Council Minutes 05/07/1973
restrictions would be beneficial to the community. In view of the apparent concern of the
residents, a Citizens Committee, consisting of George WehmanJ(Chairman),# Reed Moss,
and Harmon Groesbeck, was appointed to study the proposed code and report with recom-
mendations at the next meeting on May 7, 1973.
The regular portion of the City Council Meeting convened at 10:25 P. M. Prayer was offered
by Councilman Cheney, and the minutes of the Special Meeting of April 29, 1973, were
approved as typed.
Bill Coles of the Health Department inquired of the status of the sewer project and express-
ed concern due to the extreme need for the system and the necessity of the Ammon project
being completed to enable getting a sewer in other surrounding areas. He was advised that
the project is at a standstill at this time due to the HUD grant funds being frozen. At the
suggestion of the Mayor, Mr. Coles agreed to write to the appropriate Washington offices
to express the support of the Health Department for this project.
Harold Loveland requested clarification of the city's position ~or completing the curb and
gutter installation on Ross Avenue north of Sunnyside Road, and was advised that none was
to gO in until the City approves a storm drainage plan for the street. It was determined
that two French drains are now in existence there. Councilman Swensen moved that the
City Council authorize Mr. Loveland to install 164 feet of curb and gutter on the east side
of Ross Avenue which is now deleted, and that the City Engineer give him the prQper grade.
Seconded by Councilman Cheney,; voting all in favor; motion carried. Further discussion
indicated that installation of curb and gutter on the west side of Ross Ave. in that area
should be delayed until the sewer line can be put in with August being suggested as a date
when definite plans should be known. Mr. Loveland was to report at the next meeting if the
FHA would approve of such a delay under the loan conditions for homes built there.
Engineer Benton suggested that the city needs a policy to present to subdivision developers
regarding storm drainage, with a recommendation to come from the Planning and Zoning
Referring to the minutes of December 4, 1972, regarding a request by Sam Jense!l for
{;ity water service, it was reported that Mr. Jensen has be'31in contact with City Officials
and indicated that he will make a decision in the near future about meeting the city's
requirements as specified in a letter to him fOr digging his own well.
It was mentioned that it has not yet been determined if the trailerhome at 3445 Owen St.
is located in the alley right-of-way.
Attorney Anderson reported that Neahl Johnson has signed a deed to the city for the property
adjacent to the Jennie Jean Well, so a claim can be signed and payment made; also a lease
option agreement is being drawn up for the purchase of the McCowin property. A request
was made of Attorney Anderson to write to Brunt Real Estate regarding dumping in the pit
behind the Circle K Store on 17th St. (the property is owned jointly by Brunts and Ivan
Two Building Permit Applications (one from Radiant Homes and one from Merle Smith) on
which tha Planning and Zoning Commission had recommended denial, due to not meeting
the set-back requirements for sideyards bordering on streets, were considered by the
Council and decision made to uphold the denial recommendation.
A meeting was scheduled for 2:00 P. M. on April 29 to consider the appointment of a new
Councilman necessitated by the recent resignation of Lynn C. Richardson.
,I The meeting
Claims were approved for payment.
May 7, 1973
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Cou~cil:
The meeting was called to order at 7: 35 P. M. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow with the
following City Officials present:
Mayor Keith C. Turnbow James H. Southwick
Councilman Rus sell N. Swensen Clerk Deon Hemingway
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Engineer David Benton
Councilman Gerald B. Cheney Attorney W. Joe Anderson (arrived 8:05 P. M.)
Others present during the meeting were Cannon Anderson, Reuben Anderson, Brett
Manwaring. Prayer was offered by Councilman Swensen. Minutes of the Special Meeting
of April 29, 1973, were approved as typed.
Mayor Turnbow expressed pleasure in having James Southwick accept the position of
Councilman to replace Lynn Richardson, and Mr. Southwick was sworn in by the City
Mayor Turnbow reviewed a letter presented by Mr. Reuben Anderson stating facts to
consider with regard tb his request to be allowed to place a pre-built sectional home
on a lot in the original townsite. Mr. Brett Manwaring offered information on the
construction of the home. A plot plan and specification brochure was left with the
Council. A lengthy discussion followed concerning whether the home would meet the
requirements of the Uniform Building Code, taxability of such a home, location and
size of the lot, etc., as factors which would influence making a decision. Councilman
Southwick moved that a variance be issued to Reuben E. Anderson to allow him to place
a pre-built sectional home upon the East 60 feet of Lots 5 and 6, Block 7, in the Origi-
nal Townsite of the 'City of Ammon, and that he dedicate the East 5 feet of said Lots 5
and 6 of Block 7 to the City of Ammon as a sidewalk and utility easement, and further
that he be required to obtain approval signatures of the adjacent property owners, and
that said pre-sectional home will be placed upon a' permanent foundation. Seconded
by Councilman Swensen; voting all in favor; motion carried.
Attorney Anderson reported that permission has been given to Sam Jensen to gO ahead
with the construction of a s,x-inch waterline extension from Marlene Street to his new
home immediately west of Jennie Jean Acres at his expense with the waterline to be
granted to the city water system. Mr. Jensen has agreed to sign a deed for a street
right-of-way through his property for which a legal description has been given to
Attorney Anderson, and the street easement deed is to be drawn up and signed tomorr-
According to Attorney Anderson, deeds from the McCowins have been drawn up by
their attorney and will be exchanged for checks. Councilman Swensen moved that the
City Clerk be authorized to issue a check in the amount of $4,400 for the final payment
on the McCowin property directly west of the present M cC owin City Park as described
in the option dated June 1, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting all in favor;
motion carried. Councilman Swensen moved that the City of Ammon purchase 2-1/2
acres of present mcCowin property which lies at the northwest corner of the intersec-
tion of Southwick Lane and Midway Drive for $6,250 ($2, 500 per acre) and that a check
be issued in this amount and that the deeds and necessary title be recordeli in the name
of the City of Ammon. Seconded by Councilman Southwick; voting all in favor; motion
carried. A lease option agreement for the purchase cf. additional property in the same
area over the next two years with immediate possession requested is to be prepared for
signature. It was recommended that the City pay one-half of the expense of moving the
fence to make the property usuable to the City. Mayor Turnbow mentioned that match-
ing funds from the Bureau of Outdoor Recraation will not be available for this land-pur-
chase project so payment will probably come from Revenue Sharing money.
Engineer Benton reported receiving an inquiry from the As sistanC County Engineer
about whether the City of Ammon would participate in the cost of putting a 36-inch I
irrigation-water pipe under 17th Street at the northwest corner of the city in the
Eastgate area, with an amount of 30% or approximately $800 suggested. The feeling
of the Council was to approve this action. It was mentioned that the digging that is
now being done on 17th Street within the City Limits is for telephone cable.
Mayor Turnbow Eminded the Councilmen to get their reservations in for the Associa-
tion of Idaho Cities Convention on June 14, 15, and 16, at Lewiston. The Mayor announc-
ed that Dell Denning has been enga~d on a part-time basis to help with the maintenance
work while Supervisor LaVern Williams is hospitalized and recuperating from a heart
attack. It was suggested that a special remembrance, such as a book, be presented to
Mr. Williams from the City. Councilman Swensen was assigned to take care of this.
The latest developments on the HUD grart funds for the sewer project as reported by
Mayor Turnbow indicate that HUD officials have a meeting scheduled with the Office of
Management and Budget, and results of this meeting appear to be favorable, according
to a telephone conversation today with Congressman Orval Hansen. The Ammon project
is one of five in the nation that meets the approval of OMB and HUD. In addition,
Engineer Benton reported that EPA expects to have money releasedfor its projects
approximately May 15.
Councilman Swensen reported that the ditch cleaning will be completed and watering
schedules sent out this week. He mentioned a problem which is being encountered by
Lawrence Ricks in obtaining easement permission from owners of a new home being
built at the northwe,St corner of Eagle Drive and Salmon Street to get in behind the property
to clean out a ditch. It was noted that big equipment is needed for this cleaning-out job,
and a city sump pump blocks off part of the present easement. From his first meeting as
Ammon's representative on the Bonneville Council of Governments, Councilman Swensen
was happy to report that letters and telephone calls have gone out from the BCOG:' in
support of the Ammon sewer project which have had an influence on the peQple in Washing-
Councilman Cheney noted that he is having difficulty getting leaders for the City Knothole
Baseball program--Volunteers aJ:e needed for chairman and co.aches. Paint which is resist-
and to algae and fungus has been ordered for the swimming pool which is expected to last
for a period of five years, and the pool should be ready to use by June 1. Beverly Bowman is
to supervise the swimming lessons again this year, with Floyd Young as Pool Manager.
The landscaping project at McCowin Park is under way.
Mayor Turnbow requested that Councilman Swensen attend a special meeting on May 30
at 10: 30 A. M. in the County Commissioners Office.
At the request of the Mayor, a change in the meeting time was considered by the Council,
and Coundilman Southwick moved that the regular meetings be scheduled for the first and
third Wednesdays starting June 6, 1973, at 7:30 P. M. Seconded by Councilman Swensen;
voting all in favor; motion carried.
I According to Mayor Turnbow, a proposal for the annexation of an addition to the Peterson
Park area has been presented to him. It was recommended that any action on this be
delayed until Engineer Benton can make a study on how much of the area should be set
aside for park and playground use, and until definite plans on the sewer project are known
and the developer has made satisfactory arrangements for storm drainage. It was also
mentioned that the developer should be reminded to have the area taken out of the Progres-
sive Irrigation District before going ahead. The Mayor called attention to the City having
planning jurisdiction for al one-mile area from the city, and urged the Council to take an
active interest in any proposed developments.
It was noted that the report from the Recodification Study Committee which originally was
scheduled for this meeting has been postponed until the May 21 meeting.
Councilman Swensen moved that the
/' CLERK 7
meeting adjourn at 10:45 P. M.
- v;)dl --C cJ WvvtfJ?i7Al
~ ~~~ MAYOR
May 21, 1973
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order
following City Officials present:
Mayor Keith C. TUl'nbow
Councilman Russell N. Swensen
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson
Councilman Gerald B. Cheney
Councilman James H. Southwick
at 7: 35 P. M. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow with the
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Attorney Franklin Smith
Engineer David Benton
Others present during the meeting were Reuben Anderson, Cannon Anderson, Thomas J.
Wadswo~ and Etsel Sommer.