes -on Sunnyside Road, the Original Townsite, and Midway and
Sabin Drives to the north. He noted that the County Commissioners lave been notified
that the City of Ammon wants _ to coordinate the construction work on 17th Street
with the road widening there, so efforts will be made to work with them so the
street will not have to be torn up any longer than necessary. Some contacting
wtill needs to be doreconcerning the L.1. D. for installing curb and gutter on
17th Street all the way to the Ammon-Lincoln Rd.
Regarding the obligation of the developer of the proposed Maiben Jones Addition
for assuming part of the cost of the paving put in on Ross Avenue under L.1. D. #4,
it was found that a check of the city records showed that an understanding of
assurance had been made with property owners on the west side of the street as
mentioned in the last meeting, and Engineer Benton reported that an agreement
had been reached to the effect that the developer, Richard Skidmore, would pay
$1. 43 per foot to the city to be appHedto the individual assessments. However,
a matter involving a 3ft. strip of land has not been settled. Mr. Skidmore
appeared at this time and, after explaining the situation further, asked what the
City could do to help. Mayor Turnbow sUggested that additional efforts be made
to work out the problem, and, if this failed, to come back to the Council with
sufficient notice so the advice of the City Attorney can be obtained.
According to Engineer Benton, the test pumping at the new well has been completed.
The small amount of sand that still comes out in the water is less than the amount
in the several other wells in the area and can be settled out in a detention tank.
Engineer Benton agreed to prepare a sheet of instructions and information for the
residents about private sewer connection procedures, kind of pipe, estimated
hookup dates, contractors who may be contacted for putting in individual connections, etc
Complications involved for putting in curb and gutter for the East Hills Addition on
Sunnyside Road which have been reported by the engineer for the developer were
discussed by Engineer Benton. The Council agreed that putting in these improve-
m ents does not seem feasible at this time, and the Attorney advised that there
would be no legal problem in having money put in escrow for this if the funds are
clearly earmarked and the situation is reviewed from time to time.
Regarding Ordinance No. 113 for annexing Peterson Park Division No. 3 and the
Maiben Jones Addition, Engineer Benton called attention the to City policy outlined
in the new City Code which requires developell's to sign an annexation agreement
before the annexation ordinance is acted upon. He will prepare the information
for the annexation agreem.ents and get it to the attorneys.
Councilman Swensen mentioned that Would work out the ditch schedule for the
coming irrigation season.
In response to an inquiry by Councilman Hirschi about the duties of the Planning
and Zoning Commission regarding making recommendations on variance requests,
. 52
Mayor Turnbow expressed the feeling that the services of the Commission in
checking out the details and passing on the information with a recommendation
to the Council is needed and appreciated, and Attorney Smith noted that Section
11-8-2 'of the recodified City Code requires the Planning and Zoning Commis-
sion to give recommendations on variances. Councilman Hirschi reported that
Paul Curtis and Gene Wall ha:ve .agreed to have their terms on the Planning and
Zoning Commission changed to six years instead of two years as previously re-
corded. Councilman Hirschi moved that Gene Wall be appointed for six years on
the Planning and Zoning Commission; seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting
all in favor; motion carried. It was noted that Mr. Curtis's appointment for
six years was made official in the meeting of Feb. 20,1974. Both appointments I
are to be recorded as being effective starting Jan. 1, 1974. According to
Councilman Hirschi, Paul Maeser has been contacted and will send in a letter
of resignation from the Planning and Zoning Commission, and DeLynn Hansen
did not wish to accept re-appointment on a six-year term basis. New officers
for the Commission have been selected as follows: Harvey Crandall, Chairman;
Larry Gust, Vice Chairman; and Elaine MCGary held over as Secretary.
Mayor Turnbow reviewed changes made in the proposed budget since the special
work meeting on March 11. .
Councilman Hirschi moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:25 P. M.; seconded by
Councilman Swensen. Claims were approved for payment.
CLERK i/ ~
March 27,1974
The meeting. was called to order at 7 :45 P. M. by Council Chairman Russell
N. Swensen (Mayor Turnbow was out of town), with the following City Officials
Council Chairman Russell N. Swensen
Councilman Gerald B. Cheney
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson
Councilman Brent Hirschi
Minutes of BUDGET HEARING and Special Meeting:
Cle'rk Deon Hemingway
Attorney Franklin Smith
Prayer was offered by Councilman Cheney.
The meeting was opened for deliberations and comment by interested citizens on
the 1974 Budget as duly published in the Post-Register newspaper on March 17 and
24 under the legal notices as required by law. There being no residents present to
make comment, and the Council having no changes to propose, Attorney Smith
presented the Annual Appropriation Ordinance No. 115.. Councilman Cheney moved
to dispense with the three readingS on separate days of Ordinance No. 115; second-
ed by Councilman Hirschi; voting- Cheney, yes; Hirschi, yes; Anderson, yes;
Swensen, yes; motion carried. Ordinance No. 115 was then read in its entirety
by Chairman Swensen. The second reading was dispensed with, and Councilman
Hirschi moved that the Council pass Ordinance No. 115 upon its third and final I
reading by title only; seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting--Hirschi, yes;
Cheney, yes; Anderson, yes; Swensen, yes; motion carried; Ordinance No. 115
Attorney Smith reported that the City Ordinance regarding individual water service
connection fees has been reviewed,. and it was found in order to amend the section
on this subject due to increased costs to the city for the supplies, etc., for such
service lines. Ordinance No. 116, an 'ordinance amending Section 4-3-15 of the
City Ordinances, was presented to the Council and read in full by Chairman
Swensen~ Councilman Cheney moved that the Council dispense with the three
separate readingS of Ordinance No. 116; seconded by Councilman Anderson;
voting all in favor; motion carried. Councilman Hirschi moved that Ordinance
No. 116 be passed on its third and final reading by title! only; seconded by