Council Minutes 09/19/1973
Sept. 19, 1973
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7: 35 P. M. by Mayor Keith C.
following City Officials present:
Mayor Keith C. Turnbow
Councilman Russell N. Swensen
Councilman James H. Southwick
Councilman Gerald B. Cheney
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson (Arrived at 8:00 P. M.)
Turnbow with the
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Attorney W. Joe Anderson
Engineer David E. Benton
Others present during the meeting were Karan Gust, Sonja Griffeth, Gloria Harris,
W. Harvey Olson (all residents of Sabin Drive), D. J. Wilson (Post-Register reporter),
A. Wm. Brunt Jr., Reese Brown, and G. Earl Brunt.
Prayer was offered by Councilman Cheney. Minutes of the meeting of Sept. 5, 1973,
were approved as typed.
W. Harvey Olson, representing the citizens of Sabin Drive, presented a prepared
statement requesting further consideration of dips or bumps on that street to help
eliminate speeding problems and danger to children's lives. He stated that the
problem is a physical one and requires a physical solution. Thanks was expressed to
the City for re-erecting the speed limit sign and increased patrolling in the area. Time
was given to Councilman Southwick to review the feelings of the volunteer Fire
Department personnel, indicating that they would refuse to drive emergency vehicles
on a street if speed control devices were installed. Councilman Swensen noted that
he had asked for additional patrolling immediately after the Sabin Drive delegation
attended the Council Meeting in July, and that the speed limit sign was not found for
a few days but is now up; also a stop sign has been installed at the south end of the
street and a traffic count check was made over the past fourteen days. Mr. Olson
reported that he had taken some readingS on the counter and found that it was not
working during the last few days, so the total reading would not be valid. As sur-
ance was given by Mayor Turnbow that the problem was not being ignored, but the
City had been advised by legal counsel not to put in speed bumps or dips; also
relief from the amount of traffic on Sabin Drive should be forthcoming next year
when it is expected that Midway Avenue will be opened up to be a thoroughfare from
17th Street to Sunnyside Road. It was decided to have a crosswalk painted near the
middle of the block on Sabin Drive and school crossing signs erected on either side
(Mrs. Griffeth indicated that the mothers would take turns directing the school
children to use the crosswalk). Also the property owners present are to contact
the others on the street to see what the feeling would be for establishing a Local
Improvement District to install sidewalks which would help keep the children off
the street. Mayor Turnbow acknowledged that the city's Traffic Safety Commission
is not active at this time since some terms have expired and reappointments have
not been made.
A. Wm. Brunt Jr. reviewed letters received by him recently regarding financing
problems for the Eastgate Mobilehome Village indicating that most of the problem
is the anticipated increase in water and sewer rates when the trailerpark is
required to use the sewer services of the City of Ammon thus making operation of
the business not financially rewarding. City officials pointed out that the Brunts
and the financing agency (FHA) knew that Ammon rates were higher than those of
Idaho Falls when the project was started several years ago, and that the payments
on the city's water and sewer project bonds was based on including the monthly
charges to the mobilhome re sidents. It was also noted that the City Council had
made an official policy in 1971 that all residents of the City would be charged a
uniform rate for water, etc. After considerabl,. more discussion, Engineer
Benton sUggested a check could be made into the possibility of giving some credit
which could lower the charge for sewer services since the sewer lines have already
been put in at the trailerpark at Brunts' expense so do not have to be included in
the forthcoming city project. A recommendation on this will be requested from the
Project Engineer, Larry Perkins. Dr. Brunt's sUggestion to have the mobilehome
area set up on a commercial basis for sewer service will also be investigated. In
response to a comment made by Mr. Reece Brown, Manager of the Eastgate Mobile-
home Village, that perhaps some consideration on rates should be given inasmuch
as the City does not maintain the waterline in the traile'rpark, Mayor Turn-
bow pointed out that verbal agreement was made some time ago to have the
main lines there under city maintenance as soon as the easements are turned
over to the City.
Mr. Earl Brunt presented a proposal to sell to the City the property now
known as Falcon Park and a strip of land on the east side and adjacent to Sand
Creek, indicating that he would be willing to negotiate on the suggested prices.
Councilman Southwick move.d that this matter of Sand Creek and Falcon parks
be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Swensen voting all in favor; motion carried. Attorney Anderson I
and/or Engineer Benton were. asked to check on a matter brought to the attention
of the Council by Mr. Brunt regarding whether or not the land now being used as
Targhee Street running east of Avocet Drive was ever dedicated to the City. This
property was originally platted as being reserved for a future street.
Attorney Anderson advised that there is nothing detrimental to the City in the
ordinance requested by Upper Valley Telecable or the petition presented by
Television Station KID in the last meeting. With regard to the ordinance it
was noted that the City would not be involved in its enforcement except to is sue
citations if violations are reported, that the state law on malicious mischief is
not sufficient to cover the telecable business, and that the City would collect on
fines if a City ordinance is in effect.
(See Excerpt of Minutes prepared by Attorney Anderson for first reading of
Ordinance No. 111- -mo ved by Councilman Swensen and seconded by Councilman
Cheney- -and adopting the resolution of accepting the KID petition- -moved by
Councilman Southwick and seconded by Councilman Swensen. )
Mayor Turnbow mentioned that it was in order to adopt a resolution calling for
a City election. Accordingly, Councilman Swensen presented the following:
It is hereby resolved that we call for a Gene ral City Election to be held on
November 6, 1973, and instruct the City Clerk to post and publish the notices
of such election. Seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting all in favor; resolu-
tion adopted.
Inasmuch as only one bid was received in response to the notice published on
Sept. 13, 16, and 18, 1973, for selling the 1966 Plymouth Fury police car,
Councilman Southwick moved that'the car be sold to Gordon Turnbow for
$105.00 as bid. Seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting all in favor; motion
Engineer Benton reported that the last word he had is that approval to proceed
on the EPA part of the sewer project has not yet been received from that agency.
He noted that the location of the fire hydrant on Ross Avenue has been .checked
and is back 3 to 5 feet on private property so should be moved out and raised
up also. The problem of the hole along the curb and gutter on the ,east side of
Ross Avenue is still being worked on by Engineer Benton along with making
arrangements for a turn-around on the south end of Ross Avenue. A sUggestion
to obtain easements to open RossAvenue from Peterson Park to Jennie Jean will
also be checked by the Engineer.
Discussions on where the sewer and water, project contractors can keep their
equipment, etc., and what to do with the excess gravel from the construction I
process and the top soil to be obtained from opening the alleyways in the
Original Townsite resulted in the following motions and recommendations: .
Councilman Swensen moved that the City work with the contractors on the
water and sewer project (Hartwell Excavating, Goodwin Construction Co., and
Andrew Well Drilling) to allow them to park trucks, equipment supplies,
and offices on the newly purchased presently undevel(:>ped property north
and west of McCowin Park during the life of said comtruction project. Se-
conded by Councilman Southwick; voting all in favor; motion carried. Council-
man Southwick moved that provisions be made for the dumping of fill dirt
(top soil) in the newly purchased presently undeveloped area north and west
of McCowin Park as sepcifically designated by the City Engineer. Seconded
by Councilman Swensen; voting all in. favor; motion carried. The gravel should
be used to build up the road beds where the alleyways are opened. Hartwells,
or other heavy equipment operators such as Waters and Ellingfords, should
be contacted for getting the top soil dug up and hauled to the designated area.
Mayor Turnbow reported that Engineer Benton is working with the Attorn.ey to
obtain permission (easements) from Bonneville County to put in the sewer line
where it will have to be installed in the right-of-way of existing county roads, and
recommended that a suggestion be made to the County to have Hartwells leave the
dirt there then crushed gravel could be put on it for a bicycle path.
A proposal on the Peterson Park Well #4 contract presented by letter from Richard
Adams, President, The Bank of Commerce, was read by Mayor Turnbow, quoting
a figure of $15, 106. 38, which includes intere st up to Sept. 11, 1973, with a per diem
rate of $1. 80 thereafter. After advantages and disadvantages of accepting this offer
were discussed, Councilman Southwick moved that the remaining loan on Well #4 be
paid off as soon as possible as per the proposal of the Bank of Commerce. Seconded
by Councilman Swensen; voting all in favor; motion carried.
Regarding the matter mentioned in,the last meeting of investigating the possibility
of opening a path or street through the Horace Smith property, Mayor Turnbow noted
that the Smiths are not willing to have such action taken unless it is done properly
with utility lines, curb and gutter, paving, etc., which they are not in a position to
do at this time. A letter will be written explaining this to Mel Richardson who
requested this investigation on behalf of himself and other residents of Brookfield Lane.
Mayor Turnbow read a letter from the Idaho Falls Public Library which expressed
thanks to the City of Ammon for extending free swimming passed in support of the
summer reading program.
The Council discussed problems relative to getting all of the city maintenance
work done, and it was indicated that perhaps another man is needed on the city
crew. Mayor Turnbow mentioned that he would like to recommend having one
of the city employees work at night during the winter to make and maintain ice
ponds, sand the streets, etc.
Councilman Swensen requested sUggestions for Traffic Safety Commission members
to fill vacancies left by expiration of terms and a member who has moved. He stated
that letters have been written to two of the members asking the consider reappoint-
With reference to law enforcement, Mayor Turnbow asked for comments on the
effectiveness of the present system of contracting with the Sheriff's Department.
Councilman Southwick mentioned that he has heard less complaints and there is
better response to protection needs on fire calls than there was with the former city
police department. Mayor Turnbow explained that, in anticipation of increased
costs for police protection next year, he had made an executive proposal to use
some of the Revenue Sharing funds for this purpose, which was reflected in the
report published in the newspaper as required by law.
According to Councilman Anderson, residents at the north end of Avocet Drive have
inquired about when the shrubs on the sign area there, which were dug up when the
telephone cable was put in several weeks ago, will be replaced. He indicated that
this would be taken care of next week, and Councilman Cheney is to check to see
that the job is satisfactory when completed.
Councilman Anderson moved that the meeting adjourn at 11:45 P. M. Claims were
approved for payment.
CLERK / /7-
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