06.14.2023 Traffic Commission MinutesMinutes Traffic Commission Wednesday, June 14, 2023 Call to Order: Micah Austin, City Administrator at 9:01 a.m. In Attendance: Micah Austin, Cindy Donovan, Tracy Bono, Clarissa Mueller, Sgt. Kyle Fielding Minutes: May 10, 2023-Approved Citizens’ Requests: Citizen wants a digital speed sign on Judy Street-One is there and in a good spot. They are working. Tree is blocking the 25-mph sign coming in to Stonehaven- Have Clarissa call them. Kaley Lindsay HOA President in Bridgewater wants more safety signage-Speeding is an issue. The Bonneville County trailer will be put up. She will be notified of results. Action Item on next agenda. Street Division Updates: 45th East (Crowley Road) open by Friday, June 16. The plan next week is to close Ammon Road. It will be closed a couple of weeks to finish the work. Crews are street sweeping then doing potholes. Time will be split between patching and signs after that. Action Items: Put up no parking signs and bike lane signage on Judy Street-Motion to put up no parking signs on Judy from Taylorview Ln west to Hitt Rd. Motion Passed Eagle Dr. Traffic Issues-City of Ammon has worked on this particular issue for over 2 years. Several traffic studies were done by the City and one from Horrock’s both when school was in session and when it was not. Only 23% of the several thousand cars per day is generated from the neighborhood. One-way streets and reconfiguring the streets were evaluated and are not a viable solution. Horrock’s recommendation was to close the bridge to preserve the integrity of the neighborhood. We sent out 357 letters to those affected and there was also a Google survey. Some wanted the bridge closed for safety reasons. About the same amount want it open for convenience. Bill Chiles,1825 Eagle Dr.-Approves of closing the bridge due to the safety of little kids. Kenneth Lembrich, 2640 Salmon St-Closing bridge would be inconvenient and cause too much traffic. Daniel Reeder,1980 Curlew Dr– Closing bridge will congest Curlew Dr and Western Ave and is a huge inconvenience. Patricia Fielding, 1935 Bittern Dr- She likes the convenience of the bridge and they have a right to use it. Let us try some other things. Shannon Jenkins, 2080 Eagle Dr-There is too much traffic. Close bridge for safety of the children. Gene Handy, 2275 Dove Dr -Likes the bridge for convenience. Would like more 3-4 way stops and speed dips. Aaron Deaton, 2040 Eagle Dr-Close the bridge it is dangerous and has too much traffic Greg Monik, 1900 Eagle Dr-Dangerous with too much traffic and it is also a speed-way as it is now. Craig Adamson, 1995 Eagle Dr-Keep bridge open for the sake of our community. People will be mad if closed. Terrill Hansen,1885 Eagle Dr.- It is too dangerous backing up. Speeding even after the big dip. Wants something done. There is lack of infrastructure, speeding and too dangerous to back out. Phyllis Ker, 1810 Dove Dr-Keep it open but displeased with overall state of the roads in the area and they shouldn’t be penalized. Infrastructure then growth instead of everything going to new developments. Leslie Folsom, 2750 Sawtooth St-Bridge was originally there for safety. She wants it open and try other options. Install a gate. Kerry Merrill, 2725 Sawtooth St- Likes a temporary closure. Do an assessment and then figure it out. Stop truck traffic. GPS directs them and wants GPS data changed. (Didn’t state name or address) Make Eagle Drive a one way. QUESTIONS: Where will traffic go? Engineer’s assumption is it will stay on arterials. What does temporary mean? 4 weeks. The study will start as soon as the bridge is closed then reevaluated and redo the traffic study. How are you going to close it? Concrete barriers across the bridge. Have residents have a code to let a gate up so they can access? Will definitely look into that. One-way streets? Trash collection isn’t viable. One-way streets will just put traffic somewhere else. Make bridge an Exit? Possibility Enforcement? That doesn’t help with traffic volumes Ulterior motives by the city? No. When will we find out if it will be closed? No date planned as of yet. Fireman and Police? They don’t use the bridge. Motion to table to next Traffic Commission meeting and explore the gate option as well as other options. Motion Passed Discussion Items: Misc. Eagle Drive Bridge- Citizens are pretty much split. Those for the closure are for safety reasons and those opposed to the closure are due to their convenience. The Mayor wants to take another look at signage and make it more applicable. Everyone very interested in the gate idea. Tracy will do some research so we can look at this seriously. Action item on next agenda. Adjourned: 10:41 a.m. ________________________________________Micah Austin, City Administrator ________________________________________Lorraine Bradley, Admin. Assist.