Council Minutes 12/18/2003 CITY OF AMMON CITY COUNCIL MINUTES THURSDAY, DECE!v1BER 18, 2003 The meeting was called to order by Mayor C. Bruce Ard at 7 :30 p.m. in the City Building, 213 5 South Ammon Road, Ammon, Idaho, with the following City Officials present: Mayor C. Bruce Ard Councilmember W. Lee Bean Councilmember Karen Y. Anderson Councilmember Leslie Folsom Councilmember Randy Waite City Attorney Scott Hall City Administrator Bruce Rose City Engineer Bill Manwill Planning & Zoning Chairman Tom Hunsaker City Clerk/Treasurer Diane Gempler City Officials Absent: Public Works Director David Wadsworth Councilmember Anderson led the Pledl!e of Allel!iance to the Flal! and, Councilmember Waite offered a prayer. Minutes _ November 6. 2003 and December 4. 2003: Councilmember Folsom motioned to approve the December 4,2003, minutes with corrections. Councilmember Waite seconded. Roll call vote: Councilmember Folsom -- Yes, Councilmember Waite -- Yes, Councilmember Anderson - abstained due to absence, Councilmember Bean -- Yes. The motion carried. Consent Al!enda: Councilmember Folsom motioned to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Councilmember Anderson seconded. Roll call vote: Councilmember Folsom - Yes, Councilmember Anderson _ Yes, Councilmember Bean - Yes, Councilmember Waite - Yes. The motion carried. Public Comment Rel!ardin2ltems Not on A2enda: Lennis Terril, owner of Ammon Speedi-Mart, addressed the Council regarding the new rate for Beer Sales for Consumption Off Premises License enacted in September 2003. The Council asked for the subject to be included as a discussion item on the January 15,2004, Work Session Agenda. ACTION ITEMS: Fiscal Year 2003 Audit Report: Judith K. Brower, CPA, Galusha Higgins & Galusha, 444 B Street, Idaho Falls, Idaho, presented the City Council with the Fiscal Year 2003 Audit Report. Ms. Brower indicated that in order to be ready to prepare the 2003-2004 audit in compliance with GASB-24 standards, a fixed asset listing will be needed. She suggests that a full asset inventory be completed prior to the end of this fiscal year. Ms. Brower also recommended that the Council increase the Capitalization threshold to $5,000.00 from the current $1,000.00 level. Councilmember Bean motioned to accept the Fiscal Year 2003 audit as presented. Councilmember Folsom seconded. Roll call vote: Councilmember Bean - Yes, Councilmember Folsom- Yes, Councilmember Waite - Yes, Councilmember Anderson - Yes. The motion carried Capitalization Policy Amendment: Councilmember Bean motioned to increase the dollar amount to be capitalized from $1,000.00 to $5,000.00. Council member Folsom seconded. Roll call vote: Councilmember Bean - Yes, Councilmember Folsom - Yes, Councilmember Waite -- Yes, and Councilmember Anderson -- Yes. The motion carried. City Council Minutes 12/18/2003 - 1 Greenfield Park #1 Final Plat. Development A!!reement & Site Plan: City Administrator Bruce Rose reported the history of the proposed final plat, development agreement and site plan. Ryan Briggs, Harper Leavitt Engineering, answered Council questions regarding the final plat, development agreement and site plan. Councilmember Bean motioned to approve the Greenfield Park # I Final Plat, Development Agreement and Site Plan. Councilmember Folsom seconded. Roll call vote: Councilmember Bean - Yes, Councilmember Folsom - Yes, Councilmember Waite -- Yes, and Councilmember Anderson -- Yes. The motion carried. Osterhout Request to Rezone RP-A to R-l: Notice of the Hearing was published in the Post Register on November 18, and November 25, 2003. Notice ofthe hearing was also mailed to property owners within five hundred (500) feet of the property proposed to be rezoned and, to other parties of interest. City Administrator Bruce Rose presented slides showing the general vicinity and location ofthe property. The property is located South of 17th Street on the East Side of Midway. Contiguous properties on the East Side of Midway are zoned RP-A, Properties on the West Side of Midway are zoned R-l. The requested re-zone is compatible with the Comprehensive Plan. The Council discussed the requested rezone. Councilmember Anderson motioned to have Mr. Osterhout file a request for variance and post as a Board of Adjustments Agenda Item for January 8, 2004. Councilmember Folsom seconded. Roll call vote: Councilmember Anderson- Yes, CouncilmemberFolsom- Yes, Councilmember Waite -- Yes, Councilmember Bean -- Yes. The motion carried Woodland Hills Revised Preliminary Plat: WITHDRAWN Centennial #15 Final Plat and Development Al!reement: City Administrator Bruce Rose presented slides of the plat and vicinity. The property is located South of 1 st Street and East of the Railroad tracks. The property is zoned R-lA and R-2. Councilmember Folsom motioned to approve the Centennial #15 Final Plat as presented. Councilmember Waite seconded. Roll call vote: Councilmember Folsom - Yes, Councilmember Waite- Yes, Councilmember Anderson -- Yes, Councilmember Bean - Yes. The motion carried Councilmember Anderson motioned to approve the Development Agreement with inclusion of wording requiring the developer to participate in future enhancements to 1st Street. The motion died. Councilmember Folsom motioned to approve the Development Agreement. Councilmember Waite seconded. Roll call vote: Councilmember Folsom - Yes, Councilmember Waite - Yes, Councilmember Anderson -- Yes, Councilmember Bean - Yes. The motion carried Fire Station Parkin!! Lot: Fire Chief Clarence Nelson addressed the Council requesting that the Fire Station Parking Lot be enlarged as there have been complaints regarding personnel attending training parking along Brookfield. A bid has been obtained with a preliminary parking lot design. The Council discussed the request. The parking lot will be added to the Capital Improvement Plan with a preliminary cost of approximately $15,000. Authorization for Selection of En!!ineerin!! Firm: City Administrator Bruce Rose reported that the final signature for the easements needed for the water line project have not been received at this time. He requested that the Council authorize the Engineering Services Selection Committee to select the Engineering Fiml and negotiate a proposed contract. Councilmember Folsom motioned to authorize the Selection Committee to select an Engineering Fiml and negotiate a proposed contract. Councilmember Bean seconded. Roll call vote: Councilmember Folsom - Yes, COIDlcihnember Bean - Yes, Councilmember Waite -- Yes, Councilmember Anderson - Yes. The motion carried Lift Station Proiect Update/Action: City Administrator Bruce Rose reported that H&K was awarded the bid for the lift station installation. The pump was ordered but was not scheduled for delivery by the manufacturer until January. A report from Forsgren and Associates was expected today but has not been received. Contact with Forsgren's representative indicated they not received a time-line from H&K and, they will provide a status report as soon as possible. City Council Minutes 12/18/2003 - 2 .. Plannine and Zonin!! Ordinance Amendments & Chanees: The Planning and Zoning Ordinance Amendments were tabled to a special Council Work Session to be held on December 30,2003. City staff was instructed to contact Planning and Zoning Commission member and request their attendance at the meeting. Minutes - November 6, 2003: The Council discussed the content of minutes from the November 6, 2003, meeting. City Attorney Scott Hall advised the Council that the minutes need only contain actual motions voted upon and miscellaneous detailed discussions are not required to be included. Councilmember Folsom motioned to approve the November 6, 2003, minutes. Councilmember Anderson seconded. Roll call vote: Councilmember Folsom -- Yes, Councilmember Anderson -- Yes, Councilmember Bean -, Councilmember Waite - Yes. The motion carried. Miscellaneous Discussion: The Council discussed agenda posting requirements. Councilmember Bean motioned to adjourn executive session. Councilmember Folsom seconded. Meeting adjonmed to Ex.ctltiv. Ses~on at 955 P~p .~ City Council Minutes 12/18/2003 - 3