Council Minutes 02/19/1973
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February 19, 1973
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order
following City Officials present:
Mayor Keith C. Turnbow
Councilman Russell N. Swensen
Councilman Lynn C. Richardson
Councilman Gerald B. Cheney
at 7: 35 P. M. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow with the
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Attorney Franklin Smith
Engineer David Benton
Planning Comm. Chairman Jim Southwick
Auditors Harvey Crandall & LaMar John
Prayer was offered by Councilman Richardson. Minutes of the meeting of Feb. 5,
1973, were approved as typed and read by all officials.
Mayor Turnbow mentioned that Mrs. Beth Lords, Chairman of Ammon Days for 1973
has suggested having a rodeo. Discussion by the Council indicated the feeling that a
rodeo would not be supported due to the number of activities of this nature that are
already scheduled in the surrounding area, and that the Ammon Days celebration should
be kept in the City Limits. Also it was mentioned by Councilman Richardson that per-
haps in the future the City should not sponsor Ammon Days but rather work with and
support any of the community service organizations or citizen committees that would
like to sponsor the celebration.
After a review of the 1972 Audit, copies of which had been previously supplied to all
city officials, Councilman Richardson moved that the Council accept the audit report
for the City of Ammon for 1972 as presented by Mr. Harvey Crandall and Mr. LaMar
John of the firm of Crandall and Hinckley, CRA's , and that Mr. Crandall and Mr. John
be commended for ltheir fine presentation and audit. Seconded by Councilman Cheney;
voting all in favor; motion carried. Mr. Crandall presented a renewal contract and
indicated that last year's fee of $550 had proved to be a fair figure in view of time
spent, etc. Councilman Richardson moved that the City renew the contract with
Crandall and Hinckley for the year of 1973 at the same figure as the previous year. I
Seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting all in favor; motion carried. A copy of the
audit and the renewal contract will be sent to the State Auditor by Mr. Crandall.
Jim Southwick reviewed some recommended minor changes in the projJosed zoning
and reported that the zoning ordinance is all typed except for a chapter on trailer
courts which is being patterned after Bonneville County's ordinance. Councilman
Richardson moved that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ammon Planning
and Zoning Commission for the proposed zoning ordinance and proposed zoning map,
and that: the procedure be set up for the adoption of said ordinance and map. Seconded
by Councilman Cheney; voting all in favor; motion carried. Councilman Swensen
moved that the Council accept the following resolution; Be it resolved that the Ammon
City Council and Mayor gO on record as commending the Ammon Planning and Zoning
Commission for their efforts over the past two years and an outstanding job in their
proposed zoning for the City of Ammon. Seconded by Councilman Richardson;
voting all in favor; motion carried.
Councilman Richardson reported that the typing of the recodification of the City
Ordinances is complete enough to start proceedings for enacting into law. Council-
man Richardson moved that the Council authorize the attorney to proceed in the
drafting of a recodification ordinance including all proposed ordinances and the
proposed zoning map for the City of Ammon, to be acted upon at a special meeting
on February 26 with a public hearing to be held at 8:00 P. M. on March 5, 1973, and I
a notice sent out with the monthly newsletter to this effect. Seconded by Council-
man Swensen; voting all in favor; motion carried.
The Annual Street Fund Revenue and Expenditure Report was certified by the Council
as having been submitted to the state and county auditors on Feb. 12, 1973, and pub-
lished on Feb. 18, 1973, in motion made by Councilman Cheney and seconded by
Councilman Swensen with voting all in favor.
After Engineer Benton presented land use sketches for property the City anticipates
purchasing for an addition to McCowin Park, Councilman Swensen moved that the
City acquire 8.25 acres north of the present McCowin Park from Mr. Reno Barbison
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for future park and city development, and that cash be paid for the east 2. 5 acres
this year and an appraisal be made for applying for federal help on the balance of
the property. Seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting all in favor; motion carried.
An agreement for this transaction is to be drawn up by the City Attorney, and
September, 1974, was suggested as the earliest date that a payment could be made on
the part of the property for which the City would receive matching funds from the
Bureau of Outdoor Recreation if the application is aprlroved.
Te sting of the water from Well No. 5 as suggested in the meeting of February 5 has
been going on since that time with no unusual taste evident yet, according to Engineer
Be nton.
Councilman Cheney reported that plans are underway to have trees and shrubbery
donated for moving to the }larks. Flyers regarding this will be sent out through the
schools as well as with the monthly bills.
Councilman Swensen noted that the Animal Control Officer has resigned. The Council
members indicated that there would be no objection to having city employee, James
Nichols, fill this position by working hours other than:. his regular working day.
Councilman Richardson moved that the Chairman of the Ammon Planning and Zoning
Commission, presently Jim Southwick, be appointed as the City of Ammon1s re-
presentat-ive on the Regional Planning Commission of the Bonneville Council of
Governments. Seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting all in favor; motion carried.
According to Mayor Turnbow, recent enforcement of the present ordinance regarding
parking on the streets has brought complaints since there is no provision for temporary
parking for visitors. Councilman Swensen proposed to refer the matter to the Traffic
Safety Commission for recommendation.
Councilman Richardson moved to adjourn at 10:45 P. M. Claims were approved for
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February 26, 1973
Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
Mayor Keith C. Turnbow called the meeting to order at 7: 35 P. M. with the following
Ci ty Officials present:
Mayor Keith C. Turnbow
Councilman Lynn C. Richardson
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson
Councilman Gerald B. Cheney
Councilman Rus sell N. Swensen
James Southwick, Chairman Planning Comm.
Engineer David Benton arrived at 8: 30 P. M.
Invocation by Councilman Gerald B. Cheney.
Councilman Cheney moved that the Public Hearing for the proposed Recodification
and propofiled Planning and Zoning Map be rescheduled for March 22, 1973, at
8 :00 P. M. in the Ammon Jr. High School Auditorium. Seconded by Councilman
Richardson; voting all in favor; motion carried.
A lengthy discussion and review of Title VI was held by the Mayor and Council.
Councilman Swensen moved that we accept Title VI-Police Regulations-of the pro-
posed recidification ordinances as typed. Seconded by Councilman Richardson;
voting all in favor; motion carried.
Title X was also reviewed and discussed at length, after which Councilman Swensen
moved that Title X--Traffic--of the proposed recodification ordinances be accepted
as typed; seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting Richardson yes; Swensen yes;
Cheney yes; Anderson no; motion carried.
After a lengthy dis cussion and review of Title XII by the Mayor and Council,
Councilman .Richardson moved that Title XII--Heatirtg and Cooling--which is identical
to that of the City of Idaho Falls, of the proposed recodification ordinances be accepted.
Seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting all in favor; motion carried.