Council Minutes 12/19/1973 37' Councilman Cheney moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:55 P.M. approved for payment. Claims were ~?i ~^. CLERK" ~ 7 ~.dM ~ c:!(/~b-ur M OR CITY OF AMMON December 19, 1973 I Minutes cf the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council, o 00 l'- Q:) W UJ I I The meeting was called to orde r at 7: 40 the following City Officials present: Mayor Keith C. Turnbow Councilman Russell N. Swensen Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Councilman Gerald B. Cheney Councilman Brent Hirschi P. M. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow with Cle rk Deon Hemingway Atto1"'11.ey W. Joe Anderson Attorney Franklin Smith Engineer David E. Benton Prayer was offered by Councilman Hirschi. Minutes of the meeting of Dec. 5, 1973, were approved as typed with one correction (ad:jname of Councilman Cheney as co-sponsor on motion regarding utility rates for rnobilehome courts - -Eastgate Mobile Village. ) Mayor Turnbow advised the Council members that the policy for having to get requests in writing ahead of time for getting on the agenda for City Council Meeting should still be held to. Attorney Anderson announced that a master copy of the revised and reco.1fied municipal code is ready with no changes in the substance of the code having been made since the last meeting. The printing of a number of these code books was the subject of some discussion, after which Councilman Cheney moved that t):1e reproduction of said code book be turned over to the attorney to have done in the most feasible way; seconded by Councilman Hirschi; voting all in favor; motion carried. The City Attorney was also authorized by the Council to obtain the required number of copies of the various uniform code books referred to in the code as compiled to have on hand in the City Clerk's office. Ordina~ No. Ill. an Ordinance for Revising. Codifying. and Compiling the Gener;:!l Ordinances of the City of Ammon, was then read in full by Attorney Anderson for its third and final reading. Councilman Cheney moved that Ordinance No. III be passed on its third and final reading; seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting-- Cheney, yes; Swensen, yes; Anderson, yes Hirschi, yes; motion carried. The Ordinance is to be effective as of its publication date which is expected to be December 30, 1973. A report by Engineer Benton indicated that the easement agreements have been prepared for the cul-de-sacs on the Vern Peterson and Tom Bird properties and also the deed for extending Ross Avenue from Peterson Park to Jennie Jean Acres, with signatures expected shortly. He presented the latest cost information obtaire d on the proposed widening and refinishing of East 17th Street which shows the city's share to be about $50,000, and read a copy of the proposed petition for creating a Local Improvement District for property owners on the north side of the street. Councilman Swensen moved that the City Engineer be authorized to proceed on the East 17th Street project in the form of securing signature s on a petition to create a Local Improvement District and to work out the necessary details with the County Engineer and the City of Idaho Falls Engineering Department; seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting all in favor; motion carried. It was suggested that any discussion for making a bicycle path along 17th Street while the project is underway should be tabled until the Bonneville Council of Governments gets a master plan developed. 38 According to Engineer Benton, three preliminary subdivision plats have been submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for study and recommenda- tion: The Vern Peterson property ea~.t of Pony Acres, Montie Howell sub- division north of 17th Street and east of'Sand Creek, and Peterson Park Division #3 which includes the proposed new park area for ball diamonds. Also Reno Barbison will have a preliminary subdivision pl<i.t for ,property north of McCowin Park ready for consideration by the Commission at the next meeting on January 15, 1974. He explained that much growth can be anticipated in this area mostly due to federal financing being available from the Farmers Home Administration as the qualifies by population. Mayor Turnbow mentioned that some thinking must be done on when and how much to start charging for sewer service so that the required r,eserve fund will be built up and to guard against 'delinquencies. A recommendation from the City Engineer was requested. I Councilman Cheney reported that he has received a schedule of rates for renting the Ammon Junior High School gymnasium for the City basketball program, and will work out an agreement with the school officials. He stated that the number of boys participating will require the use of the gym- nasium for 11 hours each Saturday through the end of February. Attorney Smith noted that his exp~iences in handling the prosecution of traffic cases for the City of Ammon indicates that attention needs to be given to getting more speed limit signs posted. The law is that there must be due and proper notice, and the officers have difficulty with citations when there are not enough signs posted. He specifically mentioned areas going in and out of school zones, and suggested that a study and recommendations on this problem might be a worthy project for the Traffic Safety Commis sion. Notice has been received that the Bonneville County Sheriff Department can contract with the City of Ammon for law enforcement services for the year of 1974 with details to be worked out. Councilman Swensen reported that he has talked with the Sheriff and the County Commissioners about a county dog catcher system which would include Ammon, but no decision has been made. He mentioned also that the County is proparing a contract for stock piling crushed gravel whicb theCity of Ammon can participate in if notice is gl ven. I According to Councilman Swensen, the population count for the City of Ammon reported to the County of the Council of Governments was an unofficial estimate arrived at by using a percentage formula. Mayor Turnbow expressed concern over a possible decr'ease in revenue to the City during 1974 from revenue sharing, gas tax, etc., and sUggested that some thought might have to be given to raising the property tax mill levy. Annexa- tion of Jennie Jean Acres might also be considered to add to the tax base, and Engineer Benton was asked to check on the assessed valuation of that area. Accumulating funds for the 17th Street improvements and meeting obfigations for purchasing property for parks were mentioned as projects which will be difficult to finance if expected revenues are not received. A report was given by Mayor Turnbow on a meeting with the Attorney just prior to the Council Meeting to start action for collecting on Delinquency I Certificates on Local Improvement Districts No.1, No.2, and No.4, and the council members gave approval on this decision. The Mayor also in- dicated that there is a need to install shut-off valves in water servicelines for a number of homes where there are no valves at this time, and sUggested that this be done in the spring with the possibility that the property owners might share the cost with the City. This is especially needed for control of the water supply in case of leaks or delinquent accounts, and the feeling of the Council was to gO ahead. - I I o 00 l'-- Q:l W ~ I I 3'9. Councilman Cheney moved that the meeting be adjourned at 10:45 P. M. Claims were approved for payment. ~'-b~ ~' ~1 /, MAY R V~ , ~/-~-4-. CLERK ' 'V CITY OF AMMON January 2, 1974 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P. M. by Mayor Keith C. with the following City Officials present: Mayor Keith C. Turnbow Councilman Russell N. Swensen Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Councilman Gerald B. Cheney Councilman Brent Hirschi Turnbow Clerk Deon Hemingway Engineer David E. Benton Prayer was offered by Councilman Swensen. All Councilmen, having been re-elected or newly elected in the election of Nov. 5, 1973, were sworn in for their terms effective January 1, 1974, as follows: Russell N. Swensen, 4 years; Marvin J. Anderson, 4 years; Gerald B. Cheney, 2 year,s; Brent Hirschi, 2 years. Minutes of the regular meeting of December 19, 1973, were read and approved. Engineer Benton presented figures on the assessed valuation of Jennie Jean Acres and information pertaining to taxing policies for the Council to consider in endeav- oring to make a recommendation about the advisability of annexing that area. After some discussion, it was decided that further study is needed concerning how providing sewer service for Jennie Jean Acres could be handled if it were annexed. It was also suggested that some thought be given to whether or not there should be a change made in the charge for water service to the residents there while it is outside the city limits. Engineer Benton is to look into these matters and make a recommendation at the next meeting. According to Engineer Benton, and inquiry has been made by Boyd Thompson of 3100 Midway about getting water and sewer line through the alleyway (Rose Dale Lane) between Molen St. and Sunnyside Road, and he was given a cost estimate along with an explanation of the property owner I s responsibility for the cost of installation. Acting on a recommendation put forth by Engineer Benton that an updated =rltprlinp. policy is needed in view of the heavy growth anticipated in the near future, Councilman Swensen moved that the policy in regard to installation of waterline in the City of Ammon be as follows: (1) that the minimum size remrlin a six-inch line, (2) that the City of Ammon participate only on lines greater in s.ize than eight-inch subject to prior approval of the City CounciL (3) that th~ master wate~~ will be followed. The motion was seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting all in favor; motion carried. Mayor Turnbow explained that a policy is needed for charging contractors for water while homes or other buildingS are under construction, with one purpose of such a policy being to provide an incentive for contractors to notify the City when homes are ready for occupancy or buildingS ready for use. After the Council had discussed this proposal, Councilman Cheney moved that building contractors be charged $7.00 per month for water starting 30 days after issuance of a building permit. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Problems concerning the operation of snowmobiles along the streets in the Original Townsite area were discussed, and Ordinance No. 103 which prohibits such machines in the city parks, etc., was reviewed. Since the use of