Council Minutes 12/04/1972 I ~ o CJ"J >--l CQ CO I I After considerable discussion concerning the police department situation, Council- man Swensen moved that the City of Ammon contract with the Bonneville County Sheriff1s Department for law enforcement services for the calendar year 1973. The motion was seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Details will be worked out to decide which proposal submitted by the Sheriff will be accepted and use of the radio and radar equipment. Mayor Turnbow recommended that the police-car lights be put on the animal-control car for use by the Fire De- partment and that the low-band radio be retained for this purpose also. Councilman Swensen reported that he will have the recodification of the Police Ordinance completed this week and ready for typing. He also mentioned the need to have the holes filled at the school bus loading area on Rawson, and Mayor Turnbow said that he had contacted Intermountain Gas Co. who are responsible for having this work done. On the recommendation of Councilman Richardson, with legal counsel indicating no problem involved, a copy of the minutes are to be sent to each City Official along with the agenda for the next meeting, so advance preparation can be made for making corrections or comments. Councilman Anderson reported that comments have been received about making one- way streets in the Hillview area, and it was noted that a proposal of this nature should be taken to the Traffic Commission before any action can be considered. Approval was given to Councilman Anderson to have two large pine trees which have been donated to the City moved at city expense to McCowin Park. A problem presented by Council- man Anderson concerning expense responsibility for moving l2-inch waterline pipe from Jennie Jean Acres to Rawson Street last Bummer will be taken under advisement. Enforcement of the ordinance regarding parking in the streets was discussed, with special mention being made of a torn-down pickup at Dove and Salmon, and with no specific action being suggested. Councilman Cheney recommended that karate lessons not be included in the City- sponsored recreation program due to a problem of insurance coverage. He also ex- plained why the batting equipment which was ordered from Mel Richardson for the Knothole Ball Program has never been used, and indicated that he would determine if it could be exchanged for some o~her equipment. A motion by Councilman Swensen adjourned the meeting at 11:20 P.M. Claims in the amount of $2, 319.89 were approved for payment. c~d -G nk~rKA.'- Mayor ~:J/~ Clerk CITY OF AMMON December 4, 1972 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order following City Officials present: Mayor Keith C. Turnbow Councilman Russell N. Swensen Councilman Lynn C. Richardson Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Councilman Gerald B. Cheney at 7 :40 P. M. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow with the Clerk Deon Hemingway Attorney W. Joe Anderson Engineer David E. Benton Prayer was offered by Councilman Ander$on. Minutes of the meeting of Nov. 20, 1972, were read and approved. Engineer Benton explained the situation regarding a water hookup for Sam Jensen at the end of Marlene Street as requested in a previous meeting. After considerable discussion by the council of the problems involved for future planning, Councilman Richardson moved that approval be granted Sam Jensen to hook onto city water service upon his granting an easement to the public for the extension of Marlene St. westerly through his property with satisfactory proof thereof having been submitted to the Mayor, and installing the waterline to the standards of the City with plans to be approved and inspected by theCity Engineer. The motion was seconded by Council- man Swensen; voting all in favor; motion carried. ..... ,j ~' After Attorney Anderson had read Sewer Bond Ordinance #108 by title only, Council- man Swensen moved that the second reading of Bond Ordinance #108 by title be accepted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Attorney Anderson mentioned that he has drawn up a tentative mutual agreement con- tract for law enforcement which needs to be checked over with the councilmen assign- ed to police business before being presented to the Bonneville County Sheriff. He also reques1;.~d that a date be set for the public hearing on the joint agreement between Idaho Falls~na Ammon for use of the Idaho Falls sewage collection system and treat- ment plant. Councilman Swensen moved that the date of January 8 be set as the first meeting of theCity Council in the calendar year of 1973, and that such meeting be de signated for the hearing on the joint sewer agreement between Ammon and the I . City of Idaho Falls. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Since checking into the situation by Engineer Benton had not determined who was re- sponsible for ordering the l2-inch waterline .Jipe which was delivered to Marlene St. then moved and installed on Rawson Street several months ago, it was decided, with advice by Attorney Anderson, that the arrangement which was carried out for paying "the moving charges of having the Jennie Jean developers pay half and the City pay half was the most satisfactory solution, and no further action is necessary in this matter. It was noted that, since there has been a delay in getting overlay information to Engineer Benton, the zoning map requested by the Planning and Zoning Commission is not ready but should be completed in the next three weeks. On the recommendation of Mayor Turnbow, the bid on a tractor-loader was awarded to Snake River Equipment on the low bid of $4, 97 3.74, with delivery expected in three weeks and a used loader to be furnished for use until that time. The Mayor re- ported that the new pickup has been received and the dump truck should be ready for deli very shortly. He also mentioned that he had received a letter from the State Parks Board that the application he had made before the review committee for paving at McCowin Park had been approved and would now go to the Bureau of Outdoor Re- creation officials for consideration. I Council members agreed to have Ammon continue as a member of the Bonneville Council of Governments (BCOG) and to contribute to the budget of that organization which Councilman Richardson reported is being drawn up and should be approximately the same as last year. Councilman Anderson reported that the trees mentioned in the last meeting have been planted in McCowin Park with the moving charge being $50 each, and pruning will be done in the spring at no additional cost. The clerk was instructed to write a letter of appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. Dorwin Pierson who donated the trees to the City. A suggestion was made that other trees might be obtained for the parks by donation (subject to city approval) if the citizens are notified that the City would pay for moving them. Possible uses for the Revenue Sharing funds which are expected to be received from the Federal Government over the next five years, such as a new fire truck or fire station, an equipment storage building, police services, etc., were discussed in anticipation of receiving the first check and preparing next year's budget. Since the winter weather is here, it was suggested that deputies in charge of law I enforcement in Ammon be made aware of the City Ordinance which prohibits use of vehicles, including snowmobiles, in city parks, etc. Councilman Swensen moved to adjourn the meeting at 11: 20 P. M. amount of $8, 514.29 were approved for payment. ~Et10 Mayor Claims in the ~.~ · Cle~k 0,"-7./Yl ,f!t-tr-u..I~ I l