Council Minutes 01/24/1974 42 CITY OF AMMON January 24, 1974 Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow at 8: 35 P. M. with the following individuals present,: Mayor Keith C. Turnbow Chairman Garth R. Cunningham - Ammon Councilman Marvin J. Anderson City Planning and Zoning Commission Councilman Brent Hirschi David E. Benton - City Engineer I Councilman Russell N. Swensen Mr. Charles "Chuck" Summers - Boise- Councilman Gerald B. Cheney Cascade Corporation-Idaho Falls, Idaho (arrived 9:00 P1 M. ) Invocation: Councilman Brent Hirschi The purpose of the special meeting was to consider a problem in regards to a home contemplated on the North end of Midway by Boise-Cascade Corporation. This would require a variance in the present Zoning Ordinances as the home contemplated is of sufficient size to reduce the side yard to 7 -1/2 feet. Mr. Charles '!Chuckll Summers requested a variance for the following reasons: 1. The second house constructed on Midway North of Circle "S" Drive (house number 2385 Midway) was placed partially on Groberg's property. Groberg's sold the Security Construction Company the necessary land to bring the lot size into compliance. This changed the boundaries of the remaining lot going north. 2. Plan started prior to January 1, 1974 and indi..vidupL was not aware of the ten (10) foot side yard requirement. 3. The present neighbors on both sides of the property in question would like to see planned home constructed. See attached, signed letter dated January 22, 1974. I 4. The plan for the side yards for this development had already been established before the new ordinance became effective and only two (2) lots remain undeveloped. 5. By allowing a 7 -1/2 foot side yard the contemplated house will conform in size, value, and floor space with the other homes along this section of Midway. 6. Total distance between the proposed home and the adjacent homes both on the North and the South will be at least nineteen (19) feet according to Mr. Richard Groberg as reported by Mr. Charles I!Chuck,1 Summers. After considerable discussion by all in attendance expressing their views and securing answers to their questions, the following motion was made by Councilman Russell N. Swensen - III move that a variance be granted to Boise-Cascade Cor- I po ration on side yard requirement as requested by their Representative-Mr. Charles "Chuck" Summers for the reasons indicated above to wit - the North 78' of the South 84 ft. of Lot 1, Block 3, Southwick Addition, City of Ammon, Idaho. Seconded by Councilman Gerald B. Cheney. Voting - Councilman Hirschi -Yes; Councilman Anderson- Yes; Councilman Swensen- Yes. Motion carried. Variance granted. Councilman Anderson moved that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Council- man Hirschi. Voting all in favor-Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9: 30 P. M. Recorded by Russell N. Swensen. ~~~ ~-prJ~ M YOR