Council Minutes 05/21/1973
The latest developments on the HUD grart funds for the sewer project as reported by
Mayor Turnbow indicate that HUD officials have a meeting scheduled with the Office of
Management and Budget, and results of this meeting appear to be favorable, according
to a telephone conversation today with Congressman Orval Hansen. The Ammon project
is one of five in the nation that meets the approval of OMB and HUD. In addition,
Engineer Benton reported that EPA expects to have money released for its projects
approximately May 15.
Councilman Swensen reported that the ditch cleaning wiU be completed and watering
schedules sent out this week. He mentioned a problem which is being encountered by
Lawrence Ricks in obtaining easement permission from owners of a new home being
built at the co:r:ner of Eagle Drive and Salmon Street to get in behind the property
to clean out a ditch. It was noted that big equipment is needed for this cleaning-out job,
and a city sump pump blocks off part of the present easement. From his first meeting as
Ammon's representative on the Bonneville Council of Governments, Councilman Swensen
was happy to report that letters and telephone calls have gone out from the BCOG:' in
support of the Ammon sewer project which have had an influence on the peQple in Washing-
Councilman Cheney noted that he is having difficulty getting leaders for the City Knothole
Baseball program--Volunteers a:r:e needed for chairman and cO,aches. Paint which is resist-
and to algae and fungus has been ordered for the swimming pool which is expected to last
for a period of five years, and the pool should be ready to use by June 1. Beverly Bowman is
to supervise the swimming lessons again this year, with Floyd Young as Pool Manager.
The landscaping project at McCowin Park is under way.
Mayor Turnbow requested that Councilman Swensen attend a special meeting on May 30
at 10: 30 A. M. in the County Commissioners Office.
At the request of the Mayor, a change in the meeting time was considered by the Council,
and Coundilman Southwick moved that the regular meetings be scheduled for the first and
third Wednesdays starting June 6, 1973, at 7: 30 P. M. Seconded by Councilman Swensen;
voting all in favor; motion carried.
I According to Mayor Turnbow, a proposal for the annexation of an addition to the Peterson
Park area has been presented to him. It was recommended that any action on this be
delayed until Engineer Benton can make a study on how much of the area should be set
aside for park and playground use, and until definite plans on the sewer project are known
and the developer has made satisfactory arrangements for storm drainage. It was also
mentioned that the developer should be reminded to have the area taken out of the Progres-
sive Irrigation District before going ahead. The Mayor called attention to the City having
planning jurisdiction for al one-mile area from the city, and urged the Council to take an
active interest in any proposed developments.
It was noted that the report from the Recodification Study Committee which originally was
scheduled for this meeting has been postponed until the May 21 meeting.
Councilman Swensen moved that the
/" CLERK 7
meeting adjourn at 10:45 P. M.
~.. ". -C cJ~
May 21, 1973
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order
following City Officials present:
Mayor Keith C. Tur.nbow
Councilman Russell N. Swensen
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson
Councilman Gerald B. Cheney
Councilman James H. Southwick
at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow with the
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Attorney Franklin Smith
Engineer David Benton
Others present during the meeting were Reuben Anderson, Cannon Anderson, Thomas J.
Wadswort-. and Etse1 Sommer.
Prayer was offered by Councilman Anderson. Minutes of April 23, 1973, and May
7, 1973, were approved as typed with on correction.
Mr. Reuben Ander-soh, who was granted a zoning variance considered an odd lot size
and location of property in the meeting of May 7, presented a new plan which would
request permission to place a sectional home on the North 100 feet of the East one-half
of Lot 6 Block 7 of the Original Townsite, and inqu ired about the possibilit of installing
a temporary waterline to serve this lot area. He was informed that a new Building
Permit appli cation would be required for this new p!t"nposal and the waterline would have
to be a permanent 6-inchline. Councilman Southwick suggested that a new plot plan
should be submitted with a Building Permit application for consideration at the Plan-
ningand Zoning Commission meeting on Wednesday, May 23_ Mr. Anderson had ob-I
tained the signatures of the adjacent property owners indicating no objection to his
original plan as required in the zoning varian ce motion of May 7. He was instructed
to now get signatures for his new proposal also.
Thomas J. Wadsworth, County Civil Defense Director, was present at the invitation
of the Mayor, He reviewed conditions that indicate need for continued preparedness
for Civil Defense, and services and facilities that are available at this time. Ammon's
needs were listed as an auxilliary generator and pump for emergency use and a
radiation detection kit. In answer to questions, Mr. Wadsworth assured the City
Officials that organization charts are being drawn up so that quick decision can be
made when civil defense or flood control emergencies arise, and the City will be
provided with a copy of the" Bonneville County Emergency Operations Plan'!. A
radiation detection kit will be -fur.nished for Ammon immediately.
Attorney Smith reported that Mr. Reed Moss of the Recodification Study Committee
had notified the attorney's office that he would be out of town so the committee would
not be able to make its presentation at this time. The committee members are to be
advised that it is absolutely imperative that a report be made at the next council
meeting on June 6.
Mter the Council had considered the matter, Councilman Swensen moved that the
City purchase the four volumes of Matthews Municipal Ordinances and three volumes I
of Municipal Legal Forms for the amount of $249.78 from Callaghan and Company, to
be left with the city's legal counsel, with said books to be property of the City of
Ammon. Seconded by Councilman Cheney; Voting all in favor; motion carried.
It was announced by Attorney Smith that a letter has been written to Mr. Brunt
regarding dumping at the Circle ilK" location. The feeling of the Council was that,
if there is no response to this letter, legal steps for enforcement should be taken.
Councilman Swensen was instructed to have the law enforcement people notified that
citations should be issued to anyone dwnping debris or trash which is burnable or
has an offensive odor.
According to Attorney Smith, the legal advisor of the City of Idaho Falls should have
a draft of the agreement to contract for building inspection services ready for review
this week. Also the contract for the,option to purchase property from Ross McCowin
has been signed, and the checks for property purchased this year have been sent to
Attorney Anderson to exchange for the deeds. The McCowins have indicated that they
will stand one -half of the cost for labor but none for materials to move the fence for
the property in question.
Mr. Etsel Sommer inquired about enforcement of the
dogs that run loose and bark exces sively in the night.
nighttime complaints to the Sheriff's Office.
Dog Leash Law, especially for
He was informed to direct his
In response to an inquiry placed through Councilman Anderson regarding garbage
collection at the Black Angus Drive-in, it was suggested that pick up could be ar-
ranged for twice a week (Thursdays and.Fr-idays) for a $6.00 a week charge as
presently being done for another business in that area. Also it was determined that
the City does not maintain the blacktop in the space between the places there.
Concern was expressed for the dangers to children due to the dilapidated condition of
two unoccupied homes north of 17th street. Attorney Anderson was instructed to
write to the property owners requesting immediate removal of the buildings and
elimi.I:tation oLother "attractive nuisance II conditions.
Engineer Benton commented on the problems being experienced in keeping the trees
and bushes standing up at the McCowin Park landscaping project and recommended
regular watering of the plantings (which is being done). He also suggested having
some graveJ hauled in to put along the west side of Midway Avenue in the McCowin
Park area where one side of the street has been paved recently by the developer. This
would be to help prevent accidents which might result due to the depth of the drop-off
from the pavement to the remaining roadbed.
Councilman Cheney reported on the progress of the Ammon Days plans and indicated
that the City Officials are to be in charge of the relay games.
Councilman SouthwicK requested that the new members of the city maintenance crew be
instructed to attend Fire Department training sessions and to respond to all daytime fire
calls. He asked also if it would be in order for the City to write tothe head cifice of the
only local service station to see if this might help to prevent the anticipated closing
down of this station. He felt such action would be appropriate since this business is the
only nearby place where the Fire Department vehicles can be serviced.
Suggestions for a replacement member on the Planning and Zoning Commission were
reque;sted by Mayor Turnbow.
According to Councilman Swensen, Maintenanc.e Supervisor LaVern Williams has been
released from the hospital, and a small gift of remembrance from the City will be
presented to him shortly. Mr. Swensen noted that the water is in the ditches and the
watering schedules have been distributed. It was indicated that suggestions made by
Councilman Swensen so that the city tractor and street sweeper can be parked off the
street will be followed.
Councilman Southwick moved that the
approved f:or payment.
meeting be adjourned at 11:10 P. M. Claims were
June 6, 1973
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P. M. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow with the
following City Officials present:
Mayor Keith C. Turnbow Attorney Franklin Smith
Councilman Gerald B. Cheney
Councilman James H. Southwick
Councilman Russell No. Swensen
Arrived at 8:18 P. M. -Councilman Marvin J. Anderson
Excused - Clerk Deon Hemingway (out of town)
Others present during the meeting were Harmon Groesbeck, George Wehmann, Harold
G. Loveland, Reuben Anderson, Garth L. Cunningham,!
Prayer was offered by Councilman Cheney. The minutes of the regular meeting of May
21, 1973, were approved as typed.
Mayor Turnbow asked Mr. Reuben Anderson to present his proposed change of building
site on Romrell Lane. Mr. Anderson informed the Council that he had asked Mr. Dorian
Crow and Mr. Harold Loveland to present information in regards to the proposed change
or building location. A discussion was held on the above problem. The minutes of May
7, 1973 and the minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission of May 23, 1973, were
referred to for clarification of previous discussions on this situation. Councilman
Southwick explained the reasoning in regards to the previous variance. Mr. Anderson
was advised that, upon his providing the City of Ammon with a certified copy of the
proposed sectional home meeting the Uniform Building Code of. the State of Idaho and
other present applicable zoning laws of the City of Ammon, a building permit likely will
be issued.